101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

This character sheet is for all the animals who appear in multiple media in the 101 Dalmatians franchise.

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101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"My story begins in London, not so very long ago. And yet so much has happened since then, that it seems more like an eternity."

Voiced by: Rod Taylor (101 Dalmatians), Kevin Schon (101 Dalmatians TV series), Samuel West (Patch's London Adventure 2003 sequel), Michael Bell (House of Mouse)

Dubbed in European French by: Roger Carel (original film), Bruno Choël (sequel)

Dubbed in Swedish by: Hans Lindgren (original film, 1961 dub), Anders Öjebo (original film, 1995 redub, Patch's London Adventure)

Pongo is the protagonist in 101 Dalmatians. He is the husband of Perdita and father of 15 puppies and adopted father of 84 more puppies.

  • Action Dad: In the movie, when he and Perdita fight Jasper and Horace.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Roger affectionately refers to Pongo as "Pongo, ol' boy".
  • Badass Adorable: He's a cute dalmatian and takes on Jasper and Horace, as well as use his clever thinking to throw Cruella off his family's trail.
  • Battle Couple: With his wife, Perdita, when they tag team against Horace and Jasper.
  • Beta Couple: He and Perdita to Roger and Anita... Or vice versa.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Pongo is as charming and adorable as animated dogs can be. As long as you don't mess with his children.
  • Character Narrator: Pongo is the Narrator of the story up to the point his children are born.
  • Death Glare: Gives a nasty one to Cruella when she tries to buy his puppies.
  • Demoted to Extra: In the sequel due to Patch becoming the main protagonist, as well as in TV series since three of his children become the protagonists.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Judging by how Perdy runs away to hide when Cruella arrives in their home, Pongo immediately dislikes her and growls at her when she corners him.
  • Face Palm: Pongo gives himself one when his "pet" checks Perdy's gender (combined with "I Can't Look!" Gesture).
  • Foil: Pongo is the fun-loving, laid-back parenting in contrast to Perdita's stern, elegant parenting.
  • Happily Married: With Perdita.
  • Henpecked Husband: In the episode, "Splishing and Splashing".
  • Inner Monologue: Does this in the beginning when talking about getting Roger a spouse.
  • The Matchmaker: To Roger and Anita.
  • Meaningful Name: In Spanish, "Pongo" can be translated as "I place" or "I set". Pongo drags Roger to the park, setting up a date and eventual marriage with Roger and Anita, while finding his life companion in Perdita.
  • Nice Guy: Pongo is heroic, happy, nice, sweet, fun-loving, loving, brave, protective, loyal, and carefree.
  • Papa Wolf: Pongo teams up with Perdy to lay the hurting on the two thugs about to kill not only their puppies but all 99 puppies. Their treatment of the bad guys is SCARY. You do not mess with puppies and let their parents find out.
  • Shipper with an Agenda: Although he actively works as a matchmaker for Roger and Anita, he doesn't specifically ship them, he just wants Roger to end up with somebody. Alternately, he only shipped them so he could ship himself with Perdita.
  • The Smart Guy: Throughout the adventure, different sides of Pongo's personality were showcased. He was shown to be intelligent, tactical, and stealthy. With his wits, he was able to outsmart the cunning Cruella, and her bumbling henchman, almost flawlessly. And with these assets, Pongo and his family were able to return home safely.


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"Come on, Lucky. Down, dear."

Voiced by: Cate Bauer (101 Dalmatians), Pam Dawber (101 Dalmatians TV series), Mary Kay Bergman (Disney's Animated Storybook), Kath Soucie (currently);

Dubbed in European French by: Sophie Leclair (original film), Magali Barney (sequel);

Dubbed in Swedish by: Birgitta Alm (original film, 1961 dub), Jasmine Wigartz (original film, 1995 redub, Patch's London Adventure);

Perdita is the deuteragonist of 101 Dalmatians. She is the pet of Anita, wife of Pongo, and the mother of fifteen Dalmatian puppies as well as adoptive mother of other eighty-four puppies.

  • Action Mom: In the movie, she and Pongo fight Jasper and Horace.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: Perdita is smarter compared to Pongo's ditzy wife in the book version, Missis.
  • Adaptation Name Change: In the book version, her name was "Missis"; it's changed to "Perdita" in the Disney franchise.
  • Badass Adorable: She may be a cute dog, but Perdita is a fierce warrior, and will jump into battle in the situation calls for it.
  • Battle Couple: With her husband, Pongo, when they tag team against Horace and Jasper.
  • Beta Couple: She and Pongo to their humans. ...Or vice versa.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Perdita is as charming and adorable as animated dogs can be. As long as you don't mess with her children.
  • Brainless Beauty: Missis in the books can't count and is unable to tell right from left.
  • Composite Character: Missis was Pongo's wife in the books. Perdita was another dog to nurse the puppies. The movies and TV series made them one character (Perdita).
  • Demoted to Extra: In the sequel and in the TV series.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Downplayed. Perdy is very much terrified of Cruella and immediately goes to hide when she sees her car in the window, hinting that she has met her before and didn't like the experience.
  • Foil: Perdita is very well mannered, elegant and radiant; a complete foil to Pongo's carefree nature. She is also rather stern, and appears to be a tad more prominent when it comes to disciplining her children, as well as the rascally Pongo.
  • Happily Married: With Pongo.
  • Mama Bear: Perdita is perhaps the only female character in the old school Disney Animated Canon who truly enters combat and that's when her puppies are threatened.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Perdita's name means "loss" in Italian (in the Italian dub her name is changed into "Peggy" due to the negative meaning of the word "perdita"). It also means the feminine form of "perditus," meaning "lost" or "destroyed" in Latin. While her name has nothing to do with her, it does relate to her and Pongo's puppies going missing.
    • In the original novel, Perdita was a stray — a lost dog — before being brought home to help nurse the puppies, making her name make much more sense.
  • Nice Girl: Perdita is motherly, gentle, loving, caring, honest, kind, thoughtful, and generous.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Her full name is used only twice in the entire film; she is called "Perdy" all other times.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Compared to the humans they're fighting.
  • True Blue Femininity: Wears a blue collar, as do her daughters.


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"She's [Cruella] watching us, Dad."

Voiced by: Mimi Gibson (101 Dalmatians), Ben Tibber (Patch's London Adventure 2003 sequel), Pamela Adlon & Dei Mae West (101 Dalmatians TV series, latter in certain episodes), Zachary Balago (Disney's TH!NK Fast)

Lucky is one of Pongo and Perdita's fifteen puppies. He is the puppy who nearly dies soon after his birth in both the animated and live-action films, but was revived through the efforts of Roger Radcliffe. Afterward, he was one of the weakest puppies, and was a rival to the more active Patch. Lucky is usually seen sitting in front of the television, and has a tendency to stand in front of it. In general, he is seen to be more of a follower than a leader.

  • Adaptational Wimp: Disney's Lucky is a composite of Book Cadpig with Lucky's name. In the book, Lucky was the eldest of the main puppies, as well as a competent and well-mannered ringleader. Disney's Lucky isn't as, well, lucky in terms of leadership and the responsibilities that come with being the big brother.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: He was nicer and more respectful in the book.
  • Afraid of Needles: Lucky was so afraid of needles, he would have rather gotten sick.
  • Badass Adorable: In the TV show.
  • Big Brother Instinct: For all his Adaptational Wimp-iness, Lucky is able to offer Patch some comfort and wisdom in the second movie.
  • Born Lucky: Save for a few bad moments, karmic or not, in the series. In the movie, not so much.
  • Celebrity Is Overrated: He finds this out the hard way in "Prima Doggy" when being the Kanine Krunchies advert dog leads to tiring stunts on the whim of Cecil B. de Vil.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Has an almost pervy one when something particularly fortuitous is happening for him
  • Chick Magnet: To a degree, considering his romantic moments with Two-Tone and Rebecca as well as Dumpling's undesired attraction to him.
  • Composite Character: In the movie, Lucky has taken on most of the traits belonging to Cadpig in the book (smaller and weaker than the rest, obsessed with TV, tendency to not be lucky at all). This is undone for the TV series, where Cadpig is a character, and Lucky is a lot more like he was in the book (a natural leader and Determinator), though still has a bit of an addiction to television.
  • Determinator: If Lucky has a particular goal in mind, be it seeing the new Thunderbolt film or ensuring they don't have to eat a generic brand dog food, he'll do everything to try meeting it. Such as how he'll risk getting caught by Cruella to retrieve Roger's video game project from Scorch. Or fearlessly attempt to retrieve Nanny's purse from a mugger all by himself.
  • Disney Death: Has one immediately after being born, which gives him his name.
  • Fanboy: Of Thunderbolt, and to a lesser extent Go-Go.
  • Foil: He holds a small rivalry with Patch; they are very similar in personality, however there are a few differences. Lucky is confident and arrogant as apposed to Patch who is insecure and humble.
  • The Hero: In the series.
  • Ironic Name: The movie also sort of makes his name an ironic one, as he has a habit of not being lucky at all — if something unfortunate happens to one of the puppies it's generally him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He can be a huge dick sometimes but he truly cares about his family and friends.
  • Large Ham: Has his moments in the TV series
  • The Load: His only issue being his TV addiction, which nearly ruins Tibbs's attempts to rescue him.
  • Meaningful Name: The spots on his back form a horseshoe pattern. However, it's much more likely he got his name from what happened when he was first born, (Anita points out he's "lucky to have lived") as the movie is careful to point out that Dalmatian spots don't show up until a few weeks after birth.
  • The Runt at the End: In the 1961 and 1996 movies.
  • Time-Travel Romance: With Rebecca in the episode "De Vil-Age Elder"
  • Unluckily Lucky: He got his name for miraculously surviving his near death during childbirth, though the fact that he was put in that situation to begin with calls his supposed luck into question.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He really hates needles.
  • You Don't Look Like You: A minor example, he inexplicably has white ears in the Disney direct-to-video sequel.


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"Oh forgive me, chosen one. And if it weren't for my total commitment to world peace, I'd kick your sorry little...!"

Voiced by: Kath Soucie

Cadpig is the runt of her litter and she is the smallest dog on the farm. She is very much into New Age philosophies and does her best to promote her ideals and spread goodwill throughout the world. While her small stature has prevented her from obtaining the same level of strength as her brothers and sisters, she is much more learned than them and has a better understanding of the world.

  • The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest of her siblings, according to the original novels.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She speaks for world peace, but don't ever rile her.
  • Break Them by Talking: Cadpig often likes to analyze anyone she confronts and try her own type of "Therapy" to subdue them. Cases being; Talking Lambo in to surrendering, just to get her to stop talking, or reducing an entire pack of Doberman to Blubbering Wrecks.
  • Canon Immigrant: A strange version. She is present, and one of the major characters, in the original novels, but in the Disney version she's absent (with her role as the pup revived by Mr. Dearly/Radcliffe being given to Lucky) — except for the series, where she's a main character. She is also included in a set of figurines released in 2004, based on both the animated and live-action continuities.
  • The Chick: Cadpig is the most feminine of the main four.
  • Fourth-Wall Observer: Cadpig frequently acknowledges the audience's presence via Lampshade Hanging and Aside Glances. One such instance has her comment about how Roger telling Lucky he's his favorite "almost makes you want to toss your kibble".
  • Granola Girl: She is very much into New Age philosophies and does her best to promote her ideals and spread goodwill throughout the world.
  • Hidden Depths: Generally calm and collected, Cadpig has a bit of an angry and dark side to work out (especially when it entails things like a desire to rule the world through manipulating the President's dog). Lampshaded in the first episode when a mugger steals Nanny's purse.

    Give back that purse, you BIG JERK! {She pauses and then, in a cute tone to us} Oh, I gotta work on my inner hostility.

  • Hypocritical Humor: The little pup often preaches world peace and conflict resolution through nonviolent means, and often afterwards will threaten bodily harm towards anyone who upsets her or her family.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Though to a much lesser degree than Lucky, she could be a Jerkass at times. Like when she psyches out the other competitors at a Kanine Krunchies audition via backhanded comments about their acts. Or repeatedly insults Rolly's desire to become Chief Firedog by pointing out that she's imagining him as the "hopeless dreamer" he is.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name came from a term used in England for a runt in a litter of pigs. This isn't explained in the TV show, but is made a point of in the original novel, where Cadpig is the puppy that's almost stillborn but is saved, and she is the smallest and weakest of all the puppies.
  • Nightmare Face: Cadpig has one of the most expressive faces out of the cast, so these were inevitable. Her most notable one featured bloodshot eyes and a Slasher Smile of shark-like teeth.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Cadpig can be quite creepy at times when her darker side comes to the surface. Such as how she expressed a disturbing delight in using Valentine's Day as an excuse to guilt trip and psyche out people.

    Spot: [quietly, to Rolly] She scares me sometimes.

    Rolly: [He scoffs.] Only sometimes?

  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Has a tendency towards using big words in the series.
  • Super-Strong Child: Several times in the series, she shows this.
  • Unwanted Assistance: Cadpig has her heart in the right place, but her frequent attempts to help people usually only make things worse due to her refusal to listen to anyone questioning her methods. Two particular examples include where she tried to free a pet lobster and incited a feud between two cows that escalated into a farm-wide conflict when she came in to "help" just as said cows were settling their differences. invoked



101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"I'm hungry, Mother. I'm hungry!"

Voiced by: Barbara Baird (101 Dalmatians), Kath Soucie (currently)

Rolly is known for his excessively large appetite. He can be gentle and care-free at times but after his family, food may be his true love.

  • Berserk Button:
    • Go ahead, call him fat. See how quickly he reacts.

      "I am not fat!"

    • He also does not react positively to having his food messed with.
  • Big Eater: He is constantly hungry. He is usually heard asking his parents for food, even after being rescued from Jasper and Horace Badun by his parents.
  • The Big Guy: The heaviest and strongest of his siblings.
  • Blatant Lies: He always refuses to admit his weight even when he obviously is.
  • Butt-Monkey: In the TV series, Rolly tends to get abused by bullies a lot and even by some of his own friends. Mainly due to his gluttony.
  • Catchphrase:
    • "I'm Hungry, mother" in the movies.
    • "Oh, papa!" in the TV series.
    • "Are you calling me fat?" in the TV series.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Is prone to this when food's involved

    Lt. Pug: Nobody's ever seen [Lockjaw]. But I've heard him, stomping through the night, looking for his favorite dish. Chicken Veronica with a bed of marinated puppies!

    Rolly: Is that served with a white sauce?

    Lucky: Rolly!

  • Extreme Doormat: In the TV series, Rolly tends to get pushed around a lot.
  • Fatal Flaw: His obsession with food has gotten him and his friends in trouble in the TV series.
  • Flanderization: In the books, he was only pudgy and not a big eater. In the movies, he becomes a big eater, and in the TV series, he's Obsessed with Food.

    Lucky: That's not fair! Whatever happened to justice? Whatever happened to honor?

    Rolly: [thinking] Whatever happened to that little piece of fat you get in pork and beans?

  • Help, I'm Stuck!: Happens to Rolly in the animated movie and several times in the TV series.
  • The Lancer: In the episode "Dog's Best Friend" Lucky calls him his best friend. A bit redundant considering they're brothers, that. Even so, it's their bond and the personality contrast that makes him qualify for this trope.
  • The Load: He almost gets the puppies caught several times, barely fits through the hole in the wall because of his girth, yelping when Tibbs grabs his tail, being the only one to slip on the ice, and almost sliding in line of Jasper's torch and complaining constantly about being hungry.
  • Meaningful Name: He's the fattest of the pups, aka the "roly-poly".
  • Nice Guy: He can be gentle and care-free at times.
  • Stout Strength: Rolly is a chubby pup, but he is also one of the strongest.
  • You Are What You Hate: He hates being called fat very much, but it's obvious that he is.


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"That Ol' Dirty Dawson, the yellow-livered old skunk! I'd like to tear his gizzard out!"

Voiced by: Mickey Maga (101 Dalmatians), Justin Shenkarow (101 Dalmatians TV series) Bobby Lockwood (Patch's London Adventure 2003 sequel)

Patch is one Pongo and Perdita's original fifteen Dalmatian puppies. He feels lonely and left out with his family, thinking that he's just one of the famous 101 Dalmatians, and longs for a chance to be one-of-a-kind.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Two times in the 2003 DTV sequel, Patch is laughed at for his pathetically squeaky bark.

    Penny (laughing hysterically): "What was that supposed to be?"

    Rolly: "That's the most pitiful bark I've heard yet!"

    Lucky: "Yeah, it sounds like someone sat on a squeaky toy."

  • Ascended Extra: He's given no more focus than the rest of Pongo and Perdita's biological pups in the 1961 animated movie. In the 2003 direct-to-video sequel, he's the titular protagonist.
  • Badass Adorable: In the direct-to-video animated movie.
  • Big Brother Instinct:
    • In the 1961 animated movie, he's quick to defend Lucky when Jasper goes off on him for blocking the tv.
    • In the sequel, he and Thunderbolt rush to his siblings' rescue when he learns Cruella has them again.
  • Big Brother Worship: Absolutely idolizes Thunderbolt, and dreams of being his sidekick.
  • The Big Guy: In the books and the TV series, where he's more muscular than the other puppies. He's even bigger than Rolly!
  • The Conscience: Acts as this to Thunderbolt.
  • Fanboy: Huge Thunderbolt fan, to the point he knows more about the show than Lucky.
  • Foil: He holds a small rivalry with Lucky; they are very similar in personality, however there are a few differences. Lucky is confident and arrogant as apposed to Patch who is insecure and humble.
  • From the Mouths of Babes: Patch saying "he'd like to tear [the Thunderbolt tv show villain]'s gizzard out!". His mother is appalled and asks where did he hears such talk as it certainly didn't come from his mother. Patch almost innocently swears again, only to catch himself and sees his mother glaring at him and he swap his words.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Initially trusted both Thunderbolt and Lighting when he first met them, then Thunderbolt turned out to be using him and Lighting did a Face–Heel Turn. Thunderbolt does come through to help Patch, during the climax, though.
  • Meaningful Name: The spot over his eye looks very much like an eyepatch.
  • The Movie Buff: Patch is a huge fan of Thunderbolt. Because of this, Patch knows every episode of Thunderbolt by heart, something which comes in useful during Patch's London Adventure.
  • Nice Guy: A responsible and humble puppy. Notably, Patch is the one who points out the well-being of the other 84 puppies who've escaped from Jasper and Horace. This convinces Pongo to escort all of them to London.
  • The Protagonist: Of the sequel, which even has his name in the title.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: He looks up to his father as his role model especially after he was rescued by them.


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"No dog's better than Dad."

Voiced by: Sandra Abbot (101 Dalmatians), Kasha Kropinski (Patch's London Adventure 2003 sequel)

Penny is one of Pongo and Perdita's original fifteen puppies in the 101 Dalmatians franchise.

  • Daddy's Girl: Penny looks up to her father a lot.
  • Demoted to Extra: Penny's role greatly decreased in the sequel. She is often seen alongside Lucky and Freckles, and like the rest of her siblings, is kidnapped by Horace and Jasper for Cruella, and is rescued by Patch later on.
  • Nice Girl: She has a sweet personality.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Some fans say she's this for Cadpig in the 1961 animated movie and 2003 sequel. Justified in some foreign language versions of the series. In the Danish dub
    101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita
    , Cadpig's name is "Penny".


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"I always wanted to get good and dirty!"

Voiced by: Unknown

Freckles is one of Pongo and Perdita's original fifteen puppies in the 101 Dalmatians franchise.

  • The Cameo: He never appeared in the TV series as a minor pup, however he made a very brief cameo in "You Say it's Your Birthday"
  • Demoted to Extra: Freckles, like the other puppies except Patch, gets a much smaller role in the second movie.
  • Meaningful Name: He has a few tiny spots sprinkled around his nose, like freckles.
  • Nice Guy: He is shown to be playful and usually responsible about anything that's going to happen.
  • Youthful Freckles: The spots around his face are reminiscent of freckles.


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"Ol' Thunderbolt is the greatest dog in the whole world!"

Voiced by: Unknown

Pepper is one of Pongo and Perdita's original fifteen puppies in the 101 Dalmatians franchise — though it's never really made clear in the movie which of the fifteen puppies is Pepper, something that's led to a bit of an Ambiguous Gender situation.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Since "Pepper" is a fairly gender-neutral name, and the movie never reveals which puppy the name belongs to, fans and franchise alike haven't been able to decide whether Pepper is a boy or a girl.
    • In the book 365 Bedtime Stories, Pepper appears in a few stories, but the pup's gender varies from story to story. In the story "Patch's Plan," Pepper is explicitly referred to as "Patch's sister" and uses female pronouns — but in "One Lucky Pup" and "Special Delivery," Pepper is referred to by male pronouns.
    • In the Diamond Edition release of the movie, Pepper is called "he" and is depicted with a red collar in promotional artwork, suggesting a male pup.
    • In an official "Which 101 Dalmatian are You?" test on the Oh My Disney site, which tied in with the Diamond Edition release, Pepper is depicted with a blue collar and referred to as a girl.
  • The Ghost: Oddly, in the series Pepper is mentioned by name several times — including by Cruella at one point — but never actually appears onscreen.



101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

He has urination problems.

Voiced by: Ryan O'Donahue (Escape from DeVil Manor video game), Christine Cavanaugh (101 Dalmatians TV series)

Whizzer (or Wizzer) is one of Pongo and Perdita's puppies in the 101 Dalmatians franchise.

  • Canon Immigrant: He was introduced in the 1996 live-action movie and was later added to the TV series.
  • Determinator: In the live action movie, he is described to be the bravest in Pongo & Perdita's litter. This is shown by him taking at bite at Jasper, contacting Kipper and informing him on what is up, and having Horace and Jasper chase him to give Kipper time to help the other Dalmatians.
  • Meaningful Name: His most commonly given trait is a weak bladder, meaning he will have frequent accidents every so often.
  • Out of Focus: Out of all the minor pups in the TV series, Whizzer gets the least amount of dialogue.
  • Spell My Name with an S: Official materials list his name as "Whizzer" while other materials, fan works, and one occasion in the show lists it as "Wizzer".
  • Those Two Guys: With Dipstick in the TV series, usually as Mooch's goons.
  • Urine Trouble: His main shtick. He got his name when he peed on the table leg in the live action movie.


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

Not exactly the brightest...

Voiced by: Jeff Bennett (video game), Thom Adcox-Hernandez (TV series)

Dipstick is one of Pongo and Perdita's puppies in the 101 Dalmatians franchise. He was one of the original 15 puppies in the live-action 101 Dalmatians movie, a recurring character in 101 Dalmatians: The Series, and one of the main characters in 102 Dalmatians as a fully-grown dog.

  • Ascended Extra: In 102 Dalmatians, where he's the father of the next generation of puppies.
  • Canon Immigrant: He was introduced in the 1996 live-action movie and was later added to the TV series.
  • Character Development: In 102 Dalmatians, he again undergoes a drastic change in personality, as contrary to being stupid, he appears to be quite intelligent and is very protective of his family and pups, whom he cares about deeply.
  • The Ditz: In the TV series, he is somewhat dim-witted, and is often dragged into Mooch's plans without a say in the matter.
  • Extreme Doormat: He seems to have a very complacent attitude and will do whatever Mooch does or wants him to do, and doesn't seem to mind; even being hung from a clothespin and shaken like a leaf as evidenced in the series episode "Love 'Em and Flea 'Em".
  • Good Parents: A good mate to Dottie and loving father to Oddball, Domino, and Little Dipper.
  • Meaningful Name: Double Meaning, actually: Dipstick gets his name from his tail (which looks like it's been dipped in oil), and someone may be referred to as a "dipstick" if they aren't all that smart.
  • Those Two Guys: With Whizzer in the TV series, usually as Mooch's goons.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: He loves junk food.


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"Yard sale? I love yard sales! Actually, I hate yard sales. Of course, the pros of a yard sale are the bargains! But the cons of a yard sale are that the items are used. Ick!"

Voiced by: Tara Strong

Two-Tone is one of the original fifteen puppies of Pongo and Perdita. She has one side of her body covered with spots, whilst on the other side is blank. Also, her ear is black on the side with spots on it, whilst on the spotless side her ear is white.

  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: There's her periodic attraction to Mooch to consider, which gets into What Does She See in Him? territory considering how he's as rude to her as everyone else. This is particularly demonstrated in "Twelve Angry Pups" when she's uncertain about finding him guilty because he "looks bad yet also cute".
  • The Big Guy: In the TV series, Two-Tone is one of the larger pups and probably the biggest of the female pups. She has a rather stout figure and a large head.
  • Canon Immigrant: She was introduced in the 1996 live-action movie and was later added to the TV series and the 2003 animated sequel.
  • Character Development: Realizes Mooch isn't good for her in "Love 'Em and Flea 'Em" and leaves his gang as a result, however a few later episodes still show her hanging out with him due to the episodes being aired out of order.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She received an episode to herself in "Love 'Em and Flea 'Em" where, after being insulted by Mooch, she then accepts Lucky's invitation to the Four-Legged Fall Ball as his dance partner. It is speculated that the producers either forgot she was Lucky's blood sister or presumed her one of the adopted puppies. Either way, the episode spawned off many fans pairing the two together.
  • The Ditherer: It's brought up in a number of episodes, examples being unsure whether she loved or hated yard sales and what to wear, in "Twelve Angry Pups" when she couldn't decide what verdict to give Mooch, and in "Roll Out the Pork Barrel" when she couldn't decide on whether to go to Rolly's party or not.
  • Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: In the TV series she wears an earring,
    101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita
    which raises the question of why her owners would get her pierced. Though, it could be a clip on?
  • Meaningful Name: In different styles.
    • In promotional material and merchandise for the live-action movie, she has one side of her body covered with spots, whilst on the other side is blank.
    • In the TV series, the front half of her body being white and the back half black.
    • In Early Concept Designs, it was also suggested that she would be called; "Pants", before it being settled on calling her; Two-Tone?
  • Ship Tease: Two-Tone was in a small romantic relationship with Lucky in the episode, "Love 'Em and Flea 'Em", plus in "Prima Doggy", one little scene kind of hinted she still had some interest in him. Many fans supported this shipping.
  • Super-Strong Child: Two-Tone showed in the episode, "Love 'Em and Flea 'Em", that she is one of the strongest pups since she was shown moving a pumpkin around (pumpkins are really heavy and can easily outweigh a Dalmatian puppy).
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Two-Tone is considerably larger than Lucky in the TV series. Her chubby figure makes it evident in comparison to Lucky's slim and slender build.
  • Token Good Teammate: Of Mooch's gang until she left in "Love 'Em and Flea 'Em", albeit downplayed as Whizzer and Dipstick aren't so bad when Mooch isn't around. In "Bad To The Bone", she's the only one not laughing along with Whizzer and Dipstick when Mooch calls Rolly "wide guy" and is the only member of Mooch's gang to show concern when he dares Rolly to sneak into Cydne the snake's place.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: She loves fashion and playing rough.

Suffolk Farm


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"On the double, man! On the double!"

Voiced by: J. Pat O'Malley (101 Dalmatians), Jim Cummings (101 Dalmatians: The Series)

Voiced in Swedish by: Olof Thunberg (1961), Bo Maniette (1995)

The Colonel is an Old English Sheepdog from 101 Dalmatians. He is an ally to Pongo and Perdita, as he assists in the rescue of the Dalmatian Puppies.

  • Adaptational Wimp: In the book, the Colonel is much less bumbling and more of an actual military commander, teaching the dogs how to fight and promoting them whenever they do something awesome.
  • Cool Old Guy: Mostly in the TV series. He's the only one Lieutenant Pug respects.
  • The Ditz: In the movie. He's not the brilliant tactical mind he thinks he is; in fact he's completely dependent on his Hypercompetent Sidekick Sergeant Tibbs to get things done. Though it's also very likely because he's a Scatterbrained Senior.
  • Dogs Are Dumb: Played straight in the movie. Averted in the book and TV series, where he's more of a Cool Old Guy.
  • Old Dog: He's clearly of advanced years.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: In the TV series, as the head of the Bark Brigade.

    Sergeant Tibbs 

101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"Yes, sir. Roger, sir. Right away, sir."

Voiced by: David Frankham (101 Dalmatians), Jeff Bennett (101 Dalmatians: The Series), Eddie Izzard (102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue)

Voiced in Swedish by: Stig Grybe (1961), Ulf Peder Johansson (1995)

Sergeant Tibbs is the tabby cat sidekick of the Colonel and an ally to Pongo and Perdita, as he helps the couple rescue their puppies.

  • A Cat in a Gang of Dogs: He is the only cat in a cast full of dogs.
  • Cats Are Mean: Completely inverted with Tibbs, easily the most selflessly heroic of the characters in this film.
  • Cat Scare: Ironically inverted as well, as Tibbs is the recipient of several false alarms and never the source of any.
  • Character Tic: He always salutes when he is talking to someone.
  • Cowardly Lion: He's terrified of Horace and Jasper, but still does everything he can to rescue the puppies.
  • Demoted to Extra: In the TV show, he appeared far less than the Colonel did and rarely got involved with the Bark Brigade.
  • Determinator: Even if he's scared, he'll get the job done, come hell or high water.
  • Gender Flip: In the book, "Lieutenant Tib" was female. The Disney version not only changed the cat's gender but demoted her/him to Sergeant has well.
  • Go Through Me: This cat was prepared to die to protect the puppies. Fortunately, Pongo and Perdita pull a Big Damn Heroes before he has to resort to that.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: To the Colonel. Exaggerated in the TV series.
  • Motor Mouth: At times, he can easily surpass anyone else with his talking speed.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: He and the Captain send Horace and Jasper crashing into a wall, where they see the dalmatians' paw prints.
  • Nervous Wreck: Comes off as rather high-strung, what with his rigid saluting and Motor Mouthing and the like.
  • Spell My Name with an S: Is his name spelled "Tibbs" or "Tibs"?


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

"Barking signal. It's an alert. Report to the Colonel at once."

Voiced by: Thurl Ravenscroft (101 Dalmatians), Frank Welker (101 Dalmatians: The Series)

Voiced in Swedish by: Sven Holmberg (1961), Bo Maniette (1995)

A former cavalry horse in the British military, Captain is a no-nonsense horse that acts in a similar military manner to the Colonel. He's the first to hear the Twilight Bark from the dogs of London, and sends Tibbs to alert the Colonel so that he can translate the barking.

  • Cool Horse: Considering the time period of the movie he was most likely a horse in the British Army, especially since the farm he lives on is owned by a retired cavalry officer.
  • The Captain: It's in the name, though he reports to the Colonel.
  • Demoted to Extra: Even worse than Tibbs. He was not involved with the Bark Brigade at all and only got one line in two episodes each.
  • Hero of Another Story: Considering his blanket and the fact that he's owned by a retired cavalry officer, he most likely is a World War II veteran.
  • Officer and a Gentleman: Goes without saying, as he's a British horse with military experience.
  • Old Soldier: Again, retired former member of a Lancer regiment of British cavalry.
  • Sapient Steed: Being a horse that talks, though he follows other animal laws in that humans can't understand them and probably don't hear them talking at all.

Thunderbolt's Show


101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

Voiced by: Frank Welker (101 Dalmatians: The Series), Barry Bostwick (101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure)

Dubbed in Swedish by: Steve Kratz (Patch's London Adventure)

A rather long-winded canine actor whose show the puppies watch every evening. Patch in particular looks up to him for his TV bravery. In both the series and the sequel, the puppies become acquainted with Thunderbolt as a person, and the German Shepherd befriends Patch in the latter.

  • Ascended Extra: He was a background character who had about three minutes of screen-time in the original film, but he becomes the dueteragonist of the sequel, in a buddy comedy role with Patch.
  • Becoming the Mask: At first, he just wants to use Patch's fanboy knowledge of his show to get some press and save his career, but ends up becoming genuine friends with the pup and helps him rescue his family.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Ends up becoming one towards Patch, who idolizes him as a wonder-dog.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Played with when Thunderbolt arrives to save the puppies.

    Thunderbolt: I always arrive in the nick of time...(whispering to Patch) Hey, I may not be a real hero, but I can act like one. I'll distract them.

  • Create Your Own Villain: Thunderbolt always took Little Lightning for granted as his sidekick and was often unintentionally demeaning towards him for years, which eventually led to his co-star turning on him.
  • Heroic Dog: Plays one on television, however he yearns to be one in real life, and plays the part not to disappoint Patch, who thinks his show is real.
  • Hollywood Heart Attack: Enforced in the climax of the sequel, where Thunderbolts fakes a heart attack to distract Cruella and her goons long enough for Patch and his siblings to escape.
  • Informed Species: Downplayed. While he almost accurately resembles a German Shepherd, he doesn't have the melanistic mask on his face nor the black saddle on his back.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Thunderbolt grows into this trope overtime, once Character Development sets in. He starts out a vain, pompous and self-centered actor who's only concerned with saving his own career, but spending time with Patch, a pup with low self-esteem who looks up to him as a hero, helps him to see the kind of effect he has on puppies everywhere and causes him to become a more selfless dog over time. Eventually, he tries to be Patch's hero for real so he can help him rescue his family.
  • Large Ham: Whether or not he's in front of the camera, Thunderbolt is a very theatrical, over-dramatic diva dog.
  • Suddenly Speaking: He did not get a speaking role until his appearances in the animated series.

    Lil' Lightning 

101 dalmatians the series pongo and perdita

Voiced by: Jason Alexander

Thunderbolt's sidekick and best friend. He eventually becomes bitter to constantly being into Thunderbolt's shadow, and plans to steal his place as the protagonist of the show.

Did Pongo and Perdita have 101 Dalmatians?

Their parents, Pongo and Perdita, set out to save their puppies from Cruella, in the process of rescuing 84 additional ones that were bought in pet shops, bringing the total of Dalmatians to 101.

Are Pongo and Perdita siblings?

Cruella's revisionist history also makes Pongo and Perdita quasi-siblings, part of the same litter of puppies that one of the Baroness' Dalmatians presumably gave birth to.

Did Pongo and Perdita have 101 puppies?

Pongo and Perdita have 15 puppies. Later the puppies are stolen by Anita's hateful classmate, Cruella De Vil who is planning to make fur coats from their skin. Pongo and Perdita race to save their puppies from the clutches of Cruella and her henchmen.

How many children did Pongo and Perdita have?

In the animated adaptation of the book, Pongo and Perdita were the parents of the fifteen puppies.