6 week old golden retriever puppies

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6 week old golden retriever puppies
Golden Retriever puppies week 6

Welcome to week 6 with our litter of Golden Retriever pups!

We’re getting close to the end of our journey with our little, furry, fuzz balls.

Our original plan was to keep half the litter to train as service dog puppies.

At 6 weeks old these little pups start showing enough personality to start thinking about who we would keep to raise as service dogs and who would become loving pets.

This week was also the first time we gave a few mock tests to see which of our pups had the moxie to be a service dog.

So, what are some of the traits we are looking for in a future service dog puppy at this young age?

  1. A confident puppy.
  2. A puppy that is willing to work for his partner.
  3. A puppy with a calm temperament.

*In week 8 we put the puppies through a full-scale temperament test.

As you will see some were better suited than others as candidates to become service dog puppies in training.

QUICK RECOMMENDATION: If you’re thinking about bringing home a puppy we recommend picking up a copy of Puppies for Dummies. Not only is it a great book on how to raise and train a puppy, but there’s also a section in the book on how to choose a puppy from a litter.

Puppy Shave Mark Color Weight (Day 36)
Liberty (Berlin) Right Back Leg Green 6 lb 15 oz
Tank (Bear) Left Back Leg Black 7 lb 5 oz
Trooper (Buster) Right Shoulder Red 6 lb 9 oz
Patriot Left Shoulder Blue 7 lb 12 oz
Spirit Lower Back Pink 7 lb 0 oz
Gunner Upper Back Brown 7 lb 1.5 oz

These little pups are starting to get some girth, especially Patriot who was pushing 8 lbs at only 36 days old!

The size gap between our smallest and largest puppy keeps getting bigger as Patriot is well over a pound heavier than Trooper.

Golden Puppies Week #6 Highlights

Day #36 – Archer loves puppies!

Archer was very curious since day 1, but even though he and Raven were best pals she still was protective of her puppies.

Since the beginning we allowed supervised interaction and Archer loved the little guys and just wanted to play…albeit sometimes a little too rough…

6 week old golden retriever puppies
Archer vs Six week old Golden Retriever puppy

Day #37 – Kids and Puppies

We continued to socialize our Golden pups with people young and old.

Some of our favorite puppy raiser friends stopped by and brought over their grandchildren to play with the pups.

At this age the puppies like running around and act like hams.

Long gone are the days of the docile, sleepy puppies.

Welcome to the wonderful world of running wild Golden pups!

Day #40 – Our Little Golden Explorers!

As time moved on these guys became more and more mobile and less easy to contain in small environments.

A few weeks earlier they started climbing out of the short wall in the whelping box.

As the below picture illustrates this little one enjoyed climbing onto this shelf making it his own doggy bed.

*By week 8 a couple of these little guys became quite the escape artists and learned to scale the side of the whelping box!

6 week old golden retriever puppies
Our little Golden puppy in hiding.

In case you missed our other posts about our litter of Golden Retriever pups take a look back at past weeks:

  • Week 1 – Six Golden Retriever puppies are born!
  • Week 2 – Pups’ eyes are opening and starting to waddle.
  • Week 3 – First bark! Good or Bad…Adorable 🙂
  • Week 4 – Little guys are starting to eat solid foods.
  • Week 5 – Puppies love car rides…in the laundry basket 🙂
  • Week 6 – This is Week 6!
  • Week 7 – The great puppy escape artists!
  • Week 8 – Our golden puppies head to their new homes.

Okay, guys and gals. If you’ve raised a litter of puppies to week 6 then you know we’re heading into the difficult weeks.

Almost every time I return to the whelping box it looks like a poop war broke out.

It sounds funny now, but the sight and stink are not fun.

Thank god they’re still as adorable as can be.

What about you guys?

Have any of you ever raised a litter of puppies?

If so, tell us your story in the comment section below.

If you’re prepping for a litter of puppies we highly suggest taking a look at Puppy Culture DVD and Workbook. I wish I had the DVD and Workbook before our first litter of pups.

If you’re thinking about bringing home a Golden puppy then check out Puppies for Dummies. This is the first book we bought before bringing home our first puppy, Linus. It’s a great intro to raising and training a puppy.

6 week old golden retriever puppies
Our litter of Golden Retriever puppies week 6

Top Picks For Our Puppies

    We Like: Calmeroos Puppy Toy w/ Heartbeat and Heat Packs - Perfect for new puppies. Helps ease anxiety in their new home.
    We Like: Natural Farm Bully Sticks - All of our puppies love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Bully Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors.
    We Like: Crazy Dog Train-Me Treats - We use these as our high-value treats for our guide dog puppies.
    We Like: The Farmer's Dog - A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh dog food and she loves it! Get 50% off your first order of The Farmer's Dog.

Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.

Colby Morita has been raising and training guide and service dog puppies for over 13 years. He has puppy graduates from Guide Dogs of America, Tender Loving Canine Assistance Dogs, Cascade Service Dogs, and Canine Support Teams. Colby has been writing to the PuppyInTraining.com blog and sharing his puppy training tips from his experiences since 2007. Follow his puppy adventures at Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Pinterest

Can Golden Retriever puppies go home at 6 weeks?

Puppies should not leave their mom and littermates before eight weeks of age. The mother dog has so much to teach the new puppy; lessons that will affect him all his life, and his littermates teach important lessons as well.

Is it OK to give a six week old puppy a bath?

It is safe to bathe your puppy once they are 6 weeks old. You can bathe your puppy in a tub or sink. When the weather is warm you can bathe them outside and let them dry naturally. It is important that they do not get cold or chill.

What should I feed my 6 week old Golden Retriever?

The AKC specifies that puppies that are between 6-12 weeks old should be fed puppy food that's formulated to meet that breed's nutritional needs. Because Golden Retrievers can get so large, it's a good idea to get large breed puppy food, such as Purina Pro Plan for large breed dogs.

What is the hardest age for Golden Retriever puppy?

The most difficult is usually between 8 and 18 months (which is when most dogs are surrendered to rescues and shelters). During this stage, it can be difficult for owners to be patient and consistent with training while waiting for this stage to pass.