A 117 year old man from texas

Henry William Borne (1901? - fl. 21 July 2018) was a hoax made by the World News Daily Report, the fake news website which made the Herman Guntherberg and Mahashta Murasi hoaxes.

Fictional Biography

The report that he was 117 in 2018, meaning he was born in 1901. In 1919, for horse stealing, the report claimed he got a 99 year sentence in jail. In 1920, his father was hanged. The report claimed he survived the sentence. He claimed "All I've been outside prison is a horse thief. That is the only thing I was good at". He was last confirmed alive in July 2018, when the hoax was found.

PORT ISABEL, Texas (ValleyCentral) — On Dec. 2 the City of Port Isabel along with the Texas Historical Commission held a ceremony where hundreds filled the streets trying to get a glimpse of history being made.

Many anticipated as the lighthouse was brought to life, including several members of the Port Isabel City Commission and Mayor Martin Cantu. 

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This project has been in the making for several years now. Mark Wolf, Director for the Texas Historical Commission said as a result of this momentous occasion it will attract a lot more visitors to the area.  

In 1905 the lighthouse was decommissioned and sold to a Local Resident in the Port Isabel area with it’s lens and bulb removed. 

There are not many 19th century lighthouses that have been restored like this one in the state of Texas, yet alone have a replica fresnel lens and bulb placed back into the monument.

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At 7:05 p.m. on Friday Dec. 2 the lighthouse was officially brought back to life and illuminated the skies. 

The lighthouse was illuminated at 1000 watts for the ceremony which gave a glimpse of what it would’ve looked like in 1854. As of now it is currently dimmed to 200 watts to abide by United States Coast Guard regulations. 

After 117 years the community finally has their landmark revived, the perfect gift for residents of Port Isabel this holiday season. 

Paul Geidel Jr. (April 21, 1894 – May 1, 1987) was the longest-serving prison inmate in the United States whose sentence ended with his parole, a fact that earned him a place in Guinness World Records.

After being convicted of second-degree murder in 1911 at age 17, Geidel served 68 years and 296 days in various New York state prisons. He was released on May 7, 1980, at the age of 86.

Early life and murder[edit]

Geidel was born in Hartford, Connecticut, to an alcoholic saloon keeper, German-born Paul Geidel Sr., and his German-born wife Annie Prumbaum, and he had a sister Agnes Geidel (later Reynolds; 1895–1953). His father died in 1900 when Geidel was five.[2][non-primary source needed] The boy spent much of his childhood in an orphanage. He dropped out of school at the age of 14 and worked a series of jobs in Hartford and New York City hotels.

On July 26, 1911, Geidel—17 years old at the time—robbed and murdered elderly 73-year-old William H. Jackson, a wealthy broker. Jackson was a guest at the Iroquois Hotel on West 44th Street in New York City where Geidel was working as a bellhop. Geidel entered Jackson's room and suffocated him to death with a rag filled with chloroform. Geidel made off with only a few dollars.

Geidel was arrested two days later. He was subsequently convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 20 years to life in prison.


Geidel began his sentence at the Sing Sing prison. His sentence was shortened due to good behavior and he was nearing a possible parole hearing, but doctors then found Geidel to be legally insane in 1926. He was then moved to the Dannemora State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, where he was confined until 1972. He was then moved to the Fishkill Correctional Facility. Here, Geidel lived in a unit designed for elderly inmates that more resembled a dormitory rather than a prison.[3]

As Geidel's tenure in prison went by, he developed a rapport with prison officials, who sometimes took him out to a baseball game, or other outings.[4]

Geidel was granted parole in August 1974, but the now-80-year-old inmate did not want to leave. Having lived in prison for 63 years—his entire adult life—and having no family, he believed he would not make it on the outside, having become institutionalized. He chose to remain in prison for almost six more years.


On May 7, 1980, Geidel left Fishkill, having served the longest prison sentence in United States history. "No publicity please", Geidel said with a smile to reporters as he was leaving the facility. He is believed to have lived out the remainder of his days in a Beacon, New York nursing home, before dying aged 93.

Did someone outlive a life sentence?

So yes many people outlive a life sentence.

How long is a life sentence?

In cases of someone guilty of several first-degree murders, consecutive life sentences may be imposed by the judge. This means that the offender may have to wait 50+ years before applying for parole.

Who is the longest incarcerated inmate?

More than 70 years. Homeless French Australian confined in the J Ward mental asylum in Ararat, Victoria after murdering an elderly man and stealing his boots. Died while still incarcerated at the age of 92, making this the longest served prison sentence in the world with a definite end.

Who has been given the most life sentences?

5 Longest Prison Sentences in U.S. History.
Charles Scott Robinson: 30,000 years. ... .
Allan Wayne McLaurin: 21,250 years. ... .
Dudley Wayne Kyzer: 10,000 years. ... .
James Eagan Holmes: 12 life sentences and 3,318 years without parole. ... .
Bobbie Joe Long: 28 life sentences, 99 years, and 1 death sentence..


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