Arts and crafts team building for adults

"It shows that working as a team, we have better, more innovative ideas than as an individual. Better know capabilities of other team members. Focus on team identification, strong interpersonal support and have fun together. Overall, very positive. Help to network as a team and support each other (Dominique Bureau)."

UniqArts offers unique, fun and effective team building workshop through art and creativity for corporate retreat, team bonding, team empowerment, team strengthening through personalities, workplace productivity and wellness. We incorporate fresh approach, new idea, therapeutic, holistic and innovative way for team to bond as one. The psychological process through art therapy can be used for team to reinforce and reconnect each other with fresh and in-depth understanding. Take your team out of the usual work routine and enjoy our team building workshop. 

We will provide opportunity to engage all participants playing a part in the entire team building exercise. Be ready for a joyful, enriching, and empowering team bonding and team cohesiveness workshop. We take away usual stressful and competitive team building event so that each and every member of the team is engaged and recognized. A win-win situation for our team building workshop.

To provide a relaxed space for team members interact and know each other outside of their usual work routine and environment.To create team experiences that enrich the team spirit. To stimulate team identity.

To strengthen team cohesiveness and belonging. To provide a series of creative, adventurous, artistic events, art jamming, art as therapy and fun activities to empower long lasting memory and appreciation of members contribution, talents and strength. To provide opportunity to team members to engage into T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) Art and bonding space within limited resources. To allow individuals in search of their creative talents and promote personal growth, development and rejuvenation  from this program.

Creative Bonding Process

Our Creative Team Building program is designed in stages for positive experiences in team bonding. Our qualified and experienced trainer will facilitate the entire process to allows members to learn the basic usage of art materials and application. They will be able to proceed to next level by understanding each other strength through creative works. Members tasks are to be assigned creatively and productively. Once they are ready, members to start to do creative art together.

During the art making program, the fun interactive among team members with discussion, brain storming, turn taking, stepping back, and embracing every team members effort and idea.

Through active participation and creative expression, teamworks are being carried out without knowing it and the process allows members to gain insights about their own individual creative talents, strength and how their contribution to the team.

We provide debrief of the team building and bonding process for members to reflect, review and learn from the event. Members to get feedback from each other and explore how this process could be useful to their work place and team work.

The process in the team building through art is an essential element for knowing each other diifferently, working through open idea and bonding through subconscious event and exceptional journey. We incorporate a few proven and effective methodologies to achieve the bonding of team members. They are significant to strengthen a team and create new bonding.

Proven Methodologies

We adopted proven methodologies to create Team Bonding during the Team Building event:
Digital Detox:
Digital Detox 

is to inspire, educate and empower participants to create more mindful, meaningful, and balanced lives, online & offline. By using Digital Detox through Art Therapy, participants get a timeoff from electronic devices, social media, emails, and the like; and they can truly engage themselves into creative expression.

Creativity-Juice program is introduced throughout the team building activities and event to facilitate members creative thinking, creative problem-solving and team spirit. Visual thinking creatively is the key to our event as well.

Art Jamming Retreat:
The program is actively use of aesthetic, visual, images, and art-related projects to allow right brain function of members for rejuvenation, relaxation and retreat. Jamming might be through a combination of art, music, movement, mindfulness, meditation or the like depending on the appropriateness.
Mindfulness Therapy
We practice and engage Mindfulness Therapy through the use of art and creativity to find peace, purpose and wellness. Applied Mindfulness is being practice through Art Therapy.

Origami Art of Paper Folding
We also offer team bonding through art of paper folding, also know as Origami. The familiar craft connects each other with lots of joy, fun and strengthen bond. Have fun with our Team Building through Origami workshop..

Creative Art Therapy:
The therapeutic process of using creativity and art is facilitated in order to engage members into rejuvenation, relaxation and recharge from this program. At the end of the program, trainer will do debrief about team bonding and provide insights to help members understand how they can benefit from this program.

Eco-Based Approach:
Our approach is to provide Environment Awareness and eco friendly project to incorporate into the Team building. It is part of our effort to save the planet and heal the earth. We organize project: Team Building Through Recycling Art Project. Participants will need to work together to reuse and recycle papers through technique of paper folding. We provide Upcycling project for your team bonding event as well. Our events are organized to be environmental friendly, reducing waste and promote sustainability. This could be the core objective for the workshop or as supplement.

Process and Product:
Our team building events cover the process of team bonding and resilience. We provide facilitation and debrief for reflection about the process to strengthen the team and understanding each others. Event can be organized to actively engage in the process of team works and joy of bonding. In addition, the unique workshop of our team bonding have a choice to enhance the products with aesthetic quality for a proud team masterpieces as a collective memory after the event. 

Teamwork Masterpieces

By Qualified Trainer

Our team  building trainer Mr. Paul Lee is qualified, experienced and trained in the art and creativity fields. Mr. Lee is an artist, art therapist, consultant and founder of UniqArts and Technologies. Mr. Lee holds a Master in Arts (Art Therapy) with LaSalle College of the Arts and A Bachelor degree with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technologies (RMIT). He is also trained in fine arts from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA). Mr. Lee has facilitated many creative art projects for therapeutic and developmental. Mr. Lee is the author of the popular Drawing is Easy books series and creator of several innovative program such as Creativity-Juice, ChinesExplorer, Animation is Easy, Creative Art Therapies, OnlineArtclass, and many others.

Mr. Lee led many creative art projects, art therapy, retreat and workshops for schools, hospitals and corporations. They include Estee Lauder, Chevro, Cherie Hearts Kindergarten, Faber-Castell, Health Promotion Board, National Library Board, Singapore Police Force, Singapore Prison Services, Singapore Traffic Police, Hwa Chong Junior College, Government schools, Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN), KK Women's and Children's Hospital, PCF Foundation, Changi General Hospital, Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital, Feiyue Community, PCF, SBS Transit, NTUC, OAG, Johnson & Johnson, DFS, TOUCH Community, United Square, Unilever, Ministry of Home Affair, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Housing Development Board, SCOR, SAP, Ministry of Health, National University Hospital Systems, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore Customs, Sony, Instron, etc. He has also experiences in running individual and group art therapy treatment for pupils at schools and hospitals. 

Language medium: English or Mandarin

Team Building Testimonials

"It was a wonderful experience and this is nothing that I have never done before with my colleagues. Had a lot of fun doing it! Everyone coming together to do something is extremely encouraging, never stand alone when you have excellent colleagues to support one another. (Harry)"

"Dear Paul, I am writing to thank you for the quality of service provided by your company. We sincerely appreciate your efficient,  the level of detail and accountability you demonstrated for the programme. We will recommend your service to other contacts. Our team could not be more satisfied with your service, and we look forward to continuing this relationship. Thank you. (Jasmine Wee, HR, Estee Lauder)""It is interesting and fun. The bonding with the team is strong. We respect each other work and art piece. (Lim Liang Ching).""It was a very good experience and good blend of team building activity and discussion. Working together on combined canvas is good. Good way to introduce yourself to a new team and build a good relationship. Easy to participate, not stressful and easy for multiple languages. Thank you (Anna Wynn)."

"Programme was done systematically, teams were able to draw on all five canvas. We have a lot of fun drawing and getting to know each team mate. Build self awareness and teamwork spirit. (Shermaine Yeo)."

"It shows that working as a team, we have better, more innovative ideas than as an individual. Better know capabilities of other team members. Focus on team identification, strong interpersonal support and have fun together. Overall, very positive. Helpto network as a team and support each other (Dominique Bureau)."

"We get to know each other better by exchanging our views and ideas. This program helps to create bond with one another. Different ideas from different people. (Mariam)." "Helped me understand the importance of deconstruction and letting go. Clear input. Thanks for chasing us to go further and deeper in the de-construction process. (Giuseppe Bruni)."

"Reminds me that it's good to defocus to encourage creativity. Nice activity to collaborate on. Debriefing is important. (Marcus H.)"
"Reinforced message that I can lay out the groundwork clearly where others can then enhance it. Validates to me that my team can help add value to the work I do. Fun. (Arang M)."

"Nice way to interact with unfamiliar team. Demonstrated how well we can work together and meet deadlines when needed. Very peaceful nice music (Britt Smallwood)." "Very interesting. Learn how to decide instantly and go with the flow (Leon Yap)." "Uplifting, interesting, fun, and humour all in one. Loved the experience (Rasani Redyy)."

"It is fun, relaxing and we have a lot of laughters doing the activity (Mr. Matthew Wong)."

"It is a very good experience. We have started off with very conservative drawing and paint within limitation of what other parties has drawn. All the way to destorying the old and started off with a bold painting that is less limiting (Miss Wanda Wong)."

"Good to bond with team members.Feeling good about the freedom to splash colour (Grace)." "Very interesting. Good way to see team dynamics in action. Creativity. Good to know how other team react to change. Useful and insightful feedback from facilitator (Alvin Tan)." "Fun experience. Started with control then went freedom. Learned to work with other teams work (Anthony Mortin)"

"It was a funny, crazy and entertaining team building experience (Mrs. Smita)." "It was fun to paint with my colleagues. The instructor is very patient. The service is very good and everyone here is helpful. Fruits as snacks are good (Md. Kandoth)." "Extremely overjoy! I enjoy this journey and would like to recommend others to come (Johan).""Relaxing/ Expressing ourself via painting. Learn the art of painting. Best course after hard work (Rohani)."

"I extremely enjoy this session.A fun way to relax and also express one's creativity (Norfadillah)."
"It's fun and relaxing, definitely help with relief stress while learning a technique or two about painting (Hon)." "Very good experience in canvas painting. Learn the technique of art and using the right colour andcreative in own way (Ms. Noorliah)." "Enjoyed. I learnt about acrylic painting from an excellent trainer. Thank you (Hwee Miang)."

"Had a very fun and relaxing time. Was a very enjoyable experience! And something nice to bring home (Mr. Goh P.K.)"
"Something really different, a new experience, interesting. Learned about teamwork and working with members from different team (Thiriya)." "Expressive fun. The power of teamworks to transform life (Eric)." "It was a unique experience working with my colleagues in a setting as such. I got a better understanding of how my fellow colleages work and also the understanding of taking a step back to see the picture (Ng)."

"Dynamic and creative. Fun. Gained more awareness of the importance of teamwork and having goals. (SH Goh)."
"Interesting manner in fostering team building. Fun! Great bonding with fellow colleagues (Steve)." "Surprised to see that each coontribution can make up beautiful pictures. Learning to adapt to different situation and challenges with different people. (John)"

"Happy to play with colours and see the creativity of my colleagues. (Thomas)". "Interesting and I felt relaxed. Doing the activity I interacted with my colleagues, some whom I have not spoken much with. (Nothini)." "Quite inspired. Got to know other colleagues better. (Haslindah)." "Fun, expressive evebt. Bonding among colleagues. (Wati)""Anxious of the final outcome. Good bonding experience. Got to interact with my fellow teammates. The art tuned out to be nice. (Jasmin)." "It was an enriching experience, fun. Teamwork dynamic and bonding. (Chelsea).""It was an interesting tusk to just really painting a picture. Getting to know who each other differently. (Wilson)."

"Very refreshing activity, therapeutic at times. Took my mind away from work completely. The teamwork enhanced my original creation. It is very applicable to the work environment. Thank you! (Carmen)." "Felt very nice and relaxed. It was nice to be past of a creation where everyone contributed same as our workplace. Wonderful experience, started with a doubt whether I will be able to paint, but at the end was really great. (Ablnisheh)."

"Very relaxing and good stress relief. Unique way to do teambuilding - my concept of art has always been very individualistic. Let's do  it again! (Sean)." "Very interesting. Good therapy. Got insights into the teams' interest and passion. (Lim Suyin)." "Fun and engaging. Equal opportunity to enhance each other's work and turns out original idea even better. (Mia)." "Relax, fun, think outside of the box, imagine things different way. Teamwork, relaxed from work environment. Great activity to timeout. (Dini)."
"Very enriching and relaxing. The art process was calming as well and allowed me to be as creative as possible without feeling any stress. Very useful as it enriches the values of teamwork and encourages team bonding. (Leon)" "Quite enjoyable and fun. Helps the team bond better, utilizing each other's strengths. (Audrey)"

"I like it. It's relaxing, not what we usually do at the office. Allows us to be creative with no boundaries. Also let us work together to think about what we want. Good for encouraging team building and creativity. Good for destressing and relaxation also. (Melanie Shum)"

"Therapeutic and able to express freely with no limitations. We have worked well during the process and easily identify and capitalise on our strengths and weaknesses. Amidst the difference we have, we managed to come together and complete the tasks with little or no issues. (Christina Tang)"

"I became more artistic even though I am not good at it. The teamwork in each team, brainstorming ideas on what to be drawn. Bonding session for the colleagues. (Nurul)" "Fun activity, everyone found a way to participate. Useful in helping us see how we can add to what others have done before us (Phil Levesque)."

What is a fun team building activity?

Scavenger Hunt Split everyone into groups and make a list of fun things to find or do outside your office. Make it each team's mission to find and photograph everything on that list within a certain time limit. The first team to complete each item on the list wins!

What are good team bonding ideas?

Team-Building Activities to Do Outside the Office.
Complete an Escape-the-Room Challenge. ... .
Take a Cooking Class. ... .
Take an Improv Class. ... .
Sign Up for Trivia. ... .
Volunteer. ... .
Start a Book Club. ... .
Tackle a Ropes Course. ... .
Form an Intramural League..

What are the best team building activities for a small group?

Team-building activities for small groups.
Human Knot. Human Knot is a great game for encouraging your employees to work together to solve a problem. ... .
Blind Retriever. ... .
Perfect Square. ... .
Two Truths, One Lie. ... .
Egg Drop. ... .
Office debates. ... .
Team lunch. ... .
Spectrum mapping..

What are arts and crafts activities?

Arts and crafts are the perfect distraction for the everyday stresses and strains of life. Live music, singing, painting, drawing, making collages, and using textiles are great stress-busting recreational activities. If done in a relaxed and convivial setting in the company of others so much the better!


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