Best l carnitine supplement for weight loss

L carnitine is l carnitine worth it

L carnitine is a dietary supplement that has multiple uses, it is one of the most popular supplements used during muscle training. It is considered as a great fat burner as well.

What is l carnitine? what l carnitine do

L carnitine is actually a widely present amino acid in your body. When taken as a supplement it provides a number of benefits.

It is necessary for proper functioning of the brain, heart, liver and kidney. It is important for muscle movements and some of the other biological processes. Our body converts l carnitine to acetyl-l-carnitine and propionyl-l-carnitine.

When to take l carnitine

When to take l carnitine supplement is usually taken by the people whose production of l carnitine is naturally low.

Does l carnitine help you to lose weight?

L carnitine is often considered as a fat burner. It helps to convert fats into energy. It helps your stored fat to enter the cells where fats get metabolized and energy is generated. In one study a group of obese people were given l carnitine along with weight loss diet and workout regime at the end of the study the group who was consuming l carnitine had reduced 1.5 kg approx more weight loss than the other group. It is a clear proof that l carnitine helps one to reduce more weight.

But still more study is required in this area to get a clearer picture on the same.

Other benefits of l carnitine

Helps in alzheimer’s disease

L carnitine helps one to reduce the effect of age related reduction in mental capacity and loss of cognitive health. It even helps in reversing some of the symptoms of alzheimer's disease. For this l carnitine supplement has to be taken everyday. Some studies indicate that when in the form acetyl l carnitine it even protects your brain cells.

Enhances exercise performance

Some studies suggest that there is a benefit associated with workout when l carnitine is taken for long term. Even if they are minor, the benefits exist even if they take a few months or weeks to manifest.

It helps in faster recovery, increases oxygen supply to muscles, stamina building, reduction in muscle soreness and even increases the production of red blood cells which ultimately helps in better oxygen transportation in your overall body.

May prevent from the risk of type 2 diabetes

L-carnitine may lower your chance of developing type 2 diabetes. It aids in the synthesis of the ampk (activated protein kinase) enzyme, which is useful in converting carbohydrates for energy.

Why should you take l carnitine supplements and when to take l carnitine?

The amount of l carnitine production is solely dependent on how much you eat and how many calories you are burning. In vegetarians and vegans there can be a reduced production of l carnitine as they do not consume non vegetarian products. In this case they may want to consider taking it as a supplement. And l carnitine as pre workout also used before doing workout and it helps to weight loss

Older age groups of people may also consider taking it as after a certain age the metabolism gets slower and your body may require an extra boost to burn the fat into energy.

Dosage for l carnitine and is l carnitine safe

A standard dosage of l carnitine for an adult is 500 to 2000 mg per day. It may range from 500 to even 4000mg in its different forms but, upto 2000mg can be considered as a safe dosage for almost everyone.

But it is still recommended that you should check with your doctor if you feel even slight discomfort after taking the supplement.

Best brand for l carnitine

Some of the popular brands of l carnitine are: gat sports, rc, amizosports, optimum nutrition etc.

Note: always check with your fitness trainer, doctor or dietician before buying any certain brand of supplement to avoid any negative effects on your health.

One should always choose a trustable source of retail store to purchase any nutritional supplement. is considered as the leading retail online store when it comes to nutritional supplements. It provides you 100% authentic products and has a wide range to choose from. You even can get the product of your choice at your store step.

If you want to shed fat fast without losing muscle mass, try L-carnitine for weight loss. Fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders use it to improve muscle power and stamina, burn fat, and build lean muscle.

L-carnitine is naturally found in dairy products, fish, and poultry. However, L-carnitine supplements are more effective for weight loss and building lean muscle mass.

It boosts fatty acid oxidation, increases energy production, and improves stamina levels. This means you will have more energy to work out and burn more calories. Continue reading to get all the details about L-carnitine for weight loss, the benefits you will reap, natural foods rich in L-carnitine, and a sample vegan diet plan. Regularly including it in your diet can give you the results you have always desired.

In This Article

  • What Is L-Carnitine?
  • How Does L- Carnitine Aid Weight Loss?
  • Natural Sources Of L-Carnitine
  • L-Carnitine Rich Diet Plan For Weight Loss
  • Vegan L-Carnitine Rich Diet Plan For Weight Loss
  • Workout Plan For Weight Loss
  • L-Carnitine Supplements For Weight Loss
  • Benefits Of L-Carnitine
  • L- Carnitine Side Effects
  • Infographic: L-carnitine For Weightloss
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What Is L-Carnitine?

Woman checking what is L carnitine and how it works for weight loss

Image: Shutterstock

L-carnitine is a molecule involved in the oxidation of fatty acids in the mitochondria. It is a non-essential amino acid and is produced from two amino acid substrates, L-lysine and L-methionine. Though it is naturally available in fish, milk, and poultry, it can also be obtained through supplements available in the market.

Wondering how this substance aids weight loss? Read the next section to find out.

How Does L- Carnitine Aid Weight Loss?

L-carnitine aids weight loss by transporting fatty acids to the mitochondrial matrix, where they get oxidized and energy is released. This burns fat, and the energy released is used to increase exercise performance and endurance (1). L-carnitine’s benefits are most seen in individuals with obesity (2).

Natural Sources Of L-Carnitine

Natural sources of L carnitine for weight loss

Looking at this table, it is clear that red meat is not harmful to your health unless you consume it in excess. Neither will consuming protein make you gain weight. Let’s move to the next section where I’ll tell you what to eat to lose weight and build lean muscle mass. Take a look. (Vegans, scroll down for a complete vegan L-carnitine diet plan.)

L carnitine rich diet plan for weight loss

Image: Shutterstock

Meals What To Eat
Early Morning (7:00-7:30 am) 1 cup fenugreek soaked water
Breakfast (8:15-8:45 am) 1 whole wheat bread + scrambled eggs + 1 cup low-fat milk
Pre-Lunch (10:30 am) 1 cup green tea
Lunch (12:30-1:00 pm) Options:
  • Grilled chicken taco
  • Tuna sad
  • Beef sad
Evening Snack (4:00 pm) Options:
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1 cup watermelon juice
  • 1 cup green tea
Dinner (7:00 – 7:30 pm) Options:
  • Grilled beef steak with veggies
  • Smoked fish
  • Chicken stew
Why This Works

Drinking a cup of fenugreek soaked water in the morning will help kickstart your metabolism. Whole wheat, milk, and eggs are a great source of  L-carnitine, dietary fiber, protein, and calcium. This wholesome breakfast will activate your brain and keep your hunger pangs at bay. Having a cup of green tea before lunch will keep you from overeating and also flush out the toxins. Beef, chicken, and tuna are great sources of L-carnitine and protein that will help you burn fat and build lean muscle. A healthy and filling evening snack will give your body an extra dose of vitamins and minerals. For dinner, have protein and l-carnitine-rich foods that will burn the fat and provide energy.

There are a lot of vegan foods that may not match up to the l-carnitine amounts present in non-vegetarian food, but they can help you get a decent amount of l-carnitine. Here is a vegan L-carnitine diet chart.

Vegan L-Carnitine Rich Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Vegan L carnitine diet plan for weight loss

Image: Shutterstock

Meals What To Eat
Early Morning (7:00 – 7:30 am) Lemon juice and warm water
Breakfast (8:15- 8:45 am) Sprouts + Brazil nuts
Pre-Lunch (10:30 am) 1 cup green tea
Lunch (12:30-1:00 pm) Options:
  • Kidney bean chili
  • Spinach, tomato, and asparagus salad
  • Boiled corn salad
Evening Snack (4:00 pm) Options:
  • Green tea
  • Coconut water
  • Fresh fruit juice
Dinner (7:00 – 7:30 pm) Options:
  • Lentil soup
  • Bell pepper stuffed chickpeas
  • Blanched broccoli, beans, and spinach
Why This Works

Lemon water will help flush out the toxins and maintain the body’s pH levels. Sprouts and Brazil nuts are an excellent source of L-carnitine, proteins, and healthy fats. Green tea helps to suppress your appetite and has antioxidant properties. Have a light, protein-rich, filling, and L-carnitine rich lunch to help your body burn the calories. For your evening snack, drink a cup of green tea, fresh fruit juice or coconut water to flush out the toxins and boost your body’s cellular functions. Keep the dinner as light as possible but eat foods that are rich in L-carnitine such as lentils, chickpeas, spinach, beans, and broccoli.

Though L-carnitine will help to burn fat and produce energy, if that energy is not used up, it will get stored as fat again. And since your objective is to lose weight and not just recycle the stored fat, you have to workout at least 3-5 hours a week. Here is a sample workout plan.

Workout Plan For Weight Loss

L carnitine for weight loss along with workout plan

Image: Shutterstock

  • Neck rotations – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
  • Shoulder rotations – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
  • Arm circles – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
  • Side crunches – 2 sets of 10 reps (left and right sides)
  • Upper body twists – 1 set of 20 reps
  • Ankle rotations – 1 set of 10 reps (clockwise and anticlockwise)
  • Spot jogging – 5-7 minutes
  • Rope jumping – 2 sets of 50 reps
  • Burpees – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Jumping jacks – 1 set of 20 reps
  • Tricep dips – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Forward lunges – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Jumping forward lunges – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Pushups – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Crunches – 1 set of 20 reps
  • Mountain climbers – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Stretch

You can also include dancing, cycling, walking, running, weight training, yoga, and meditation to lose weight.

If you want to accelerate the rate at which you will lose weight, you should talk to your doctor about taking L-carnitine supplements. Here is what you should know.

L-Carnitine Supplements For Weight Loss

L carnitine supplements for weight loss

Image: Shutterstock

L-carnitine supplements can be used by those who have L-carnitine deficiency or want to lose weight and build body at a faster pace than by simply consuming an L-carnitine rich diet and working out. L-carnitine capsules are available in pharmacies as “fat burner” capsules.

L-Carnitine Weight Loss Dosage

The L-carnitine dosage for weight loss is you can have 2-3 g L-carnitine per day. You can have it after working out or in between meals. But is taking L-carnitine supplements safe for you? Revealed in the next section.

Are L-Carnitine Supplements Safe?

Scientific evidence says that 2 g or less L-carnitine per day is safe to take for those who want to lose weight. Also, if you decide to take L-carnitine supplements, please consult your doctor first. Talk to your doctor if you are currently on any prescription medication or following a diet plan for weight loss.

So, if you are investing your time, money, and energy to lose weight, what are the benefits you will get? Take a look at the next section.

Benefits Of L-Carnitine

  • Energizes Your Body

L-Carnitine is one element that is said to energize your body. With this, you can burn a whole lot of calories throughout the day and more than what you usually do while working out. It helps you give your 100% and makes working out super effective. It helps in transporting all fatty acids to the mitochondria, which leads to oxidation. This, in turn, burns energy. It stops the accumulation of fats and helps you lose weight quickly.

  • Boosts Metabolism

L-Carnitine also helps boost your metabolism significantly. It breaks down all the fat and allows your metabolism rate to head north. In fact, most experts have said that some people lose weight at a slow rate because of low metabolism and lack of L-Carnitine in their diet.

  • Helps You Lose Weight Faster

L-Carnitine helps in sending all your fat to the cells so that it can be used as energy. According to several health experts, adding L-Carnitine to your diet will help you get faster results in a shorter period. In fact, there was a survey conducted, where it was found that people who ate a healthy diet including L-Carnitine lost more weight than those who exercised.

  • Burns Body Fat At Cellular Level

L-Carnitine helps by burning body fat at the cellular level. It is related to vitamin B although its structure is very similar to amino acids.

  • Builds Muscle & Strengthens Bones

As L-carnitine helps to burn fat, it also helps to build lean muscle. The energy derived from fatty acid oxidation enhances muscle power. When you exercise, your muscles undergo wear and tear. And when you rest, these muscles are rebuilt into stronger muscle fibers.

  • Treats Heart Conditions

People suffering from angina can use L-carnitine to exercise without experiencing chest pain or uneasiness. L-carnitine can also help people with heart disease and patients who have had a minor heart attack.

  • Can Treat Diabetes Type II

L-carnitine helps to increase glucose oxidation, uptake, and storage. So, people who have diabetes type II can benefit from L-carnitine supplements as they will help reduce the blood glucose levels.

  • Boosts Immunity

L-carnitine has antioxidant effects. It helps to scavenge the free oxygen radicals, thereby neutralizing their harmful effects on the body cells.

  • Helps Kidney Function

L-carnitine is naturally produced by the kidneys. If a person is suffering from kidney disease and not able to produce enough L-carnitine, he/she can surely benefit from L-carnitine supplementation.

  • Benefits Breastfeeding Mothers

Breastfeeding leads to L-carnitine deficiency. Hence, new mothers can benefit from L-carnitine supplementation.

  • Improves Brain Function

L-carnitine helps to improve brain function by preventing stress-related and age-related brain damage in elders, thereby promoting brain health and function.

You may now give a serious thought about taking L-carnitine supplements. But it is also not without any side effects. Here is what you can experience if you overdose yourself.

L- Carnitine Side Effects

L carnitine for weight loss side effects

Image: Shutterstock

L-carnitine overdose can lead to nausea, headache, indigestion, increased heartbeat, fever, impaired vision, loss of appetite, and weakness. The most serious side effect is atherosclerosis, and it is commonly known as carnitine clog.

Infographic: L-carnitine For Weightloss

L-carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid involved in major bodily functions. Many people have been using L-carnitine supplements for weight loss. However, does that work? The following infographic elucidates the potential benefits of L-carnitine for weight loss. Check it out!

l-carnitine for weight loss [infographic]

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

L-carnitine is a molecule found naturally in fish, dairy products, and poultry. You can also find L-carnitine supplements, which are popular with people who want to lose weight and build lean muscle. Pairing a daily exercise regimen with L-carnitine for weight loss is effective. But, it requires consistency, time, and effort to see results. If you want to shed some pounds quickly, consult a doctor or dietician before taking L-carnitine supplements.

Scroll up to check out which natural ingredients contain L-carnitine and how you can add them to your diet.

It is mostly used by people to lose weight, build lean muscle mass, and improve endurance and muscle power.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take L-carnitine to work?

It can take about 10-12 weeks to see a visible difference with regular intake and exercise.

Can we take L-carnitine on an empty stomach?

Yes, you can take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to aid better absorption and make the most of its benefits.

Does L-carnitine make you poop?

Excessive intake may lead to stomach discomfort and diarrhea.

Can carnitine cause hair loss?

No, L-carnitine may instead play a role in good scalp and hair health (2).

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Charushila is an ISSA certified Fitness Nutritionist and a Physical Exercise Therapist. Over a span of 5 years, she has... more

Merlin Annie Raj is a Registered Dietitian based out of Hyderabad, India. She has vast experience in Clinical Nutrition as... more

Which L

L-carnitine L-tartrate: This form is most effective for exercise performance. Doses vary from 1,000–4,000 mg per day. Propionyl-L-carnitine: This form is best for improving blood flow in those with high blood pressure or related health conditions. Doses vary from 400–1,000 mg per day.

How much L

A non-linear dose-response association was seen between l-carnitine supplementation and body weight reduction (P < 0.001) suggesting that ingestion of 2000 mg l-carnitine per day provides the maximum effect in adults.

Is L

L-carnitine boosts your metabolism to help you lose weight A more efficient metabolism significantly aids your weight loss program because you'll increase the amount of calories you're able to burn—even at rest.

Which brand L

Our Top L-Carnitine Supplements (October 2022).
1 - Double Wood Supplements Acetyl-L-Carnitine (Editor's Choice) ... .
2 - Transparent Labs PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner Stim-Free. ... .
3 - ProSupps L-Carnitine. ... .
4 - NOW Sports Liquid L-Carnitine. ... .
5 - MusclePharm Essentials Carnitine. ... .
6 - BRI Nutrition L-Carnitine Extra Strength..