Can apple cider gummies help you lose weight

ACV gummies are dietary supplements that have ACV concentrate and other ingredients like vitamins, fruit extracts, and added sugar. Some also have acetic acid, a compound that is created during the fermentation process used to make ACV.

If you take 1 Goli ACV gummy you’ll ingest:

  • Calories: 15
  • Sugar: 2 grams
  • Apple cider vinegar powder: 500 mg
  • Organic beetroot: 40 mcg
  • Organic pomegranate: 40 mcg
  • Folic acid: 50% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin B12: 50% of the DV

ACV gummies were made to deliver the “benefits” of ACV in a tasty, sugar-coated package — basically, without that super acidic taste that makes you pucker like you ate a WarHead.

Companies that make ACV gummies often claim that they can:

  • promote weight loss
  • enhance blood sugar regulation
  • support immune function
  • have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

There’s a little evidence to support some of these claims — but not enough to prove taking ACV gummies actually does anything.

ACV gummies come with a lot of bold claims — some with some research to back it up and others with zilch. Here’s the deal.

Blood sugar regulation

Yes, there’s some evidence that taking liquid ACV (but not supplemented ACV) can help your blood sugar levels out.

A 2021 review of nine studies found that ACV consumption significantly lowered blood sugar levels in participants. It also drastically lowered hemoglobin A1C levels, which is a type of protein linked to diabetes.

As a result, researchers concluded that ACV can have a positive impact on blood sugar levels.

But wait — turns out that noshing on gummies might not have the same impact as slurping ACV straight-up. In a small 2020 study, researchers found vinegar tablets to be 31 percent less effective than liquid vinegar in reducing post-meal blood sugar levels. Still, since this study is super small, we need more research to know for sure.

It’s also worth noting that since ACV gummies might have added sugar, this could also mess with some folk’s blood sugar levels.

Healthy cholesterol

Yep, there’s some evidence that taking liquid ACV (but not supplemented ACV) supports healthy cholesterol levels.

That same 2021 review found that ACV consumption significantly lowered overall cholesterol levels in participants.

Certain groups also experienced a significant reduction of serum TC and TG (which are non-cholesterol types of fat linked to heart disease), including:

  • those with type 2 diabetes
  • those who took more than 15 mL/day of ACV
  • those who took ACV for more than 8 weeks

As a result, researchers concluded that ACV can have a positive impact on blood lipid levels, including cholesterol.

Keep in mind we still don’t know if ACV gummies can have the same impact as the liquid ACV participants consumed. Also, participants were taking 15 to 770 mL doses per day, which can’t be directly compared to taking 500 mg gummies.

Weight loss

Nope, there’s not enough evidence so far to suggest that taking any form of liquid ACV can help you lose weight.

Marketers of ACV gummies often say they help with weight loss — but there’s not enough research to support this claim.

In a 2020 review of 13 human and 13 animal studies, scientists concluded that there wasn’t enough evidence to conclude that ACV has any effect on weight loss.

In a 2018 study of 39 participants who were overweight or obese, researchers did conclude that liquid ACV consumption helped reduce body weight, BMI, and appetite.

Again, this is liquid ACV, though, and a small study, so we’d need more research before we start throwing back gummies to lose weight.

Added nutrients

Yep, ACV gummies often contain added vitamins and minerals that you might need — or might not need, if you’re already getting enough from food and don’t have any nutrient deficiencies.

Many varieties have added B12, which some people take to improve their energy.

Other commonly added nutrients include:

  • zinc
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin B9
  • folic acid

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

Nope, there’s not enough evidence to suggest that ACV gummies have an antioxidant or anti-inflammatory effect.

Since many ACV gummies contain small amounts of natural pomegranate and beet juice, the companies often claim they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

It’s true that beet and pomegranate juice *do* have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. But since there’s a small amount of these juices in ACV gummies, it’s unlikely to have much of an impact.

Most studies on the effects of beet and pomegranate juice have participants taking doses of at least 500 mg or 250 mL — which means we can’t exactly compare those results to the wayyy lower dose of 0.004 mg (ish) in most gummies.

A 2020 research review concluded there’s likely little risk of side effects when taking ACV. That being said, we don’t have any research on ACV gummies in particular. Other potential cons of supplementing ACV include:

  • Questionable benefits. As that 2020 review notes, there *could* be beneficial effects of consuming ACV, but we don’t really know for sure yet. We especially don’t know when it comes to gummies.
  • Added sugar. Many ACV gummies have added sugar — as much as 1 gram (1/4 teaspoon) per gummy. Even though it might not seem like much, it can def add up. This could be a prob for those who need to watch their blood sugar levels.

Sure, the gummies might taste a lot better. But if you really want some of ACV’s benefits, try using liquid ACV instead. Here’s how:

  • Shots, shots, shots. Add a shot of ACV to your smoothie instead of holding your nose and downing it (which isn’t great for your teeth!).
  • Make it more palatable. If straight-up ACV in a glass of water isn’t your thing, try adding a splash of fruit juice and honey.
  • Make a vinaigrette. Making an ACV salad dressing is easy. Try mixing ACV, extra virgin olive oil, and Dijon mustard.
  • Ferment some food. Try making pickles or sauerkraut with ACV.

ACV gummies are super popular, but we don’t have enough research yet to prove they live up to company claims.

Even though there’s research to suggest liquid ACV helps promote healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels, there’s no science on ACV gummies in particular just yet. Plus, there’s also not enough research to suggest that any form of ACV can aid in weight loss, antioxidant function, or reduce inflammation.

That being said, there isn’t a big risk of taking them as directed. So, if you’re still interested, talk with your doc.

Does apple cider vinegar gummies help lose belly fat?

ACV gummies found widespread popularity in the wellness community, but there's no evidence that they provide any health benefits. Claims that these supplements offer support with your blood sugar levels, weight loss goals, inflammation, detoxification, and energy levels remain unfounded.

How many apple cider vinegar gummies should I take a day to lose weight?

Some people are okay with taking the apple cider vinegar in its naturally occurring form, however for those who hate the taste – it's much easier to take Goli Gummies. You should take two Goli Gummies every day to help with your weight loss journey.

How does apple cider vinegar gummies work for weight loss?

How Do Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies Work? Apple cider vinegar gummies work by providing your body with acetic acid. Acetic acid is a compound found in vinegar that has been shown to boost metabolism and reduce appetite. In one study, acetic acid was shown to increase metabolism by up to 40 percent!

What does apple cider vinegar gummies do for you?

Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies is popular in the health and wellness world because of its ability to help with weight loss, diabetes, digestion, and heart disease. It's also been known to help increase energy levels, boost immunity and fight off colds and flu. ACV gummies are gelatin-free candies that contain ACV powder.