Can plan b pill change your period cycle

Wondering how taking Plan B might affect you? We’ve got you.

Plan B is safe and effective. Some women may experience side effects from taking Plan B; these side effects tend to be mild. Remember: Plan B doesn’t stay in your body long term—it works to help prevent pregnancy after only one incidence of unprotected sex.

Possible Plan B side effects include:

  • A period that’s lighter, heavier, early, or late
  • Nausea
  • Lower abdominal cramps
  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Breast tenderness
  • Vomiting

Some women taking Plan B One‑Step may have changes in their period, such as spotting or bleeding before their next period. If your period is more than a week late, it’s possible you might be pregnant. Get a pregnancy test and follow up with your healthcare professional.

If you vomit within 2 hours of taking Plan B, talk to your healthcare
professional to find out if you should repeat the dose.

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Can plan b pill change your period cycle

For women who have recently had birth control fail them, or may have forgotten it altogether, the morning after pill can be a life saver. Emergency contraception, such as Plan B or ella, should never be relied on as your main form of birth control, but can be extraordinarily helpful if something happens and you end up needing to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. It is important to note that the morning after pill is NOT the same as an abortion pill. Emergency contraception prevents pregnancy, while abortion terminates an existing pregnancy.

Taking the morning after pill can be a little scary if you don’t know what to expect. Many women wonder how the pill will affect their next period, especially because they’re eager to get it and confirm they’re not pregnant. Let’s take a look at what your first period after emergency contraception will look like.

What can you expect for your first period following the morning after pill?

The way the morning after pill works is by delivering a high dose of a hormone called levonorgestrel, a type of progestin or artificial progesterone. When your body gets bombarded with this hormone, it can affect your period (and entire menstrual cycle) in a few different ways:

  • Timing: Your first period after taking emergency contraception may follow your normal schedule. It is common, however, to get it either about a week early or a week late. If your period is two weeks late or more, you should consider taking a pregnancy test.
  • Duration: Your period may last longer than usual after taking emergency contraception.
  • Flow: Some women experience a lighter or heavier flow during their first period after the morning after pill. Heavier flow is more common than lighter.

Next period vs. morning after pill spotting

After taking emergency contraception, it is normal to experience some light bleeding or spotting as an effect of the extra hormones. It is important to note that this bleeding is not the same as your period. Here’s what you can expect from any morning after pill bleeding:

  • Timing: Any bleeding from the morning after pill will start within a few days after taking it.
  • Duration: If you do bleed, it will only last a day or two, or occasionally slightly longer.
  • Flow: Morning after pill bleeding will be very light, possibly even just a few spots.
  • Other potential side effects: The hormones in the morning after pill can also cause side effects like abdominal pain, nausea, headaches, fatigue, breast tenderness, and dizziness. These should subside within a few days.

If you find yourself in need of the morning after pill, South Avenue Women’s can help. Our medical professionals can help you access emergency contraception and then set you up with a reliable birth control option. If you missed the window for emergency contraception and are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, we can also can provide information about and perform safe, confidential, and effective abortion services if you decide that’s what is right for you.

Call us today at 585-271-3850 to schedule an appointment with our caring team members!

If you’re considering the morning-after pill available without a prescription as an emergency contraceptive, you may be curious as to how the morning-after pill can affect your menstrual cycle. Let’s review the possible side effects of the morning-after pill, including how it can impact your period and for how long.

How to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex

To prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or your birth control method fails, you can take the morning-after pill with the hormone levonorgestrel like Restart™, our latest emergency contraception offered by Stix. With the same active ingredient as Plan B One-Step, My Way, AfterPill, and more, this form of emergency contraception prevents pregnancy after unprotected sex or your chosen birth control method doesn’t work as intended.

The morning-after pill is most effective when you take it within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex and can reduce your chances of pregnancy by 75-89% if you take it within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. Since it’s available over-the-counter and does not have an age limit for purchasing, this type of morning-after pill is one of the most accessible types of emergency contraception available.

It’s also important to know that the morning-after pill isn’t recommended to be used as your regular method of birth control since it's less effective than regular birth control and can be more expensive. This type of emergency contraception also doesn’t protect you from contracting sexually transmitted infections after unprotected sex.

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How the morning-after pill works

The morning-after pill that’s available without a prescription contains levonorgestrel, a synthetic progestogen hormone that works to prevent pregnancy. The hormone works to prevent pregnancy by:

  • Delaying the release of an egg from the ovary
  • Preventing the egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus (this may occur when the ovary has already released the egg)

Before taking, be sure to read the instructions and warnings that come with your morning-after pill. Take one dose as soon as you can, within 72 hours (3 days) of having unprotected sex. If you’re using another method of birth control that fails (like the condom breaks or you forget to take a few of your birth control pills), this can count as having unprotected sex.

The morning-after pill works to prevent fertilization — it cannot terminate an existing pregnancy. If you’re already pregnant and don’t want to be, you can ask your primary care provider about your options.

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Can the morning-after pill make your period late?

You might get your period up to a week later than you otherwise would after using an emergency contraceptive like the morning-after pill. Take a pregnancy test if you don’t get your period within 3-4 weeks. The morning-after pill shouldn’t delay your period by more than one menstrual cycle. This form of emergency contraception can also make your period arrive early; people can have varying experiences with how it affects their period.

Does the morning-after pill change the length of your period?

Taking the morning-after pill can change with your menstrual cycle because of the changes in hormone levels. It might take your body some time, usually about one month, to readjust and get you back to your typical cycle.

Irregularities in your menstrual cycle may include changes in how long your period lasts and the heaviness of your flow. Your menstrual period can be longer or shorter than it usually is, and the flow of menstrual blood can be lighter or heavier. You may also bleed or spot between periods.

How else can the morning-after pill affect your body?

Most of the side effects you experience by using the morning-after pill are minor. You likely won’t experience long-term effects or changes to your general wellbeing. In most cases, you won’t need to reach out to your primary care provider if you take it.

Nausea is one of the most common side effects of using the morning-after pill. You might also experience:

  • Abdominal pain (cramps)
  • Breast tenderness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting

Get in touch with your primary care provider if you vomit within a few hours of taking the morning-after pill to determine whether you need to take another dose.

Medical professionals consider the morning-after pill to be safe to use, and there are no safety concerns related to how often you can use it. Although you can use the morning-after pill multiple times without negative health consequences, it’s not recommended for use as your regular birth control method. The morning-after pill isn’t as effective as other non-emergency contraceptives, but it can come in handy when you have unprotected sex or your birth control fails.

How long can side effects last?

Typically, side effects from taking the morning-after pill last less than a few days, and most won’t need to see their primary care provider after taking it. However, you may want to reach out if:

  • Bleeding or spotting continues for more than a week
  • Severe pain in your lower abdomen develops three to five weeks after taking
  • If you do not get a period 3-4 weeks after taking and a pregnancy test is negative

These effects may signify a pregnancy complication such as miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. When the fertilized egg implants outside your uterus, usually in the fallopian tube, it’s considered to be an ectopic pregnancy, a condition that can be life-threatening.

For more articles on all things reproductive health, head to our education hub, Real Talk, for everything you need to know about your body.