Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

How to Create a PayPal Business Account

To begin selling your books through your Booksite, you will need to create a PayPal Business Account. PayPal functions as a virtual bank account by storing the money from your book sales. Additionally, PayPal will send you an email whenever you make a sale that includes the buyer's address for shipping. Money can be moved from your PayPal account to a personal banking account at any time by linking your bank to PayPal.

Step 1: Visit

On the PayPal homepage, you will see two links in the top right corner. If this is your first PayPal account, click the 'Sign Up' button. If you have a Personal Account that you would like to convert into a PayPal Business Account, skip a few steps down to our 'How to Convert a Personal PayPal Account' section.

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

Step 2: Select 'Business Account'

The first question you will be asked is which kind of account you would like to create. Make sure the button next to 'Business Account' is checked and then click 'Next.'

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

Step 3: Fill Our Your Business Information

The next page will ask for information about your business. If you operate a one-person business, you can use your personal name and address.

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

How to Convert a Personal PayPal Account

If you already have a personal PayPal account, you can convert your account into a Business account. Unlike Personal Accounts, Business Accounts can accept credit and debit card transactions.

Step 1: Go to Your PayPal Settings

After logging in to your Personal Account, click the settings icon in the top right corner of your account homepage.

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

Step 2: Upgrade Your PayPal Account

In the lower left corner of your account homepage, click the 'Upgrade to a Business account' link and then follow the instructions on the next page to upgrade you account.

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

How to Create a PayPal Button

Your PayPal button will be the main link between your Booksite and PayPal account. The button's settings will determine your book's sale price, shipping cost, tax rate and more. These settings not linked to your Booksite, so any revisions will have to be made from your PayPal account.

Step 1: Go the PayPal Buttons page

From anywhere on the PayPal website, click the 'Pay & Get Paid' link in the menu. When the dropdown appears, click the 'PayPal Buttons' link.

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

Step 2: Select the 'Buy Now' Button

The next page will show several types of buttons that you can create. For our purposes, find and click the rectangle containing the 'Buy Now' button.

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

Step 3: Enter Your Button's Settings

Most of your button's settings can be left as they are, but here are some setting you will want to update:

  • Item Name: Your Book Title
  • Price: Intended Sale Price
  • Shipping: Choose 'Use specific amount' and enter a shipping cost
    This flat amount will be added onto your book's price. More advanced shipping options, included the option to charge by state, are available under your PayPal account settings.
  • Tax: Tax Rate (Optional)

Skip over 'Step 2' and click the 'Step 3' bar. This will reveal more options. Change 'Do you want to let your customers change order quantities?' to 'Yes.' Save your settings using the yellow 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the page.

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

Step 4: Send Your Button's Code to Gorham Printing

Your button has now been saved to your PayPal account. We will need the code on this page to add the button to your Booksite. Click anywhere in the box under the 'Website' tab to highlight the code. Copy the code by holding down Control+C on your keyboard. In your preferred email client, paste the code into a new message by holding down Control+V. Send this email to with the subject line "Your Name - Booksite Button Code".

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

How to Edit Your PayPal Button

If you decide change your button's settings, such your book's price, shipping cost, or tax rate, you can do so from your PayPal account.

Step 1: View Your Saved Buttons

From the PayPal button page (Step 2 of 'How to Create a PayPal Button'), click the 'View your saved buttons' link in the top right corner.

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

Step 2: Edit Your Button using the Dropdown

This page will list all of the buttons saved on your account. The button for your Booksite will be under the 'Item Name' that you assigned it when you created the button. Click the 'Action' dropdown and then select 'Edit button.' This will take you to your button's setting page (same as Step 3 of 'How to Create a PayPal Button').

Your PayPal button will update itself once your changes have been saved, so you do not have resend the code to us. However, if you change your button's price, notify us by emailing so that we can update your Booksite to match your new price.

Can you change your paypal account from personal to business

What happens if I convert my PayPal account to a business account?

Your business can accept payments for goods and services through PayPal. Using a PayPal business account, you can accept online payment via PayPal, as well as in your store or business office, through a mobile card reader, and by phone. Many people, especially those shopping online, prefer to pay using PayPal.

Can I use the same PayPal account for personal and business?

To begin with, PayPal allows one user to have a maximum of two accounts. One is for personal use while the other one is for business use. End-users are allowed to add as many email addresses for accepting/sending payment.

Is it free to upgrade PayPal to business account?

It's free to open an account; you only pay transaction fees when your customers pay you.

What are the disadvantages of PayPal business account?

Cons of using PayPal for small business.
High chargeback fees..
Higher fees than a typical merchant (credit card processing) account..
Account suspension for terms and conditions (T&C) violations that can freeze your funds for months..
May take 2 business days to get your money..
Customer service can be hard to reach..