Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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Just curious how common this is.  I seriously think I might be pregnant...A few days ago, my dog started acting funny.  Sneaking upstairs to sleep by my side of the bed, won't leave my side, won't leave me to go outside with DH (his world revolves around DH!), etc.  The only other time he has done this is when I was pregnant.  Now this morning I am super queasy.  I don't have an easily upset stomach so I rarely get queasy but I had extreme morning sickness with all four kiddos for months and months :(  I just don't ever remember being sick until about 1-2 weeks after a test was positive.  I took a test this morning and it was negative.  It was on the early side so I will wait a few days to test again.  Just curious if anyone here was sick BEFORE a test was positive?

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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I literally rolled over a threw up within a couple hours with 4 of mine.

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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Yep, usually about a week before the test was positive I would start throwing up. Although I never stopped until the baby was born. I lived on things like crackers, ginger snaps, and honeydew melons when I was pregnant.

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I barfed every time I brushed my teeth pretty much from conception to birth--- that's how I knew I was pregnant---it did indeed start before a positive test.

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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Yep. Before with all of them. With my first, I was sick 3 weeks before I made the connection. With my second I was sick from 14 days past ovulation, and it didn't stop until 39 weeks!

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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as early as 4 days after conception,and I've never had a positive test before 5weeks.

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Wow, so it isn't completely a crazy idea that I might be pregnant!  We always joked that the dog would know before anyone.  He is acting just like I am pregnant, and again....he isn't usually a mommy dog, he is all about my dh, he just puts up with me.   ;)

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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Yes. I also get food cravings before the pregnancy test comes out positive (with DD, I found myself craving nachos starting about a week past ovulation. She still loves Tex-Mex).

 Unfortunately, though, as I'm getting into perimenopause, I also get morning sickness about a week before my period. Very, very, VERY frustrating, especially since I'd love to have another baby.

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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I can't explain the dog, but just to throw something out there, in the last few years I've gotten hormone surges that made me feel just like morning sickness. Never lasting more than a day or 2, but if dh hadn't had the big V, I would have been testing for sure.

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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My kitty girl started sleeping on my stomach before I got a + the first time. I'd had her for 8 years and she had never done that. It was obsessive too, like anytime I would sit down and I couldn't displace her. I have had HG (severe MS) with each baby, but none started before the tests. Metal mouth did.

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4-5 days after conception. Like clockwork.

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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The exhaustion but not the nausea hits within a few days of conception for me.

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I did with #1 for sure. I had crazy aversions as well. I almost threw up in the grocery store before my positive test.

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It's been two hours - time to test again (well, it would be in my house ;)).  Good luck!!

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I don't start throwing up until 8w2d, don't ask why but its been that way with every pregnancy. My clue is a sudden intense need to CLEAN, were talking obsession with scrubbing the floor with a tooth brush clean just a couple days after conception. Last time it happened at 3DPO and I knew then I was preggo. oh carp, I gotta stay off these preggo threads, I'm suddenly wanting another baby and thats a very bad idea! I look at a man and I get prego, ugh! Bad thoughts! lol

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It's been two hours - time to test again (well, it would be in my house ;)).  Good luck!!

I know, right?  I am determined to wait a week - not sure if I will make it that long  :blush:   Patience is not my strongest characteristic.

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Actually, in all long would you wait to retest?

First Day of my last period was August 25th if that matters.  I am not on a 28 day cycle.  I am usually more like 30-35+ days.

I am thinking I should wait until at least Friday?  Maybe longer, if I can stand it?

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I, too, had nausea 4 days after conception. I woke up, gagged, and said to my husband, "That's new. Maybe I'm pregnant."

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I'd stock up at the Dollar Store and test every am until symptoms stop or my period came :)

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Good idea.  I ran out this morning and bought two for $18 since we don't have a dollar store near us.  I will need to make a special trip and stock up. Then I can justify my testing habit.  

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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No, but I have had "morning sickness" and tested negative. I actually had symptoms for about 3-4 days but tested negative 3 times during that week. Actually 4 times--my gyn did a blood test. (Just happened this took place at the time of my annual exam so she did the testing.) Obviously something was happening but I got my period a few days later.

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Not the nausea, but two different, annoying symptoms.  Within three days every. single. time.   A week to 10 days before the pg tests are supposed to be effective.  Boy, if that wasn't maddening!

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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short answer - yes.  I rarely - and I mean rarely - ever experienced much morning sickness.  mostly, it was queasy.

I also had major PMS-type symptoms (I actually hoped it was just PMS because then I would feel better.)  I remember walking down the hallway with a load of laundry and dropping it so I could run to the bathroom to empty my stomach.  I still thought I was just getting sick - but other symptoms never developed.

I had an aversion to chocolate.  dh and I went out for ice cream sundae's. . . . . . as soon as it was placed on the table in front of me.    get. it. a.w.a.y. from. me!  it was very sad.

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Did you have morning sickness before a test was positive?


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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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Backache, extreme hunger, and severe fatigue within 5-10 days of conception. 

I'd retest every day, but I was a nut that way. I spent so much on tests over the years! Fingers crossed for you!

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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I don't get morning sickness, but I sleep constantly.  I definitely slept extra hours starting right after conception and  before I tested positive.  In fact by baby #3, I called and asked the doc for a blood test because it was too early for a pee test.  Due to a previous complication, I needed to know exactly when I conceived.  It was just a few days after relations. 

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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I did with DS 2. He was a surprise and I was actually at a get-together with some friends and saying how I missed having a baby. When I got home, I was overwhelmed by nausea and thought I'd eaten something bad there but it continued for several days. I was in such denial that I waited 2 weeks more of really bad morning sickness convinced it was a really bad stomach bug before I decided to take a test to prove to my husband that wasn't the cause and it was positive. I had strong morning sickness with him and it actually lasted through my 2nd trimester.

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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No, I had the keen sense of smell prior to testing, but I get BFP pretty easily (about a week before my missed period) and the nausea doesn't kick in until week 6 or 7 with me.

It seems logical to me that if your hormones have hit the point where you're having symptoms, it should show up on a test, shouldn't it? But I guess that's not the case from the other replies - my sensitivity to hormonal changes must be about the same as an average HPT  :tongue_smilie:

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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I don't have symptoms until about 6 weeks. This time, I am pregnant with twins :willy_nilly: and I still had no symptoms until 6 weeks, other than a positive test about 16 days past ovulation (I don't test early--it just drives me crazy).

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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I can't explain the dog, but just to throw something out there, in the last few years I've gotten hormone surges that made me feel just like morning sickness. Never lasting more than a day or 2, but if dh hadn't had the big V, I would have been testing for sure.

I had that for several years.  early pregnancy type symptoms would last for several days - then go away just before my cycle started. in a way it was helpful - I had irregular cycles and was never caught by surprise.  it didn't come back after dudeling was born.

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Still haven't started my period.  I am holding out to test again.  Agh............................................

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are you still having nausea?

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Slightly, but my BOOOOOKS are definitely sore.  My hormones could definitely be a little whack-o though.  That happens to me sometimes. 

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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I, too, threw up before a positive test. I want to say a couple of weeks, though I can't remember. Ah, I see I responded to an updated thread! Good luck!

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I've gotten positive tests 10 dpo, but I've tested on 3 pregnancies because I felt ill, like that burning carsick nausea that only accompanies pregnancy. With two of those I just *knew* I couldn't be pregnant, but I tested to rule it out.

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I'd stock up at the Dollar Store and test every am until symptoms stop or my period came :)


I read that as, "I'd KNOCK up at the Dollar Store..."

and I was all, "Daaaang. Points for efficiency?!"


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For my three where I had morning sickness, yes.  That was my first indication that I was expecting. It got worse for each kid.  With my 5th I knew as soon as I was dizzy and slightly nauseous.  I never get sick!

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I get sicker and sicker, earlier and earlier, with every pregnancy (I'm on my 5th). This time the sickness didn't kick in until about five weeks, but I was exhausted from the very beginning, for probably two weeks before it occurred to me that I might be pregnant. It was my first clue.

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Good grief, *I* want to pay for another test. Sore bOOks = pg for me. First best sign every time. 

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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OK, test already, lol!

Inquiring minds want to know. :D

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Should we start a pregnancy test donation fund :) You NEED to test!

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yup.  Every single pregnancy I knew before the test was positive.  Smells were so much stronger and I had a terrible upset tummy.  By 6 weeks with oldest dd, I was so sick I needed to be hospitalized. 

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I am home with a sick child so I can't test today.  I tested one week ago and it was negative but it was really early.  Seriously though, my hormones do get whacky sometimes.  I guess whack-o hormones could cause sore boooooooks and nausea?  

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Excuses, excuses :) Hopefully the illness passes quickly.

....... You need to send your dh to the store :)

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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 I guess whack-o hormones could cause sore boooooooks and nausea?  

Yes, according to my gyn with regard to my story upthread.

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I don't normally worry about it, but when I told DH about being a little sick and being late,  he said

"well, we did sort of have a total protection fail"  :001_huh:   He wasn't going to tell me because he didn't want me in this position....wondering if I was preggers.  He knows that it drives me absolutely crazy.  One of my motivations for waiting is to prove to him that I can be patient  :001_tt2:   Also, I would be embarrassed to turn in my receipts to him, showing my 1 million pregnancy test purchases.  lol

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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I didn't ever have nausea before a BFP but if I were 1) late and 2) had sore bOOks, I would already be calculating my EDD and confirming with a(nother) test.

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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Get thee to the dollar store!!! :)

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Get thee to the dollar store!!! :)

Hubby is gone but I am seriously considering dragging my sick 4 year old with me  :tongue_smilie: I mean, it will be a quick trip, right?  

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Can you get nauseous before a positive pregnancy test

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I am home with a sick child so I can't test today.  I tested one week ago and it was negative but it was really early.  Seriously though, my hormones do get whacky sometimes.  I guess whack-o hormones could cause sore boooooooks and nausea?  

Progesterone (like that which causes PMS) can definitely give you sore books and nausea before your period is due, even when you're not pregnant. The sore books part is a normal PMS symptom for me.

Get thee to the dollar store!

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