Can you remove set in grease stains

I’m thrilled to share this tip for how to remove set-in grease stains from clothing with all of you. Seriously, how many times have you pulled a top or some slacks from the dryer, only to discover those dark, tell-tale stains?

You’ll never guess, but that happened to me just this week. It all started when I was seriously delayed in traffic during a grocery-shopping trip. I called my marvelous husband and asked if he could throw something together for dinner.

He did a great job putting a meal on the table (I love this guy!), but he did mention that he spilled grease on his pants while cooking. I wasn’t too concerned. After all, who wouldn’t trade a hot meal (that you didn’t have to cook, by the way!) for a tiny bit of scrubbing on a little bitty stain?

Can you remove set in grease stains

Of course, I forgot all about the grease stain, only to remember it while I was pulling the clothes from the dryer. Turns out, the stain wasn’t itty bitty, either. Good grief!

Rather than throw my hands up in despair (or throw the trousers in the trash), I searched the Internet for a solution. I decided to give this laundry tip a try. Simply pour some Dawn dishwashing liquid on the set-in grease stain, rub it in, and let it soak for at least one hour. Then wash as usual.

Can you remove set in grease stains

I did read that you want to be careful not to let it soak too long, because the dishwashing liquid can potentially lighten the fabric. I let the Dawn soak in for three days, simply because that’s when I was washing the next load.

Can you remove set in grease stains

Sure enough, the Dawn removed all but the teansiest remnants of the set-in grease stains, and the fabric didn’t fade at all. Good enough for me! No more grease-stained clothes finding their way to the “these-are-only-good-for-working-in-the-garage” pile at our house.

Anybody else have a laundry tip to share? Be sure to tell us all about it in the comments section below.

I tested five similarly sizable splatters of bacon grease on a 100% cotton dress shirt. I waited 15 minutes for each stain to set (I used that time to eat the bacon!) and then got to cleaning.

The ratings: Each method received a rating of one to five, with five being the best method overall and one being the least favorite method. Along with the rating you’ll find notes on how easy or difficult the method was, how much elbow grease it took (pun intended), and how much time it took to remove. 

Can you remove set in grease stains

Credit: Ghazalle Badiozamani

Grease Cleaning Method: Hairspray 

  • Total time: 30 minutes (active time: a few seconds of spritzing)
  • Rating: 1 / 5

The method: Lay the soiled clothing on a paper towel and saturate the stain with hairspray. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then launder in hot water. If you can still see the grease stain, spray again and let sit for another 30 minutes. Do not dry the item until the stain has been lifted.

How it went: I saturated the stain with TRESemme non-aerosol hairspray and let it sit for about 30 minutes. According to my research, I should have started to see the stain lift at that point. Because the area was saturated, though, it was difficult to tell if what I was seeing was grease or hairspray — so I went ahead and laundered it in hot water. After removing it from the washing machine, it looked as if the stain was completely gone, but the fabric was wet (clearly), so it was actually hard to tell. I went ahead and tossed it in the dryer. Mistake! I was bummed to learn that the stain hadn’t lifted much at all and I had set it into the fabric deeper. Out of all the methods tested, this was the least effective. 

I could see how you might use this method if you’re out and about and need something to intercept the stain until you can launder your clothing, but I wouldn’t recommend hairspray being your only line of defense. Definitely use dish soap, or a stain-fighting agent to spot treat your garment before laundering at home. (More on this below.)

Can you remove set in grease stains

Credit: Ghazalle Badiozamani

Grease Cleaning Method: Chalk 

  • Total time: 15 to 20 minutes (active time: a few seconds) 
  • Rating: 2 / 5

The method: Rub chalk over a grease spot and let it absorb the oil, then brush the chalk off and launder. If stain persists, continue rubbing chalk on the fabric until the stain lifts. The idea is that the chalk will absorb the oils that hold dirt in. 

How it went: I definitely saw the chalk absorb the grease (it turned brownish and got gross pretty quickly), but I also noticed that rubbing the chalk seemed to move the stain around and make it bigger. Once the shirt came out of the washing machine, it looked like the stain had disappeared, but once it was dry, the stain was clearly visible. 

I might use this method as a Band-Aid of sorts, to absorb the grease stain until I could take the clothing item home and properly treat it with a stain-fighting agent, but would not recommend chalk on its own to fight grease stains. 

Can you remove set in grease stains

Credit: Ghazalle Badiozamani

Grease Cleaning Method: Dish Soap 

  • Total time: 10 to 30 minutes (active time: seconds to squirt)
  • Rating: 3 / 5

The method: Squeeze a dab of dish soap onto the stain and let it sit for 15 minutes or so. Place the stained garment in the washing machine and once the cycle is finished, check to be sure the stain has disappeared. If you don’t see it you can transfer the item to the dryer; if the stain persists, repeat with more dish soap. 

How it went: I dabbed the dish soap right over the stain and let it sit for about 30 minutes before popping it into the washing machine on hot. (More time is better than less time, right?) Once the cycle was finished, I held up the wet cloth and couldn’t see the stain anymore, so into the dryer it went! I pulled it out of the dryer with high hopes (dishwashing detergent is a degreaser, after all!) and was disappointed to find that the stain hadn’t completely disappeared. It did work at removing quite a bit of it, but I think it’s necessary to first soak up the grease with baking soda (see below), then treat it with dish soap. (I used Dawn by the way!) 

Can you remove set in grease stains

Credit: Ghazalle Badiozamani

Grease Cleaning Method: Baking Soda 

  • Total time: 6 to 12 minutes (active time: 1 to 2 minutes) 
  • Rating: 4 / 5

The method: Sprinkle baking soda on a fresh stain and let it absorb the grease for 5 to 10 minutes. Next, use a brush (a toothbrush or a clean kitchen brush would be great) and scrub the baking soda into the stain. Once the powder changes to a brown color, scrape it off and repeat until the soda no longer changes color and the stain is lifted. 

How it went: I sprinkled the baking soda on the stain in a nice little mound and let it sit, undisturbed, for about 10 minutes. I shook the excess soda into the sink, grabbed my cleaning toothbrush, and started scrubbing. I definitely saw the baking soda turn a dingy brown color, so I scraped it all off, poured more soda on the stain and let it sit for 15 more minutes. After the second pass there was so much baking soda pressed into the fabric that I really couldn’t see much of the stain at all, so I went ahead and popped it into the washing machine on hot. 

When the shirt came out of the wash I couldn’t see any of the stain at all, so I happily chucked it into the dryer, feeling victorious. Once out of the dryer it looked like the stain was completely gone — until I took a photo of it with my phone, then I could see the faintest ghost of the stain. I was still really happy with this method, but think it could be perfected if used in combination with Dawn dish soap, after the baking soda step. It’s definitely the best/least harsh method! 

Can you remove set in grease stains

Credit: Ghazalle Badiozamani

Grease Cleaning Method: Salt + Stain Remover

  • Total time: 1 to 5 minutes (active time: a few seconds) 
  • Rating: 5 / 5

The method: Immediately sprinkle salt on the grease stain (it works like baking soda to absorb the grease). After the salt absorbs the grease for a few minutes (or once you make it back home) use Shout Advanced Grease-Busting Foam as a spot treatment before laundering the garment in hot water. As always, make sure the stain is gone before drying the garment. 

How it went: In almost every sort of light, the stain looked like it’s completely gone. Even when photographed there’s just the slightest, faintest ghost shape of the stain. This method worked just a bit better than the baking soda method, although I’m not sure how effective the salt really was.

I liked this method so much, I also tried it on a yellow dinner napkin. I noticed that, once again, the grease came out, but it emerged from the dryer looking a bit worn, which tells me that this treatment is pretty harsh. I’m giving this the highest rating because it did the job and I would 100% use it again. But only on an all-white garment. I would not recommend using it on black, or anything colorful.

Also, if you hesitate to use extra chemicals or products in your household, go with the Dawn and baking soda combo.

Do you have a method for lifting grease stains out of clothing? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Can grease stains be removed after drying?

"Don't worry–there are methods to remove old grease stains from clothes, even after they dry," Buurstra says. Here's what she suggests: Scrape and blot liquid dish soap into the stain and let sit for 10 minutes. Soak in warm or hot water for at least 30 minutes.

How do you get old grease stains out?

If your stain is old, sprinkle enough baking soda onto the dish detergent to cover the stained area. Scrub again with the toothbrush. Let the mixture set for 10-15 minutes. Wash the clothing as you normally would, using the hottest water the fabric will allow.

Can grease stains be permanent?

Are oil stains permanent? They can be. The trick is to blot them quickly and treat them quickly. The longer you wait, the more likely they are to be permanent.

Can you remove a grease stain after its been washed?

Can you remove oil stains from clothes after they have been laundered? Yes, you should be able to. Soak the item of clothing in warm water, then apply a few drops of dish soap on the stain. Hold the material around the stain and start rubbing the sides against each other to work up a lather.