Can you wash clothes with vinegar and bleach

If you want to add vinegar to your laundry to help clean and deodorize your clothes, pour 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar into your washing machine instead of the detergent you would normally use. You can also pour 1 cup of vinegar into the last rinse cycle to act as a natural fabric softener. For a gentler alternative to using bleach on your clothes, mix lemon juice, Borax, and vinegar and add it to your laundry the way you would chlorine bleach. To learn how to use vinegar to protect your clothes, keep reading!

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Good ol’ vinegar is great at removing stains and odours from clothes, but will it bleach your pretty garments at the same time?

White vinegar is the safest type of vinegar to use when washing clothes because it will not bleach your outfits in a bad way. In fact, it may actually help to enhance the colours of your clothes.

What do I mean by this?

When someone says their clothes have been bleached, the assumption is that these clothes, if they are not white, have lost their colour, are stained, and are effectively ruined. But this type of ‘bleaching effect’ does not happen when you use white vinegar.

When you use white vinegar to ‘bleach’ your clothes you will end up brightening your items and removing stains from them.

The first thing you should always do is buy white vinegar. Then, you need to decide what you want the vinegar to do to your basketful of clothes.

White vinegar can:

  • Reduce fading on clothes
  • Remove nasty stains and smells
  • Bring white clothes back to life
  • Remove excess soap on clothes

When you know what you want the vinegar to do, you can use it accordingly in your washing process.

Check out our article on washing laundry with vinegar here to learn more methods, tips, and tricks! Plus, you’ll find out what else white vinegar can do to your laundry.


Washing Clothes with Vinegar FAQs

Would it be okay to use white wine vinegar instead?

Can you wash clothes with vinegar and bleach
Can you wash clothes with vinegar and bleach

You might assume because ‘white wine vinegar’ has the words ‘white vinegar’ in its name that it can be substituted for real white vinegar. The answer is: No, you cannot swap the two vinegars around and expect the same results.

White wine vinegar can be used to clean various items around your home, instead of white vinegar. But when it comes to laundry, stick to white vinegar. After all, white wine vinegar can sometimes be a tad more colourful and cloudy, which wouldn’t be good for your clothes.

Where can I buy white vinegar?

You can purchase white vinegar in almost every supermarket in the UK. This includes Morrisons, Asda, and Sainsbury’s. Further to this, you could also buy white vinegar online. Read more about where to buy white vinegar here.

Would malt vinegar bleach clothes?

Using malt vinegar to clean your clothes will not necessarily bleach them, but your clothes may be dyed by the brown coloured liquid. This could potentially ruin your favourite outfit.

If you want to clean your clothes with vinegar, make your items feel smoother, or remove soap build-up from your favourite t-shirts, then you must only ever use white vinegar. 


Can you wash clothes with vinegar and bleach
Can you wash clothes with vinegar and bleach


Bethan has a passion for exploring, reading, cooking and gardening! When she’s not creating culinary delights for her family, she’s concocting potions to keep her house clean!

Is your washing machine smelly? Do you do cold washes a lot? Maybe your ‘clean’ clothes don’t smell so clean anymore? It must be time for a detox! Should you use bleach or will vinegar clean your washing machine just as well?

Should you buy a special cleaning product or is it possible to take a natural approach and grab whatever you have sitting in your cleaning cupboard?

So many questions. Let’s find some answers!

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Why I recently cleaned my machine

Recently I cleaned my washing machine so I could get ready to switch to Ecoegg. Ecoegg recommends that you give your washing machine a good detox before you switch to make sure there is no old soap hanging around to taint your new chemical-free wash. They even supply a cleansing tablet that you pop into the drum.

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Unfortunately, the Ecoegg I ordered didn’t come with a detox tablet. You can buy them separately, but to be honest they seemed a bit expensive to me. Surely there is another way?

Why clean a washing machine?

You would think that a washing machine would stay naturally clean wouldn’t you? After all, it’s cleaning the laundry, why doesn’t it clean itself too?

The reality is that soap scum can build up inside the machine, made much worse by low-temperature washing, which we are all encouraged to do nowadays.

The great news is that you can break the grunge cycle by scheduling in a monthly maintenance wash, where you turn the temperature dial up to maximum and then bung in a few simple chemicals to help it on its way to cleanliness.

Which is best to clean a washing machine – vinegar or bleach?

Why you need both vinegar and bleach

When I did my last clean I used both vinegar and bleach and it did the job superbly.

I put soda crystals in the drum and then ran a 90deg wash and vinegar went into the conditioner section of the drawer.

Why both?

Bleach combined with the hot temperature breaks down the scum inside the machine and kills bacteria.

Vinegar finishes everything off by helping to kill bacteria and neutralising smells, plus it is good for dissolving limescale.

Which type of vinegar to use to clean your washing machine

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I use white distilled vinegar to clean my washing machine, but you can use any type, even the brown kind like malt or apple cider.

I put enough vinegar in to fill the conditioner compartment which was about 30ml, so not much at all was needed.

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What bleach to use to clean your washing machine

When I think of bleach I think of the kind I use to clean the bathroom. But there are lots of different kinds of course.

I have used bathroom bleach such as Domestos or Clorox to clean out my machine in the past, but I have to say that it didn’t go well. I must have used too much because I ended up with loads of suds that spewed out into the sink next to it. Apparently having too many suds can hamper the cleaning process.

I find Milton sterilizing tablets work best. They are easy to use, just throw in a single tablet, and there is no chance of using too much. I have also used Zoflora in the past too.

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Washing soda crystals do a great job too. I got these from my local supermarket very cheaply.

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*Warning* Don’t mix vinegar and bleach!

The answer to our question of whether to use vinegar or bleach to clean a washing machine is actually both, but you must not use them at the same time.

You should never mix vinegar and bleach because together they produce toxic fumes. That’s why I put the bleach in the drum and the vinegar in the conditioner drawer after the bleach has been washed out.

If you are at all worried, use washing soda crystals in the drum instead.

How to clean a washing machine that smells

There are loads of different ways to clean your washing machine, but the key thing is to select the highest temperature that your washer goes to. For me that is 90deg. The chemicals help to clean too, but it is really the water that is doing most of the work.

Another key is not to put any laundry in the washer. Run an empty wash. You don’t want to give your washer unnecessary extra work.

You might also have a special maintenance cycle on your machine. I used to have a Hotpoint washer that had one, but my current Zanussi machine does not. If yours has one, check your manual for advice on what chemicals they advise using.

Another thing to check would be whether it is OK to use vinegar. Some manufacturers say that it will damage the machine and may null your warranty, so do check that to be sure.

Related reading:

  • How To Make Homemade Washing Machine Cleaner (natural recipe)
  • How To Make Homemade Dishwasher Cleaner
  • Do Soda Crystals Kill Bacteria?
  • How To Wash Towels With Vinegar (soft & fresh towels again!)

Step 1 Add chemicals to the drum and conditioner drawer

Add your chosen chemicals directly to the drum and the conditioner drawer.

For the drum, you could use soda crystals or a small amount of bathroom bleach, a Milton sterilizing tablet or a cap of Zoflora.

Step 2 Select a high-temperature wash

It’s the high temperature that does most of the work, so do make sure you select the highest temperature wash that you can.

Step 3 Run a cycle

Wait while the cycle runs. You should not see too many suds, if you do, you’ve added too much bleach.

Step 4 Run a rinse cycle

At the end, I like to run another rinse just to make sure everything has been washed away.

Step 5 Wash the door and the drawer

Read on for more directions for cleaning the door and the drawer of your washing machine.

What to clean your washing machine door seal with

I have to say that my washing machine door seal rarely gets grimy. I think that might be because I never use fabric conditioners. If you’re getting problems with a dirty door seal why not try swapping out your fabric conditioner for some vinegar? Vinegar does a great job of softening fibres too.

How to clean a mouldy door seal

If your door seal has mould on it, your best option is to use a mould killer spray and leave it to work before rinsing it off. You can use a supermarket brand or something like RMR-86 Black Mold Remover.

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If your seal is just generally grubby, make a spray of 1 part vinegar to 1 part water and give it a scrub. This will also do a good job of cleaning the glass.

How to clean your washing machine drawer

Remove the draw and scrub it in some soapy water. If it has mould on it you may need some mould remover too.

Clean inside the drawer cavity too. Often there will be grime there where unused detergent has collected.

When to clean your washing machine

Can you wash clothes with vinegar and bleach

1. When it’s second-hand

Always give your machine a clean out if you got it second-hand.

If you know me, you know that I never buy white goods from new. My current washing machine was purchased nearly new on eBay and cost half the price (very pleased).

The machine was only 3 months old. The only smell it had was of the previous owner’s choice of detergent, which wasn’t mine. The first thing I had to do was to give it a clean inside and out.

2. Once per month (especially if you wash at low temps)

Get into the habit of cleaning your machine once per month to keep it pristine at all times. This is more important if you regularly wash at cold temperatures.

Some commenters have said that doing a weekly 60deg hot wash for linen keeps their washer clean and there is no need for a maintenance wash.

3. If it starts to smell

If you’re doing a monthly maintenance wash then you will probably never get a smelly washer, but if it starts to smell, it’s definitely time for a clean.

Frequently asked questions

Can you wash clothes with vinegar and bleach

Can you clean your washing machine with a dishwasher tablet?

A dishwasher tablet is not to be used for washing clothes of course, but great for cleaning the drum. Just pop one in and run a hot cycle and the tablet should clean out the drum and the pipes and give you a gleaming machine.

Is it OK to use vinegar in a washing machine?

Yes, it’s fine to use vinegar. However, check your washing machine manual first. Some manufacturers will say you mustn’t use it.

Can you clean a washing machine naturally?

Yes, select all-natural products, such as vinegar, washing soda crystals or baking soda.

Can you clean a washing machine with apple cider vinegar?

Yes, you can use any kind of vinegar for your maintenance wash.

Can you clean a washing machine with soda crystals and Zoflora?

Yes, you can. I love Zoflora because it smells so gorgeous!

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Just pop in a scoop of soda crystals and a capful of Zoflora in the drum and put your washer on a hot wash and you should have a clean, fresh-smelling washer.

Can you mix bleach and vinegar for laundry detergent?

You should never clean with these two ingredients combined. Mixing chlorine bleach, which contains sodium hypochlorite, with any type of acid like vinegar creates chlorine gas, a dangerous chemical that's deadly in high volumes.

Is vinegar or bleach better for laundry?

When you're washing whites or running a cycle in cold water, bleach can be a go-to disinfectant; however, it can be too harsh of a chemical to use regularly. If you're looking for an everyday disinfectant, start with vinegar.

What happens if you mix bleach and vinegar together?

Bleach + Vinegar When mixed together, bleach and vinegar produce toxic chlorine gas. Chlorine gas itself is greenish-yellow but, when diluted in the air, it's invisible.

Will vinegar and water bleach clothes?

Vinegar can be used to bleach laundry, making white clothing brighter and reducing stains.