Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Château La Garde 2006 rouge : L'avis du Guide Hachette des Vins 2010

Domaine appartenant en propre depuis près de vingt ans à la maison Dourthe et commandé par une jolie chartreuse, ce cru est implanté au point culminant de Martillac. Il propose un vin plaisant au fruité agréable et enveloppé par un subtil fumet boisé. Équilibré et fin, le palais reste sur les mêmes notes aromatiques. Une délicate extraction des tanins permettra de l'apprécier jeune (dans les deux ans à venir).

Vins de Pessac-léognan

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Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Détail du vin Château La Garde 2006 rouge

Quelle note du Guide Hachette le vin Château La Garde 2006 rouge a-t-il obtenu ? Dans quelle édition a-t-il été noté ? Le Château La Garde 2006 rouge a obtenu la note de 0 étoile, ce qui correspond à un vin cité. Ce vin a été noté dans l’édition 2010 du Guide Hachette Vins.

Combien de bouteilles de Château La Garde 2006 rouge ont-elles été produites ? 133 000 bouteilles de cette cuvée ont été produites.

Comment est élevé le vin Château La Garde 2006 rouge ? Ce vin est élevé en fût.

À quelle température est-il recommandé de boire le vin Château La Garde 2006 rouge ? Nous recommandons de servir ce vin à une température comprise entre 17 à 18 °C.

Production :

133 000 bouteilles

Les vins du même vigneron

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

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Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Guide 2019

Vin remarquable

Rouge tranquille

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Guide 2018

Vin remarquable

Rouge tranquille

LES PLATS EN ACCORD AVEC Château La Garde 2006 rouge

Located on one of the appellation's finest gravel outcrops, Château La Garde was one of the first vineyard estates to make a conscious commitment to preserve and protect the natural environment and adopt integrated viticulture. It is now "Terra Vitis" certified. It is an approach resulting in the production of premium quality grapes, and is fully mindful of both Man and the environment. The white wines of Château La Garde reveal an appealing personality on a par with the finest Pessac Leognan wines. The Sauvignon Blanc variety palys a leading role in the blend, and is sourced from a deep vein of limestone clay totally unique to the appellation. The Sauvignon develops rare, extremely precise aromatic expression, which enhances the generous Semillon cultivated on gravel.

Vinification & Ageing
Grapes are macerated on the skins and pressed under inert gas. Alcoholic fermentation in barrels.

Alcoholic fermentation and ageing in barrels for 9-11 months with a maximum of 15 % of new oak to preserve the aromatic power. Underground air - conditioned barrel cellar. Stirring of the lees by barrel rotation.

Home | Château La Garde

"We bought Château La Garde in June 1990, totally seduced by the exceptional quality of the terroir, which is quite possibly one of the finest gravel outcrops in the Pessac-Léognan appellation. Motivated by this ambitious project, worthy of this magnificent terroir, considerable time and finances have been invested and have been rewarded with the increasingly frequent production of delicate, elegant and appealing fine Pessac-Léognan wines." Patrick Jestin

For Château La Garde, sustainability is at the heart of its approach, and has adopted environmentally sensitive practices that respect Nature, the soils and humankind. Since the vintage 2018, Château La Garde has benefited from Terra Vitis and High Environmental Value (HVE) environmental certifications.

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Estates director
Frédéric Bonnaffous
Estate Manager
Pierre Estorge
Surface area: 52 Ha
Soil Profile

In a single block, a hilly land with a combination of 3 hillocks and plateaus. Great diversity of soils depending on the location of each plot: gravelly hillocks with veins of clay and sandy outcrops.

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Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

The origins of the Château date back to the 18th century, when Domaine de “Lagarde” already featured on the “carte de Cassini”, the first general map of France drawn by the Cassini family in 1756. The picturesque Charterhouse, built in 1732, was at that time surrounded by valleys and woods. The “Bourdieu de Lagarde” was then passed down through the Blanchard family, until its purchase in 1877 by the Lacoste family, who were negociants in Bordeaux. Vines were thus cultivated on this magnificent stony terroir and the winery was built in 1881. After the First World War, Louis Eschenauer, a well-known negociant on the Place de Bordeaux at the “Chartrons”, was looking for good quality vines in the Bordeaux area. He became interested in the vineyards around the summit of Domaine de La Garde, which he subsequently bought in 1920, and in so doing became the leading proponent of the wines produced in the Martillac area, where he also owned Château Smith Haut Lafitte. Sometimes referred to as Domaine de La Garde, Clos de La Garde, then Château La Garde, even at this time a crest featured on the estate’s wine labels inspired by weapons thought to be from the region of Aquitaine during the 100 years’ war, displaying the leopard with a lion’s head.. 

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Almost half the vineyard extends across three stony outcrops, with intermittent visible clay, containing varying proportions of sand. One of these outcrops, known as the “Plateau” extends over more than 10ha, and is made up of a layer of large stones in places reaching 4m in depth. The Plateau is ideal for the cultivation of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot, which impart complexity and elegant structure to the great wines of Pessac-Léognan. At the base of the outcrops, the stones diminish in size and intermingle with sand, making these vineyard plots the ideal terroir for the production of delicate and fruity Merlot. To the north, an impressively deep chalky vein intersects the property and is the only of its kind in the appellation. This very early-ripening terroir is perfectly suited to the cultivation of Merlot, characterised by abundant aromatic freshness. This calcareous vein stretches from the other side of the stream, where there is a higher clay content and a northerly aspect. Here the terroir is cooler and more suited to white grapes such as Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon. In addition, two complementary, later-ripening parcels made up of clay sandy gravel (30% pure clay), produce powerful, tannic Merlot. Pedo-geological studies carried out at the time the vineyard was remodelled have provided an excellent understanding of the terroir at La Garde, and these, combined with more than 25 years of experience from the Dourthe teams here on the estate, ensure that rootstocks and grape varieties are perfectly suited to each vineyard plot or microplot.

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Château La Garde was one of the first properties to introduce integrated viticulture, an approach that produces premium quality grapes with total respect for the environment and for mankind. Studies carried out on the estate have analysed the correlation between grape ripening and the quality of the soil and subsoil, particularly in relation to its water retention capacity. This has resulted in a highly detailed mapping of the vineyard, identifying individual rows or micro-plots within each parcel which reach full ripeness at the same rate. As a result of trials previously undertaken on test plots, coupled with our in-depth knowledge of the vineyard, our teams can now tailor and fine-tune viticultural practices in each zone accordingly. Carefully considered soil management techniques - tailored ploughing methods and green fertilizer - and an environmentally conscious approach to protecting the vineyard (reducing inputs, sexual confusion to combat pests, machine weeding, manual canopy management and yield control) promote harmony in the vine. These painstaking, rigorous techniques play an important role in controlling yields and plant vigour and result in optimised grape ripeness. Severe pruning for example promotes even budburst, while bud stripping, secondary shoot removal, desuckering and leaf stripping improve the circulation of air around the grapes and guarantee healthy fruit. The grapes are harvested selectively on a row-by-row basis, and with meticulous care, ensuring that only perfectly ripe grapes of uniform ripeness enter the tanks.

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

The grapes are harvested at optimum ripeness. Careful handling of the fruit continues from vineyard through to winery, where the grapes are rigorously protected from damage on receival, with optimum protection against oxidation for the white grapes, using inert gas and dry ice, and selecting only the finest red grapes by hand on sorting tables. The white grapes are vinified and aged in barrels, whilst the reds are vinified in a range of stainless steel tanks, where the size and number of the tanks ensure that each wine parcel maintains its individual character. Equipment in the winery is regularly updated to incorporate the latest innovations, and helps the winemaking team constantly improve methods to select the finest grapes and optimise varietal expression in the fruit. The wines are aged for a 12-14 month period in the underground barrel hall. Barrique selection and the proportion of new oak barrels both meet strict criteria to promote greater fruit expression and overall finesse and balance in the wine.

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

Chateau la garde pessac leognan 2006

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