Cover letter examples for first time teachers

As a teacher with little teaching experience, it can be discouraging when you have applied for several positions and received zero responses from employers. While you might feel like you want to give up on your job search, it is important to keep going and continue writing a cover letter that will impress potential employers. Here are the steps to writing a new teacher cover letter for a teaching job when you have little experience:

1. Indicate your complete name and contact information

At the top of your cover letter, indicate your first and last name, and write your contact information below. List your street address, city, zip code, state, contact number, and professional email address. Here’s an example:

James Young

123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001


2. Specify the date

Under your name and contact information, write the date you are sending the cover letter. Write it under your contact information, but make sure there’s a single space between them. 

3. Write the name and contact information of your recipient

List the first and last name of your recipient under the date, and make sure there’s a single space between them. Indicate the recipient’s job title, name of the school, street address, state, city, and zip code. 

4. Write a salutation

If you’re writing to a person in a professional capacity that you have known personally for several years, you can use their first name. For example, “Dear John.” However, if you don’t know the person well, make sure to use Dr., Mr., or Ms. as an appropriate salutation. Never begin your cover letter with information salutations like “Good morning,” “Hi there,” “Greetings,” or “Hello” if you don’t know your recipient’s name. 

5. Include an introduction

The introduction of your cover letter is your opportunity to make a strong first impression on the hiring manager. This section should explain who you are, the position you are applying for, the school’s name, and how you discovered the job opportunity. The introduction is also a great opportunity to state any connections you have with the school. For instance, if you know a previous alumnus or intern who worked for the school, you can mention his or her name in your introduction. 

Express your enthusiasm about the opportunity to teach in the school. It may also help to state any recent awards the school has received, accomplishments it has made, or other positive news or report you have heard about the school. Including this information demonstrates your genuine interest in the school and enthusiasm to contribute to their success. 

Here’s an example of a well-written cover letter introduction:

“My name is David and I am a recent graduate from Harvard University. I graduated in March with a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education. An alumnus forwarded me a job advertisement about your teaching position at East Elementary School. I am highly interested in this job opportunity, as I would make a great fit for your school.”

Learn more: 5 Perfect Opening Lines for Your Cover Letter

6. Highlight your relevant skills and accomplishments

The body of a cover letter might be the biggest challenge for candidates with little experience. It is also the section where many applicants make mistakes, as they don’t know how to emphasize their classroom experience and skills. 

Focus on your achievements, your training as a teacher, or your student teaching experience. Discuss how your training, achievements, and student teaching experience have made you a great fit for the teaching position you are applying for. If you have any non-teaching or volunteering experience where you worked with children, make sure to reference it. Also, express your love for teaching or working with children and your passion for making a difference in the field of education. Here’s a good example:

“I have experience working with children through student teaching and volunteering. I observed a fifth-grade class and worked under the supervision of a certified teacher. I helped write lesson plans and engaged learners in learning content through a range of formats. I also helped improve student engagement and saw a 30% increase in test scores during my time as a student teacher. This student teaching experience helped me learn some of the best teaching practices and greatly improved my patience, creativity, and organization skills.”

Learn more: 7 Common Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

7. Emphasize your best qualities and explain why you are a good fit

Many schools want to hire teachers who are creative team players with excellent time management skills. While you consider yourself a great fit for a teaching position, you have to use examples that demonstrate your suitability for the role. The reality is, simply mentioning that you have strong time management and leadership skills won’t land you a job. When talking about your qualities or traits, it is important to talk about real-life examples. Make sure your examples are visual and succinct. 

Learn more: How To Write A Job-Winning Cover Letter

8. Include a strong closing paragraph

Your closing paragraph should include a statement that reiterates your enthusiasm and interest in working for the school. You may also reiterate why you are a great fit for the role. Make it brief and include a statement that tells them you are looking forward to hearing back from them at their earliest convenience.

9. Write a formal sign-off

Under your closing paragraph, include a sign-off such as “Respectfully yours” or “Sincerely,” and then write your name in print underneath. Make sure to have a single space between them for your signature.

How do I write a cover letter for a first teaching job?

Tips for new teacher cover letters.
Keep it concise..
Include keywords..
Highlight your top skills and major achievements..
Customize your cover letter for each job application..
Make it easy to read..

How do I write a letter to a teacher with no experience?

How to write a cover letter for a teacher with no experience.
Include your name and contact information. ... .
Write the date. ... .
List the recipient's name contact information. ... .
Include a salutation. ... .
Write an introduction. ... .
Focus on your achievements and training. ... .
Include a closing paragraph. ... .
Write a sign-off..

How do you introduce yourself in a cover letter with no experience?

How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience.
List your contact information..
Include the hiring manager's contact details..
Address the hiring manager by name..
Write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph..
Explain why you're the best fit for the role..
Describe your relevant skills..
Mention your top achievements..

What do you write in a cover letter if you have no experience?

Additional things to include in your cover letter teamwork skills that show you can work with other people. skills that show you can learn on the job. your strengths and contributions that show you are a stand-out applicant. school work experience or volunteer work that demonstrates your strengths and contributions.


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