Difference between computer science and electrical engineering

Computer Engineering and Computer Science – Similarities and Differences

Students considering a career centered on computers and computing often ask for clarification about the difference between computer engineering (CEN) and computer science (CS). There are philosophical as well as practical answers to these questions. Both CEN and CS study the use of the digital computer as a tool that makes possible much of modern technology and the overlap between the two fields is significant. Both disciplines study the inner workings of computers and both study hardware as well as software aspects of computer systems. The differences are those of emphasis. Students in CS, CE, or Electrical Engineering will all study programming and basic computer operation.

Computer Science is traditionally more concerned with the theoretical underpinnings of computation and of programming; thus one typically finds courses in programming, algorithms, numerical analysis (how do you guarantee a number produced by a computer program is accurate), and the theory of computation (what can and cannot in principle be computed) in Computer Science departments. Many CS departments at U.S. universities were offshoots from math departments in the 1970s, and the emphasis on providing a rigorous mathematical foundation for the computing disciplines is still evident in many CS curricula.

Computer engineering programs largely developed in engineering departments strong in electrical engineering. Computer Engineering focuses on the practical aspects of development and use of computers.  Courses in digital logic design and processor interfacing which build on an engineering student’s knowledge of electronics and circuits are typically found in CEN programs. At the intersection between CEN and CS are courses in computer architecture (the basic construction and low-level programming of computers) and operating systems, which are as likely to be found in either or both programs.

At UMaine, Computer Science is a department in the College of Arts and Sciences, while Computer Engineering is a program within the College of Engineering. Computer science majors follow the Arts and Sciences curriculum while Computer Engineering majors follow an Engineering curriculum. The difference between these two degrees is the difference between the two colleges: the aim of science is to deepen a basic knowledge of a specific field, while the aim of engineering is to combine innovation and technology.

Computer engineers build hardware while computer scientists generally do not. However, computer scientists certainly know enough about hardware to analyze computer system operations and to interact with hardware engineers. Computer scientists know more about underlying theory of computation, programming languages, and operating systems.

While computer engineers often work as programmers, most system level programs such as programming languages and operating systems are designed by computer scientists. However, computer engineers usually write the programs for computer-based systems.

Since engineering is the application of the principles of basic science to the solving of problems within constraints (that is, building things!), computer engineering is engineering applied to computers and computer-based systems. In other words, computer engineers build computers such as PCs, workstations, and supercomputers. They also build computer-based systems such as those found in cars, planes, appliances, electronics, phones, communication networks, and many, many other products. Computer engineers typically design not only the hardware, but also much of the software in computer-based systems.

Thanks to Duke University, Politecnico Di Torino, and the University of Huston for some of the language paraphrased here.

Difference between computer science and electrical engineering

Difference Between Computer Engineering vs Electrical Engineering

Determining what the student wants to work in computer technology is one way, but deciding which branch of computer technology is a complex task. At times, what makes it difficult to choose relies on their career and significant merits. For example, computer science offers better job growth and a high salary than electrical engineering, which enables less versatility and requires a graduate degree. On the other hand, though both fields have advantages and limitations, the benefits of selecting electrical engineering over computer engineering are substantial and not obvious. The various perspective of both fields is briefly discussed in this Computer Engineering vs Electrical Engineering article.

Head-to-Head Comparison between Computer Engineering vs Electrical Engineering (Infographics)

Below are the top 4 differences between Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering:

Difference between computer science and electrical engineering

Key Differences between Computer Engineering vs Electrical Engineering

The major differences between both fields are coursework, salary, career differences, interest, and skills.

1. Course Work

The broad field of electrical engineering manages the generation of power, transmission, and conversion of electrical energy. It includes operating with electrical circuits and electronic components installed in office houses and functioning on power plants. The electrical engineer has the function of designing and implementing new electrical systems, testing components, and solving different problems. The specialization area finds everything from compact calculators to supercomputers, communication systems, wiring systems, and generators. Computer engineering is a section of electrical engineering, and as the name signifies, it includes different digital components fed with software programs. A computer engineer should be responsible and skilled in computer architecture, hardware, IT security, networking, IT communication, and software engineering. Based on the field of specialization, the design should enhance computer hardware, implement and design the IT communication networks, or operate with developers to find flexible hardware with different types of software.

2. Salary

Both computer engineering and electrical engineering have varying pay maximum of $37,690 for all the job posting in America. A deep argument is made on passion topics instead of selecting a job with a high salary. If the person is interested to learn complex theories, computer science is the best choice for him as it includes computer programming, numerical analysis, algorithm, and computational theories. But few people are attracted to computers as they are highly paid, and the job growth is also rapid. But it doesn’t include any practical applications. The field of electrical engineering is based on implementing science, technology, and mathematics engineering to solve the problems associated with computer design and develop programs engaging students who are not interested in solving algorithms. The electrical engineer develops the electrical component and tests their developed BLS designs. Their work makes a markable difference in the usage of computers from the circuit level to the integration of software and hardware systems.

3. Career

Electrical engineering is a career path that doesn’t require advanced degree courses. A bachelor’s degree will qualify for a beginner-level role in electrical engineering if the user wants to pursue any professional engineering license. When electrical engineer reaches graduate school, they choose to learn a doctorate or a master’s degree to develop more dedicated skills or train for any leadership roles; it is dedicated not only to finding a job. On the other hand, a master’s degree is needed for information and computer research scientists, per the BLS report. But when it comes to the career path, the student should plan for an additional three years apart from the fundamental educational courses. This additional degree can add more value to that basic bachelor’s degree, but rarely it is expensive. But if the student wants to work fast and earn a reasonable salary, interested in practical or real-time work, he could choose electrical engineering. The common career roles in computer engineering are computer system analyst, database admin, or software developer.

4. Courses

Both computer engineering and electrical engineering have a broad field of study with a narrow focus. Computer science majors concentrate on game development, mobile computing, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. However, the student should operate with computers and have difficulty switching to other careers. One of the benefits of electrical engineering is it is broader than computer science. Electrical engineering students learn courses in electrical circuits, digital systems, fundamentals of computer engineering, and depth of electrical engineering. As BLS reports, computer science students also learn about electrical motors, communication systems, electronic components, and power generation systems.

Computer Engineering vs Electrical Engineering Comparison Table

Let us look at the comparison table of Computer Engineering vs Electrical Engineering.


Computer Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Overview The computer science curriculum involves courses on the database, programming languages, app development, networking system, internet protocols, and operating system. Electrical engineering courses include basic computer engineering and other application courses, navigation, manufacturing systems, digital signal communication, locomotion and vehicles, healthcare, and nanotechnology.
Skills The computer science professional needs efficient communication skills and should be analytical with detail-structured and have an idea of problem-solving skills. The electrical engineer requires strong oral, written, and verbal communication skills as most careers are team-oriented.
Career differences The nature of computer engineers is that they should work in different industries and work in offices. The nature of electrical engineers is mostly they work in life circumstances, and it’s not a white-collar job. However, it is filled with tough fieldwork.
Job The computer engineer should be prepared to develop applications and operate with network infrastructure, design operating systems, or evaluate the code which drives the functioning of computers and other digital devices. The electrical engineer develops, designs, tests, manufactures, and repairs other electronic components. They develop electrical components from basic components to high-end electronic equipment, including consumer goods, government work, research and development, and telecommunication.



Computer and electronics engineering divisions are within the broader discipline of electrical engineering. Computer engineering is considered a mixture of electrical engineering and the subject matter of computer science.

This is a guide to Computer Engineering vs Electrical Engineering. Here we also discuss the computer engineering vs. electrical engineering key differences with infographics and comparison tables. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

  1. Requirement Engineering
  2. AutoCAD vs. SolidWorks
  3. Rails vs. PHP
  4. AMD vs. Nvidia

Is computer science better than electrical engineering?

Computer science generally offers a higher salary and better job growth than electrical engineering, which may make this career path seem more appealing at first glance.

Is computer science harder than electrical engineering?

CONCLUSION. Engineering is generally harder than programming, it is more involving and more math-intensive. Engineers are trained to code at a low-level, mostly hardware level while most Computer Scientists code at high-level, mostly software programming.