Facebook deleted my page for no reason

Considering the amount of time and energy that goes into maintaining a company's Facebook page, it can be deeply troubling when it suddenly disappears. There are a variety of reasons why a page might disappear without a trace -- some of which are more serious than others. If your page has gone missing, it's time to take steps to find out what went wrong.

A Deleted Page

One reason why a Facebook page may suddenly disappear is because it was permanently deleted. If you created the page personally, make sure no one could have accessed your account. Access your account settings and check to see if there are any active logins from a suspicious device or location. If someone else created the page, ask them to do the same. It is important to realize that pages can only be deleted from the page creator's account. No other page administrators have access to this option.

An Unpublished Page

Much less dire than a deleted page, is a page that has suddenly disappeared because an administrator has changed the page's visibility to "Unpublished." If you're a manager of the page, you'll be able to change the status back to "Published" by clicking on the "Edit Page" button, selecting "Manage Permissions" and deselecting the "Page Visibility" option that limits viewers to administrators only.

Breach of Conduct

A business that breaches any of Facebook's guidelines may find its account has been suspended or deleted. If you've been notified that your page was removed because of a breach of guidelines, your only recourse is to contact Facebook directly to rectify the situation. Generally, access to your page will only be restored if you can prove that a breach never occurred.

Technical Issues

With a website as large as Facebook, issues are bound to arise from time to time. Sometimes, these issues mean that accounts suddenly become unavailable or pages disappear from view. If your page has disappeared without explanation, contact Facebook to see if a site problem has caused your page to become temporarily unavailable. Once the problem is resolved, your page should be restored without issue.



Writer Bio

Lynn Burbeck is a professional writer with over five years of experience writing for the Web. She has published numerous articles for print and online media including "Grit" Magazine. Burbeck holds a B.A. in journalism and political science.

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If you have ever attempted to log in to your Facebook account only to be met with a login failure screen, it may be that your account is blocked, deleted or disabled. The only way to recover your account if this happens is to get in touch with Facebook. If you have any questions about a blocked, deleted or disabled Facebook account, you can use one of Facebook's online contact forms to ask any question you want.

  1. Open a Web browser and navigate to facebook.com/help.

  2. Click the "Trouble Using Facebook" option, followed by the "Disabled or Blocked Accounts" link.

  3. Click the "I Am Blocked or Disabled" link, followed by the arrow to the left of the "My Personal Facebook Account Is Disabled" heading.

  4. Click the "Here" link beneath the "My Personal Facebook Account Is Disabled" heading.

  5. Type your email address in the space provided. Select whether or not you are able to send and receive email messages from the email address associated with your disabled Facebook account.

  6. Type your name in the space provided and select your birthdate from the drop-down menu.

  7. Type any question you have in the space provided and click the "Submit" button to submit the query to Facebook.

Facebook as a social media platform is indispensable for businesses; small-scale organizations and enterprises have used it to garner some unbelievable response. The results on this platform are quite conspicuous and it is very much affordable. People have literally created million dollar businesses on Facebook out of thin air and you can be the next, all you need is a Facebook Fan Page.

While managing and running Facebook Page is a child’s play but safeguarding it from competition and trolls can be tough at times. Anything remotely related to your business or customer service can affect your Facebook’s Page popularity. Recovering a Deleted or Disabled Facebook Page can prove to be a tedious process hence it is always advised to keep the Administration Team smaller and access limited to only authorized persons.

Recently, Facebook deleted one of our Page without any warning, I'm still figuring out the reason behind this but we've successfully recovered the page.

Facebook Page Deleted or Disable? How to restore?

There are times, when Facebook decides to un-publish inactive Facebook Pages, in such situations one needs to do a few things in order to get it re-activated.

Visit this FB Support page, which consists details of Facebook Page Publishing Guidelines: 

The four-step procedure of publishing and un-published Facebook Page is:

  1. Click on Settings at the top of your Page
  2. General->Page Visibility
  3. Click on Page Unpublished
  4. Click on Save Changes.

Reasons Why Your Facebook Page May Have Been Deleted

The most common reason Facebook Pages are deleted is simply that they do not adhere to Facebook’s Community Standards and Pages Terms like misleading or false pages, impersonation, gambling, inaccurate tagged content, and incentivization. Read all Pages Terms and Community Standards thoroughly and check if you've violated any of them.

How to Recover a Deleted Facebook Page?

Though Facebook has repeatedly said that Page Deletion step is permanent and it cannot be reversed but we have seen Facebook restoring pages at numerable times. A lot of enterprises and NGOs have got their pages recovered after a negative campaign led to the deletion of their Facebook Pages.

[su_note note_color="#7eb9f9"] Note: A page that you deleted but want to restore can be recovered within 14 days from deletion. Facebook allows this restoration option to help people make wise decisions. You will be later asked to delete the page permanently or not.[/su_note]

Reach them through Email: Yes! Facebook is quite accessible if you have a genuine cause. Giant businesses have reached out to Facebook and got their pages restored. The email address is ; one must to this email with the subject “Please help restore my Facebook Page” because it conveys the message in one instance.


Visit this Link and fill in the requisite details.

I hope it helps you in restoring your deleted Facebook Page. If you need any help on this, drop in the comment section and we'll try to answer it asap.


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