False bombardier beetle in my house

The false bombardier beetle (Galerita bicolor) is a species of pseudo beetles from the genus Galerita as they are very well known for mimicking the appearance of the real bombardier beetles. The phenomena exhibited by them help them mask themselves from the predators. These creatures of North America occur just like cockroaches and bugs and are seen invading plenty of places. Their appearance and color make them look scary to a lot of individuals. While the false bombardier beetle bite is not dangerous to humans but it does cause considerable pain and swelling.

Here are some of the most interesting facts about the false bombardier beetle (Galerita bicolor) for your perusal. Afterward, do check our other articles on other interesting beetle species such as the longhorn beetle and the golden tortoise beetle. 

Fun False Bombardier Beetle Facts For Kids

What do they prey on?

Small Insects

What do they eat?


Average litter size?

More than 100 eggs at a time

How much do they weigh?

0.002 lb (0.99 g)

How long are they?

0.75-1 in (1.9-2.5 cm)

How tall are they?

0.98-1 in (2.4-2.5 cm)

What do they look like?

Black Head and Abdomen, Orange Thorax

Skin Type

Chitinous exoskeleton

What were their main threats?


What is their conservation status?

Least Concern

Where you'll find them?

Woodlands, Backyards, Moist Areas


Africa, Europe, North America, Australia, Asia









False Bombardier Beetle Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a false bombardier beetle?

The false bombardier beetle is an insect. It is also a member of the family of ground beetles. This creature is an arthropod possessing jointed appendages and a defense system against predators. The false bombardier beetle is nocturnal as well as diurnal, and a person roaming at night may find them feasting on leftover food.

What class of animal does a false bombardier beetle belong to?

A false bombardier beetle belongs to the class Insecta and phylum Arthropoda. This phylum particularly is known for possessing three or more pairs of jointed appendages. Their exoskeleton is composed of a polysaccharide called chitin. Chitin is hard and is a similar substance to cellulose. This exoskeleton protects them from the harsh environment and is shed periodically as these insects grow in size.

How many false bombardier beetles are there in the world?

These creatures breed in good numbers and are found all across the globe with various modifications., therefore, counting their actual number is not possible since they breed heavily.

Where does a false bombardier beetle live?

The false bombardier beetle is found in heavy numbers in woodlands, backyards, attics, and moist and damp places. They are the most common beetle species in North America.

What is a false bombardier beetle's habitat?

False bombardier beetles are seen wandering around the woods, leaf litter, rocks, and any moist and damp place that is shaded. They mostly come out at night looking for food and when humans are least active.

Who do false bombardier beetles live with?

False bombardier beetles are found living with the members of their species, as well as some other species of insects that share similar habitats in their vicinity. They are seen avoiding places that have spider webs, since the spider is one potential predator that feeds on them.

How long does a false bombardier beetle live?

The average lifespan of a false bombardier beetle is just like any other arthropod. The average amount of time this beetle can survive is approximately five months. This is the natural lifespan of a false bombardier beetle. They can die early if they are exposed to insecticides.

How do they reproduce?

Males and females reproduce by their unique way of courtship. The female stores the sperms in her reproductive tract. This process later assists in the fertilization of eggs to produce offspring. Female is oviparous that she lays eggs which after some time breaks open to release young false bombardier beetles.

What is their conservation status?

A false bombardier beetle is found globally in a variety of species and also in good numbers, hence, one can say that these species are far from being endangered since they breed in good numbers and survive in harsh conditions.

False Bombardier Beetle Fun Facts

What do false bombardier beetles look like?

False bombardier beetle in my house

A false bombardier beetle shows the presence of a pair of orange antennae that acts as a sensory organ. It shows the presence of a dark head that is slender. Its body is covered by a pair of dark black wings and on the underside of its body, there is a presence of jointed appendages that assists in locomotion. Behind the head, there is a presence of prothorax which is orange in color. The blackhead and black abdomen are separated by an orange thorax.

How cute are they?

These creatures are creepy in appearance. Unlike our cute pets, these may scare the daylights out of people with their fast crawling abilities.

How do they communicate?

A false bombardier beetle, just like any other arthropod, releases pheromones that assist them in attracting their partners. Apart from this, they have the presence of a pair antenna on their head which acts as sensory organs. These antennas help them pick up vibrations from their surroundings. This mechanism is defensive since it helps the beetle to know if there is a threat in their surroundings.

How big is a false bombardier beetle?

It is a small insect that may grow up to a length of 1 in (2.5 cm) with a height of around 0.98-1 in (2.4-2.5 cm). These beetles are not bulky in appearance and have a slender body which is one important reason behind their ability to crawl with such a great speed.

How fast can false bombardier beetles move?

Their average speed is 4-5 mph (6-8 kph).

How much does a false bombardier beetle weigh?

A false bombardier beetle is small in size, and hence has a negligible weight of around 0.99 g. The average weight of these creatures can be anywhere less than a gram.

What are the male and female names of the species?

Male and female species have a few contrasting features such as different reproductive glands but they do not have contrasting names.

What would you call a baby false bombardier beetle?

A false bombardier beetle lays eggs which later hatch into larvae. These baby beetles or larvae eat from their surroundings and grow into adult beetles.

What do they eat?

False bombardier beetles are insectivores. Since they are mostly found in open surroundings such as woodlands, damp rocky areas, and leaf mists, and feed in such places. One important food that constructs their diet is caterpillars. These beetles are seen moving around feeding on small caterpillars for survival.

Are they harmful?

These false bombardier beetles do possess a chemical defense system but they are usually harmless to humans.  The only thing is that their appearance may be creepy to most of us and the sensation that comes from their sudden crawling may not be the best experience to go through.

Would they make a good pet?

No, these beetles may accidentally enter our houses but they absolutely will not make good pets.

Did you know...

False bombardier beetles are similar to bombardier beetles but they do not really have a defense mechanism like them. A bombardier beetle is capable of spraying a liquid in case it senses a threat. This liquid is harmful to other small insects and may end up killing them, and can even harm human beings. One myth that follows these beetles (and other beetles) is that luck follows those who have had a beetle falling on their body.

How to get rid of false bombardier beetles

There are a few ways that one may make use of to get rid of them. One is to use insecticide spray. These sprays consist of 80% concentrated formic acid that is not only harmful to these beetles but also to humans.

What are false bombardier beetles similar to?

False bombardier beetles are similar to the bombardier beetles and it can be difficult to identify these species. But when you compare bombardier beetle vs false bombardier beetle, you will realize that they are twice the size of bombardier beetles.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other arthropods including eastern Hercules beetle facts and ten-lined June beetle facts.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our false bombardier beetles coloring pages.


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How do you get rid of fake bombardier beetles?

One is to use insecticide spray. These sprays consist of 80% concentrated formic acid that is not only harmful to these beetles but also to humans.

What is a false bombardier beetle?

Galerita bicolor, also known as the false bombardier beetle, is a species of beetle occurring in the eastern United States. Its mimicry of the colors and shape of a bombardier beetle help it evade predators. Galerita bicolor. A killed specimen. Scientific classification.

What happens if a bombardier beetle sprays you?

Secret weapon. Bombardier emissions range from slow secretions to rapid bursts, hot enough to burn and stain human skin. Their caustic defenses irritate the eyes and respiratory system of predators, often inflicting painful but temporary incapacitation.

Why do I have beetles around my house?

Homeowners may accidentally bring the pests into the house along with infested products. The search for shelter may also bring beetles indoors. Some of these pests overwinter in homes to avoid cold weather. They may enter the house through cracks in the foundation or gaps around door and window frames.