Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator

Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator

 Quartic Polynomials Division Calculator

An 4th degree polynominals divide calcalution.

Fourth Degree Equation

x4+ x3+ x2+ x+

Divided by

Detailed Answer  


Fourth Degree Polynomial Equations Formula

y = ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e

4th degree polynomials are also known as quartic polynomials.

Quartics has the following characteristics

1. Zero to 4 roots.

2. 1, 2 or 3 extrema.

3. Zero, one or two inflection points.

4. No general symmetry.

Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator

@Alex : There is no need for a calculator to draw 9 points on a graph.

Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator

You wrote : I know that the format of the equation should be $P(x)=ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e$.

Well, from what do you know this ? Is it in the wording of your exercise ? You should have given more information. Without one cannot show you the better way to solve your problem.

If it is asked for finding a good but approximate fit of the fourth degree polynomial curve to the points, the regression method is recommended. It can be computed without calculator, but this would be very tiresome. I will not discuss more about the methods to apply because several answers were already given on this subject.

If it is asked for finding a fourth polynomial curve passing exactly on the 9 points, it is impossible. It is obvious just looking at the graph. Nevertheless, a proof is shown below :

We see that four points have the same value $y=-3$. Changing of function $Y(x)=y(x)+3$ shows that the four points are at the four roots of the function $Y(x)=c(x+10)(x+5)(x-1)(x-5.5)$.

So, the four points are exactly on the curve
To make a fifth point $(x_5\:,\:y_5)$ exactly on the curve : $$c=\frac{y_5+3}{(x_5+10)(x_5+5)(x_5-1)(x_5-5.5)}$$ The equation of the fourth degree polynomial is : $$y(x)=-3+(y_5+3)\frac{(x+10)(x+5)(x-1)(x-5.5)}{(x_5+10)(x_5+5)(x_5-1)(x_5-5.5)} $$ The figure below shows the five cases : On each one, they are five points exactly on the curve and of course four remaining points far from the curve.

Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator

Quartic equation

[1-10] /34 Disp-Num

Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator
Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator

[1]  2022/05/25 03:49   20 years old level / An engineer / Very /

Purpose of useSolving Structural Dynamics Problem, DIT UNIVERSITY Dehradun - ScholarComment/RequestVery accurate, also add features to calculate determinant of matrices and other relevant operations

[2]  2022/05/24 08:48   Under 20 years old / Elementary school/ Junior high-school student / Useful /

Purpose of usechecking my quartic equation answer is correct

[3]  2021/12/21 01:42   20 years old level / High-school/ University/ Grad student / Useful /

Purpose of useSolving matrix characteristic equation for Principal Component Analysis

[4]  2021/12/15 15:00   30 years old level / High-school/ University/ Grad student / Useful /

Purpose of useSolving for time-to-go in a spacecraft landing guidance problem

[5]  2021/10/03 08:08   Under 20 years old / High-school/ University/ Grad student / Useful /

Purpose of useTo find the roots of the zeroes and therefore use the multiplicit/y values between the zeroes to determine the points that make the equation positive.Comment/RequestAdd in the work

[6]  2021/09/19 03:55   Under 20 years old / High-school/ University/ Grad student / Very /

Purpose of useControl Systems: Root locus diagram showed a breakaway point btn -3 and -4, way too lazy to use Regula Falsi, used the calculator to find that particular point. Very Helpful.

[7]  2021/09/08 05:14   Under 20 years old / High-school/ University/ Grad student / A little /

Purpose of useWant to know the code.

[8]  2021/06/29 20:22   30 years old level / An engineer / Very /

Purpose of useSolving the for maximum possible height of a rectangle (r1) given its width set diagonally inside another rectangle (r2) of known height and width such that the corners of r1 are touching the edges of r2. It ends up becoming a quartic equation and a little extra algebra to solve. I found the quartic equation on Wikipedia and verified my accuracy with the function on this site. Worked well.

[9]  2021/05/30 04:24   Under 20 years old / High-school/ University/ Grad student / Useful /

Purpose of usesolving recurrence equationsComment/Requestadd steps!

[10]  2021/05/29 06:57   20 years old level / High-school/ University/ Grad student / Useful /

Purpose of usesolving linear equation order 4

Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator
Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator

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Find a fourth degree polynomial with given zeros calculator

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How many zeros can a 4th degree polynomial have?

A polynomial of degree four can have atmost 4 zeroes. because it is a product of two quadrat polynomials(degree 2) polynomial and both will have their two zeroes. So total there are 4 zeroes.