Find and simplify the difference quotient calculator


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    The Difference Quotient formula is $$ {f(x+h)-f(x)\over h} $$ which computes the red secant line slope - that connects the 2 given points - below.

    Find and simplify the difference quotient calculator

    The Difference Quotient can be looked at in 2 different ways.

    1) In Algebra we learn that the slope m of a line passing through the two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is \[ m= {y2-y1 \over x2-x1} \]
    2) Moving on to Calculus, we generalize this concept to Functions. We compute the so called Secant Line Slope as the slope through the two points (x,f(x)) and (x+h,f(x+h)) that lie on the Function f(x).

    Thus, the formula for the Difference Quotient is \[ {f(x+h)-f(x) \over (x+h)-x } \] which simplifies to the above Difference Quotient Formula \[ {f(x+h)-f(x)\over h} \] .

    The slope of the red line in the above image is the secant line slope which is exactly what the Difference Quotient finds.

    Example1 (simple): If \( f(x)=2x+5 \) then its Difference Quotient is \[ {f(x+h)-f(x) \over h } ={2(x+h)+5 - (2x+5) \over h} = {2h\over h} = 2 \] which is the slope between any 2 points on the line 2x+5.
    That was not complicated ;-)

    Example2 (more advanced): If \( f(x)=x^2+5x \) then its Difference Quotient is \[ {f(x+h)-f(x) \over h} = {(x+h)^2+5(x+h) - (x^2+(5x)) \over h} = \] \[ {(x^2+2xh+h^2)+5x+5h - (x^2+5x) \over h} = {2xh+h^2+5h \over h} = 2x+h \]
    That was a bit more complicated. Now try the above Difference Quotient Calculator a few times.

    The Difference Quotient in Calculus:

    In Calculus, we extend the idea of a Difference Quotient. It is used to find the slope at one point instead of between two points. To accomplish this, we take the limit as h->0 of (f(x+h)-f(x))/h which moves the "dummy" point (x+h, f(x+h)) towards point (x,f(x)).
    By finding the slope between those two approaching points we actually find the slope at (x,f(x)). This is called "Finding the Slope at a Point by using the Limit of a Difference Quotient of a Function" in Calculus, quite a mouthful.

    Example: If \( f(x)=x^2 \) then \[ {f(x+h)-f(x) \over h} = {(x+h)^2 - x^2 \over h } = {2hx +h^2\over h} = 2x + h = 2x\] as limit h->0

    This tells us that the slope at any point on the graph of f(x)=x^2 is 2x thanks to the Difference Quotient and taking the Limit h->0.

    For instance, the slope of f(x)=x^2 at x=5 is computed as 2*5 = 10.

    Here is another Difference Quotient calculator that you may like:

    You may also like this How-to-Find-A-Difference-Quotient Video at

Here is how: The Difference Quotient computes the Average Rate of Change between 2 given points.
Example: The Average Rate of Change of f(x)=x^2 over the interval [1,3] is (f(3)-f(1))/(3-1) = (9-1)/(2) = 4 .

Since x=2 lies between 1 and 3 we can use their Average Rate of Change, 4, as an approximation to the Instantaneous Rate of Change at x=2.

The exact Instantaneous Rate of Change is found by computing the derivative of x^2 , which is 2x , and evaluating it at x=2 yielding also 4.

This perfect match between the instantaneous rate of change and average rate is actually a result of the Mean Value Theorem in Calculus. For details about the Mean Value Theorem read Paul's Online Notes.

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Find and simplify the difference quotient calculator

How do you find the difference quotient and simplify on a calculator?

How Does Difference Quotient Calculator Work?.
Substitute f(x) with f(x + h)..
Now subtract f(x) from f(x + h); f(x + h) - f(x).
Open the brackets and simplify this expression..
Divide this reduced expression by h. The value so obtained will be the difference quotient of the given function..

How do you calculate the difference quotient?

The difference quotient of a function y = f(x) is given by [ f(x + h) - f(x) ] / h.