Free pop up blocker for google chrome

Enjoy a clean, Popup free browsing experience

The most powerful pop up blocker on Firefox. Poper Blocker automatically removes all ad pop ups, pop unders, and overlays for a cleaner browsing experience.

“The best popup blocker”

No more popups and overlays.

Top websites with blocked popups

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Engineered to be best

About Us

We believe a distraction-free browsing experience is a right, not a privilege. We’re a small group of fellow users who teamed up to channel our energies into creating a pop-up free browsing experience.

Feel free to shoot us an email anytime.

AdBlock for Chrome

AdBlock User Reviews

  • This is the best extension I've downloaded for ad blocking. It does exactly what it's supposed to.

  • To be very honest, it’s the most useful extension on Chrome right now.

  • I downloaded a few ad blockers to see which was best. I left them on for a month and came back to check on them. So far, the others have only blocked 2,000 ads, but AdBlock has blocked 16,000! Absolutely suggest this above all.

What is AdBlock for Chrome?

AdBlock for Chrome is an ad blocking browser extension, which means it removes ads from Chrome and provides protection from third-party trackers. In fact, with over 60 million users, AdBlock is the most widely trusted ad blocking extension for Chrome available today. AdBlock is used by millions of folks across the globe to block Chrome ads, improve page load speed, and help protect their privacy. That's because AdBlock for Chrome is simple to use, completely customizable, and provides a dramatic improvement to your online experience.

Block Ads and Protect Yourself Online

By installing AdBlock, you'll be arming yourself with the best ad blocker for Chrome and the best tool for removing annoying and intrusive ads everywhere you browse. AdBlock removes ads on Facebook, Google, YouTube, and all of your favorite websites. It also protects your browser from malware and blocks advertisers from accessing your browsing history and personal information.

Block YouTube Ads

YouTube is one of the most popular destinations on the web, and it's also home to some of the most annoying ads. With AdBlock for Chrome, you don't have to see anymore pre-roll video ads or anywhere else on YouTube. AdBlock blocks all ads on YouTube upon install: say goodbye to pre-roll, mid-roll, even the ads in the “Up Next” sidebar. AdBlock allows you to experience YouTube completely free from distractions.

YouTube Ad Blocking Options

So you want to block YouTube ads in Chrome while still supporting content creators? AdBlock for Chrome allows you to do just that. AdBlock is the only YouTube ad blocker that gives you a simple option for allowing ads on your favorite channels. With just a few clicks, you can help support your favorite content creators (while keeping ads blocked everywhere else). Allowing ads on your favorite channels makes it easy to show your support without having to manually pause and unpause ad blocking each time you visit.

Block Ads on Twitch

If you're interested in blocking ads on, AdBlock for Chrome is your best bet. AdBlock provides Twitch ad blocking like no other ad blocker on the market. Simply install AdBlock for Chrome, open the AdBlock menu, and select “Enable hiding of streaming ads on Twitch” on the General Options page. Enabling this feature will hide and mute many ads that play mid-stream on Twitch.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • How do I install AdBlock?

  • Do I have to pay for AdBlock?

  • Is AdBlock safe?

  • Why does AdBlock need permissions?

  • What does AdBlock do with my information?

  • What are "filter lists" and which ones should I use?

What is the best free pop up blocker for Chrome?

Top 5 Best Free Ad Blockers & Pop-Up Blockers.
uBlock Origin..
AdBlock Plus..
Stands Fair Adblocker..
Opera Browser..
Google Chrome..
Microsoft Edge..

Is there a free ad blocker for Google Chrome?

Yes, AdBlock for Chrome is Free.

Do free ad and pop up blockers work?

Because ad blockers prevent certain page elements from loading, this can also prevent infected scripts from load on web pages or prevent pop-ups with malicious phishing links from showing up on your screen. That said, ad blockers are not an effective antivirus tool.

Does Chrome have a pop up blocker?

Chrome does a great job at blocking a majority of pop-ups, but sometimes a pop-up squeaks through—or you accidentally click “Allow” instead of “Block”—and makes its way onto your screen. To explicitly block a website from showing pop-ups, you can add it to Chrome's block list.


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