Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

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Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

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Here we will learn about function notation, including different forms of function notation, how to evaluate functions for given values and how to manipulate algebraic expressions using functions.

There are also function notationworksheets based on Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam questions, along with further guidance on where to go next if you’re still stuck.

What is function notation?

Function notation is a way of expressing a relationship between two variables.

We are used to writing equations of straight lines in the form y = mx + c .
Using function notation we can write this as f(x) = mx + c , by replacing y with f(x) .
We can read this as “ the function f of x ”.
“f” can be thought of as the “name” of the function. We do not always have to use f for the name of the function; other common names include function g or function h.

The x is the input value known as the independent variable.
f(x) is the output value ( y -value) known as the dependent variable.

To use function notation we just substitute the values of x into the expression and  evaluate it.
The diagram shows the value of a function for different x -values:

There are different types of function notation. As well as examples like g(x) = x^2 + 2 , we may also see it given as g : x → x^2 + 2 . This type of function notation that is more common in A level mathematics.

Function notation is also used in the table function of a scientific calculator. The table function is useful for finding values when graphing linear equations, quadratics, cubics and other polynomials.

What is function notation?

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

How to use function notation

In order to evaluate a function using function notation:

  1. Write out the function for x using function notation, replacing the x with an empty set of brackets (parentheses).
  2. Replace the x in the function with the number or algebraic term in the brackets next to the name of the function.
  3. Apply the correct operations to the number or term as appropriate and simplify.

How to use function notation.

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation worksheet

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Get your free function notation worksheet of 20+ questions and answers. Includes reasoning and applied questions.



Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation worksheet

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Get your free function notation worksheet of 20+ questions and answers. Includes reasoning and applied questions.


Function notation examples

Example 1: evaluating linear functions for numerical values

Find f(3) when f(x)= 4x - 1

  1. Write out the function for x using function notation, replacing the x with an empty set of brackets.

f\left( {} \right)=4\left( {} \right)-1

2Replace the x in the function with the number or algebraic term in the brackets next to the name of the function.

f\left( 3 \right)=4\left( 3 \right)-1

3Apply the correct operations to the number or term as appropriate and simplify.

f\left( 3 \right)=11

Example 2: evaluating quadratic functions for numerical values

Find g(-2) when g(x) = x^2 + 4

Write out the function for x using function notation, replacing the x with an empty set of brackets.

g\left( {} \right)={{\left( {} \right)}^{2}}+4

Replace the x in the function with the number or algebraic term in the brackets next to the name of the function.

g\left( -2 \right)={{\left( -2 \right)}^{2}}+4

Apply the correct operations to the number or term as appropriate and simplify.

g\left( -2 \right)=8

Example 3: evaluating cubic functions for numerical values

Find h(8) when h(x) = x^3 - 3x

Write out the function for x using function notation, replacing the x with an empty set of brackets.

h\left( {} \right)={{\left( {} \right)}^{3}}-3\left( {} \right)

Replace the x in the function with the number or algebraic term in the brackets next to the name of the function.

h\left( 8 \right)={{\left( 8 \right)}^{3}}-3\left( 8 \right)

Apply the correct operations to the number or term as appropriate and simplify.

h\left( 8 \right)=488

Example 4: evaluating linear functions for algebraic expressions

Find f(2m) when f(x) = 5x + 7

Write out the function for x using function notation, replacing the x with an empty set of brackets.

f\left( {} \right)=5\left( {} \right)+7

Replace the x in the function with the number or algebraic term in the brackets next to the name of the function.

f\left( 2m \right)=5\left( 2m \right)+7

Apply the correct operations to the number or term as appropriate and simplify.

f\left( 2m \right)=10m+7

Example 5: evaluating quadratic functions for algebraic expressions

Find g(a+3) when g(x) = x^2 - 1

Write out the function for x using function notation, replacing the x with an empty set of brackets.

g\left( {} \right)={{\left( {} \right)}^{2}}-1

Replace the x in the function with the number or algebraic term in the brackets next to the name of the function.

g\left( a+3 \right)={{\left( a+3 \right)}^{2}}-1

Apply the correct operations to the number or term as appropriate and simplify.

\begin{aligned} & g\left( a+3 \right)={{a}^{2}}+6a+9-1 \\\\ & g\left( a+3 \right)={{a}^{2}}+6a+8 \end{aligned}

Common misconceptions

  • Function notation is mistaken for a product

It is common for f(x) to be thought of as “ f times x ” rather than “ f of x ”.
This confusion can lead to incorrect evaluations of values.

When finding f(2) when f(x)=x+3 , a mistake may be to think that f(2) means 2(x+3) .

Whereas the correct solution is:

\begin{aligned} &f(x)=x+3 \\ &f(2)=2+3 \\ &f(2)=5 \end{aligned}

Practice function notation questions

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Replace the x with 4 and simplify.

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Replace the x with 7 and simplify.

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Replace the x with -5 and simplify.

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Replace the x with 3n , expand the brackets and simplify.

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Replace the x with 4k+1 , expand the brackets and simplify.

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

Replace the x with a-2 , expand the brackets and simplify.

Function notation GCSE questions

1. Given that f(x)=5x-2

(a) Find f(-4)

(b) Find x when f(x)=8

(3 marks)

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Equation formed 5x-2=8


Answer x=2


2. (a) If f(x)=4x+1 , write a simplified expression for f(2a-1)

(b) If h(x)=x^2+2x-3 , write a simplified expression for h(2m+3)

(5 marks)

Show answer


Substitution seen 4(2a-1)+1





Substitution seen (2m+3)^2+2(2m+3)-3


Expanded brackets 4m^2+12m+9+4m+6-3


Simplified expression 4m^2+16m+12


3. Given that f(x)=x^2+2 and g(x)=3(x+4).

Find the value of x which satisfies f(x)=g(x)

(4 Marks)

Show answer

Set equal x^2+2=3(x+4)


Form quadratic x^2-3x-10=0


Factorise (x-5)(x+2)=0


Both solutions x=5,-2


Learning checklist

You have now learned how to:

  •  Where appropriate, interpret simple expressions as functions with inputs and outputs

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Function notation and evaluating functions practice worksheet answers

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What is the evaluation of functions?

Evaluating a function means finding the value of f(x) =… or y =… that corresponds to a given value of x. To do this, simply replace all the x variables with whatever x has been assigned. For example, if we are asked to evaluate f(4), then x has been assigned the value of 4.

What is function notation?

Function notation is a way to write functions that is easy to read and understand. Functions have dependent and independent variables, and when we use function notation the independent variable is commonly x, and the dependent variable is F(x).