Funny links to put in your bio

If you’re looking for pointless, weird and irrelevant websites, then be prepared to have your mind blown with this unruly bunch. I’m here to bring you to the world’s most useless websites.

The internet really is a wonderful place. It caters for all our curiosities, interests and hunger for knowledge. There are social media networks and news sites for keeping in the know on both global affairs and the lives of your friends. There are video sites where you can immerse yourself in music, funny clips, rare footage or independent documentaries.

There’s academic sites, business sites and shopping sites that make it easier than ever to find knowledge, products or services that you want or need. Holiday sites, blogs and vlogs that bring you closer than ever to people and places that share your interests. You can bank online, shop online, work online, chill online and learn online. Oh and the kittens and puppies, who could ever forget about those, the internet is swarming with kittens and puppies.

Take off your rose-tinted glasses for a minute and you’ll see that the internet can be as weird as it is wonderful. Every website started as an idea, and some of those ideas were, to be fair, ‘strange’ to say the least. Want to know what we mean by weird? Well get ready for a rollercoaster as we take you through some of the strangest, most peculiar, pointless and weird websites out there. Just be careful to put a cushion on your desk so you don’t slam your head down too hard and give yourself a concussion!

Funny links to put in your bio

Funny links to put in your bio

The person who created this site is obviously mental and this is a definite cry for help. Help him if you can. The king of pointless websites!

Funny links to put in your bio

Ducks Are The Best

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If you like 1980s quality computer graphics as well as an unhealthy obsession with ducks, then this is the site for you.
With every quiver of the mouse, more and more ducks will appear on the screen until you can see nothing but these loveable bundles of feathers.

The Quite Place

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If you spend way too much time sitting at a desk and staring into a computer screen, then this website will certainly be well appreciated. The only thing you will need to do is press your spacebar and read. Enjoy.

Stealth Boats

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A site dedicated to images of stealth boats. Simply click on the link to enlarge the images of these hard to see boats. Yes it may look like there’s nothing there, but I can assure you they are so stealth, it’s very hard to see them :D

Ninja Flex

Funny links to put in your bio

Another pointless and weird website the simply says “Ninja Flex” in an over dramatised voice.
Very strange, but quite funny. Hard to believe that someone went to the effort of registering a domain name and paying $20 a year for this!!!

Endless Horse

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One of the strangest websites I’ve ever seen. A horse with never ending legs. Keep scrolling and you might get to the bottom of it….or maybe not.

That The Finger

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Giving you the middle finger, again and again and again. Completely pointless and useless website at its best.

Bury Me With My Money

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Quick Draw

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Your chance to test out your drawing skills by seeing if Google can guess exactly what you are drawing.

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A terribly hypnotic website that does nothing more than make you feel a little bit sick. Moving gradients, expanding tunnels and a creepy red tone adds to the overall weirdness and pointlessness of this website.

Move Now Think Later

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A giant checkers board where the pieces move on their own and you have no control of. A great example of a site that doesn’t really need to be on the internet.


Funny links to put in your bio

Probably one of the strangest websites I have seen. Not sure what its all about but “bees” seem to be a strong theme here.

Cat Bounce

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Who doesn’t love cats? This site is simple in it’s purpose. To celebrate cats by allowing them to bounce around your screen like little furry bouncy balls.

Want to make your own weird website? Check to see if your idea for a domain is still available with this handy domain tool from Bluehost…

Funny links to put in your bio

Move your mouse over a circle and it’ll divide into 2, then 4 then 8 and so on until you go mad and want to rip your hair out. Enjoy.

Funny links to put in your bio

A little motivational site to get you hypes for your day’s hustlin.

He-Man Sings

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Quite an addictive watch. He-man sings to the backing tracks of many of your favourite songs.


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This site actually makes me feel sick. The music in the background, coupled with the moving graphics actually does make you feel like you are falling into an infinity.

Republique Des Mangues

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Visit the republic of mangoes and rejoice in the floating mango in the sky. Very weird, very strange and why would anyone build a site like this? Because they can!


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Another simple and weird website that’ll chant “RGB” at you through your computer speakers. RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue if you don’t already know.

Funny links to put in your bio

Funny links to put in your bio

Alan Partridge is a legend over here in the UK and this little loop of him playing the bass to Daft Punk’s get lucky is simply genius! There’s nothing much to it, but some of the greatest ideas are just that…simple.

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The site that promises so much but delivers very little. Very funny though.

Funny links to put in your bio

Three identical guys who take it in turn to say three words in what sounds like French. Not weird at all!


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A hypnotic toad with a droning sound in the background that is strangely soothing. Could this toad hypnotise you into quitting smoking or overcoming a phobia? Probably not.

The Nicest Place On The Internet

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A feel good site with lots of nice people waving at you. All very nice and civilised. Unlike real life. – Swearing Xylophone 

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Limmy is a comedian from Glasgow, Scotland. He’s also a very clever digital designer and has designed and built some very innovative and funny digital / interactive artworks. This one is a xylophone that is very very very rude! NSFW. So when you do listen to it at work, make sure you have your headphones on. Don’t let your kids play with it either! LOL!

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This site scrapes Twitter and displays the number of times a tweet has a homophobic word within it. It’s purpose is to highlight the usage of homophobic language within everyday conversations.


Funny links to put in your bio

Travel the world to far flung places with just a click of your mouse. Who knows where these places are. Click the go button and you’ll be transported to random street views all over the globe.

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When something goes badly wrong at work or in any other aspect of your life and you feel like screaming at the top of your voice, then feel safe in the knowledge that you have a resource which allows you to press a button to get instant relief from your pain or stress without people thinking that you’ve lost the plot completely.
Head over to visit, pop on your headphones, and press that blue button as many times as you feel fit to do so. Darth Vader will do the job of screaming for you.

Funny links to put in your bio

Another joker has set up a site to promote the fact that he looks like Barak Obama.
The guy known as “Trevor” reckons he looks the spitting image the ex-president of The United States of America.

The best bit of this website is where he explains the differences between him and Barak. Take a look. The guy is a comedy genius. Well done, but you’re site is pretty weird and rather useless.

Funny links to put in your bio

This is a very strange website for most people, but if you’re a zombie lover, zombie survivalist, zombie prepper or just a plain zombie freak, then you will love this dedicated zombie dating and social networking site. Who needs the run of the mill dating sites when you have this extremely niche zombie love fest just a few clicks away!

Funny links to put in your bio

There’s nothing much to this site other than a very small FB like button. And yes, over 300k people have liked this page!!!

Funny links to put in your bio

What better way to spend a few hours of your life than looking at two very seductively looking corn dogs while listening to some filthy 70s adult movie music.

Electric Boogie Woogie

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A very weird website that is basically just an animated version of Mondrian’s ‘Broadway Boogie Woogie’

Nothing more, nothing less.

Funny links to put in your bio

Just loads and loads of badly animated corgi dogs. Awesome.

Funny links to put in your bio

Kind of says what it does on the tin!

Funny links to put in your bio

Want to buy something either weird or confusing? Yes? Well simply click on the “please button” and it’ll take you to a weird product available to purchase on ebay or amazon.

Here’s an example of what’s on offer…

Funny links to put in your bio

Funny links to put in your bio

Funny links to put in your bio

This is our second corndog related weird website listed in this article. If corndogs are your thing then this site will flick your switches. It’s literally just a load of corndogs falling from the sky.

Funny links to put in your bio

A weird eel type creature that moves erratically when you put your cursor over it. There’s also some freaky, psychedelic backgrounds as well, which isn’t great if you suffer from epilepsy. Weird level: 10.

Funny links to put in your bio

A very strange website that features a smiling pink cube that positions itself in the direction of wherever you put your mouse.

Any suggestions?

Got any suggestions for weird websites? Leave a comment and I’ll add it to the article.

Start your own weird website.

If this has inspired you to start your own weird website then head over to my build a website tutorial and see what you can create.

I’ve also created a pretty comprehensive guide to the best blogging sites.

You can also check to see if your domain idea is available to buy with this domain checker from Bluehost

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My name is Jamie Spencer and I have spent the past 10 years building money making blogs. After growing tired of the 9-5, commuting and never seeing my family I decided that I wanted to make some changes and launched my first blog. Since then I have launched lots of successful niche blogs and after selling my survivalist blog I decided to teach other people how to do the same.

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What are some cool things to put in your bio?

Cool Instagram Bios.
The best things come from living outside of your comfort zone..
Here's my story for the history books..
I'm a cupcake in search for her stud muffin..
In a world where you can be anyone, be yourself..
Success is in my veins..
Yup, I'm just another Instagram influencer..

What should I put in my IG bio?

Instagram Bio Checklist.
Explain who you are and what you do..
Target your niche audience with specific keywords..
Link to your website or blog using Later's link in bio tool, Linkin. bio..
Provide additional ways for your followers to get in touch..
Show your personality..
How to find link in bio on Instagram. To get to someone's profile, tap their username, displayed above their post. Then you'll see their “bio” where they describe themselves and their account, and the blue URL. That's the link in bio.