Happy mothers day to your dad


Mother's Day is one of those holidays that can be overwhelmingly emotional, regardless of whether your mom is in your life. Know that celebrating Mother's Day with your dad is absolutely an option if you won't be with your mom. And if you'd rather shut off your phone for the day and spend time with your dad without a constant Instagram feed of mom pics, that's cool, too.

Regardless of how you define your family, it's worth taking a day (or two, if you count Father's Day) to celebrate the people who've been by your side. For these four women below, that person is Dad, which is why they've decided to give Mother's Day a whole new meaning.

Twenty-year-old Dominique, for example, says, "I choose to celebrate my father on Mother's Day each year because, for the majority of my childhood, he had to play the role of both parents, proudly earning him the title of 'Mr. Mom.'"

The truth is, this day is what you make it. There are no rules and, like on any other Sunday, brunch is 100 percent optional. If you prefer to disable your social media accounts for a few days and forget all about it, it's within your rights to do so. Another option is to take your dad out for a Sunday afternoon beer. Here's how else you can celebrate with the super-parent in your life.

Buy Or Make Your Dad A Card

I usually send something small to my step-mom and to my guardian, and read over letters my mom had written to me if I am feeling nostalgic. My friends and family often invite me out to celebrate with them/their immediate families (I always say no). Sometimes I send a card to my dad instead :).

- tinycatface

Go To A Car Show

Although my childhood was anything but traditional or normal by any means, I wouldn't change one thing about it. My father deserves more than just a day to celebrate the kind of parent that he is. That's why I don't mind waking up a little early one [extra] Sunday out of the year to grab some coffees and head down to the annual, boring-as-can-be, car show as my way of saying, 'Thanks for all that you've done for me, Dad.'
He did such an incredible job, to this day I'm still not sure how he did it all. Despite the fact he ran his own business and worked well over 40 hours a week to put a roof over our heads and food on the table, he always made time for me and my little brother. I have so much admiration and respect for this man. He was and — still is — the person we could always go to for guidance and advice, to vent and cry, to laugh and smile, and for a hug whenever we needed it.
Because of him, I have the confidence to follow my dreams and work toward all of my goals, no matter how scary they may seem. I know that he's right there behind me. I couldn't imagine life without him. He is my best friend. He will always be my best friend.

- Dominique, 20

Tell Your Dad You Appreciate Him

I usually use it as a second Father's Day. My mother was completely absent from my life (by choice), so my dad gets a gift or thanks.

- shiny-wooper

Raise A Glass To Your Dad

Celebrating Mother's Day with my father has always been something I look forward to every year. Growing up without a mom, you would think I would really dread this day. However, it's something that I genuinely enjoy celebrating. I've made it into a tradition that I buy my dad a Mother's Day card, we go out to breakfast, and normally head to the bar for a few drinks afterward. There's no reason on this day for me to be upset about not having a mother. My dad has been the best mother I could have ever asked for! And I know he enjoys being celebrated as a mom.
He was the one painting my nails, braiding my hair, and raising me to be the strong woman I am today. And, for that, I am forever grateful. I will always celebrate Mother's Day with my dad because he deserves this holiday just as much as he deserves Father's Day.

- Brittany, 25

Happy Mother's Day to all the dads out there who are so great, they get two days in their honor.

A mother may be the birth-giver, but it's the father who spends his entire life protecting and taking care of his family. We all can see and appreciate mothers' efforts but we often forget to express gratitude towards our respective fathers. Father's Day is a day dedicated to celebrating paternity, paternal ties, and the contribution of dads in general. It is observed on the third Sunday of June in a number of nations, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, India, China, Japan, the Philippines, and South Africa.

History And SignificanceFor the unaware, the origin of this special day can be traced back to Sonora Smart, the daughter of popular American Civil War hero William Jackson Smart. Sonora's mother, who resided in Spokane, Washington, passed away while giving birth to her sixth child. Together with her father, Sonora reared her younger brother, almost playing a mother to her siblings.

It is said that once she was listening to a sermon about Mother's Day, which had recently been observed, and that's when she realised that fathers deserved to be honoured as much. In order to honour fathers everywhere, she petitioned the Spokane Ministerial Alliance to declare Smart's birthday, June 5, as Father's Day and rest, as they say is history.

After much deliberation, they decided to celebrate the day on the third Sunday of each month.

What began as a local festival, Father's Day has grown incredibly popular through years and is now observed across the world. Father's Day is observed annually on the third Sunday in June, courtesy a presidential proclamation signed by US President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966.

We bring to you some of the choicest messages on this special day.

Wishes and quotes on Father's Day

I can't express my gratitude enough for the encouragement you always give for the values you have taught me and for the love you give me each and every day. Happy Father's Day!

Every day you worked hard to provide and every day you showed me how much you cared. Your example has influenced my life, you are an amazing Father. Happy Father's Day!

When I had a problem I didn't know how to solve, I called Dad.
When I was upset and feeling down, I called Dad.
When I was broke and needed money, I called Dad.
When I felt the world was against me, I called Dad.
When something arose I didn't understand, I called Dad.
every time I called Dad, he always made me feel better.
Thanks for always being there Dad!

A Father like you is a gift from God. I give thanks for the blessing of you Dad!

Dad, may your days be filled with the love you fill today.

Today is your day. A day to celebrate and let you know how much you are appreciated and loved Dad!

Dad, there is a saying that goes like this: "Any man can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a Dad!" You are that special man in my life, thanks Dad.

Dad growing up I know there were times that I was a pain, and now that I have children I find that I am a pain to them, but the wisdom and the knowledge you gave me makes me appreciate the pain in a very happy way! Thanks Dad.

You always worked so hard to provide for us.
You always made the time for us.
You have always encouraged and supported us.
And you are the best DAD to us!
Happy Father's Day!

Dad: A man with infinite patience.

Thank you for all the many wonderful things you do... that I fail to notice!

Happy Father's Day to one sweet pop!

I'm so lucky to have you in my life. Happy Father's Day!

Today's your day, Dad. Enjoy it, and know how loved you are!

Dad, you're my hero. Thanks for everything.

Happy Father's Day! You're more than a father—you're a friend. Thank you for all that you've done for me.

How do you say Happy Mother's Day to a father?

You have always been there with me as a father and also as a mother and on Mother's Day, I want to wish you Happy Mother's Day dad.” “With a super dad like you, I don't think I have missed anything in life…. Thanks for everything and a very Happy Mother's Day to you papa.”

What is the best message for father?

For Your Father.
“Dad, you are my hero and my role model. ... .
“Happy Father's Day! ... .
“You're my one and only dad, and I'll always have a special place in my heart for you. ... .
“You will never go out of style. ... .
“The older I get the more I realize how important it is to have a dad like you..

What is a good Mother's day message?

Simple Messages for Mom.
You hold such a special place in my heart. ... .
I'm so proud to be your [son/daughter/child/kid]..
Right from the start, you supported me in everything. ... .
Now that I'm grown, I don't just feel gratitude for you—I admire you..
Raising me took a lot of patience. ... .
Mama, you sacrificed so I could rise..

How do you say Happy Mothers Day to everyone?

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers. If you've lost a child, lost a mother, or are yearning to be a mother, I'm thinking of you today and every day. Finally, show your support to all mothers. Motherhood looks different for everyone, and you're a mother even if you've loved and lost.


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