Harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry

Yeah, alot of the Harry potter series becomes very off putting when seen through the eyes of an adult. The idea that harry survived to age 11 is probably only due to plot armor. even if the Abuse did not kill him, he would have been suicidal enough that he might kill himself.

Although, a suicide attempt that failed/succeed would, despite how horrid an idea, would open up an interesting Dursley Family Dynamic.

Would Petunia and Vernon perhaps realize the type of people they have become? perhaps Dudley would wake up and realize that's not who he wants to be in life....

If harry did succeed, what would be everybody's reaction be? Of course it would be a non-Harry centric story. IF harry became a ghost, this would not work...

This would not play into an abuse at the hands of muggles scandal, since suicide does not mean abuse explicitly, but it would mean that adults in the magical world would have to start looking at mental health a lot more.

1 - 20 of 550 Works in Abused Harry Potter

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  1. TagsSummary

    “Então você é adotado?”
    “Então seu pai… ele não é…?”
    “Parece que não.”
    “Huh.” Theo encara Harry com olhos cinzas que parecem prateados vendo pela fumaça que sai do caldeirão entre eles. “Mas você é herdeiro dessa… Casa Prince, então ele provavelmente é - “
    “Sim. Provavelmente.” Harry olha Theo penetrantemente. “Você não sabe quem ele é, sabe?”
    “Não.” Theo olha para cima, olhos tão afiados quanto os de Harry. “Se eu soubesse, eu te diria. Você sabe que eu diria.”
    “Eu sei.”
    Algo relaxa dentro de Harry. Algo que estava apertando desde que Cedric morreu. Ele pode não ter seus amigos, ou Sirius, ou nem saber mais quem ele é, mas ele tem isso. Pelo menos ele tem Theo.

    No verão depois de seu quarto ano, Harry está completamente sozinho, lidando com a dor causada pela morte de Cedric e a revelação repentina de que James Potter não é seu pai. Apoio vem de uma forma inesperada. Na forma de Theo Nott, filho de um Comensal da Morte. Um inesperado amigo que diz que vai ajudá-lo a achar seu verdadeiro pai, quem quer que seja esse Lorde Prince.

    • Part 1 of O Herdeiro da Casa Prince
    Language:Português brasileiroWords:38,575Chapters:9/?Kudos:19Bookmarks:2Hits:604
  2. TagsSummary

    Alice Dupont was suffering through a hot, muggy summer (August of 2022) when she suddenly gets transported to another world in another body. Watch as she tries to navigate the life of Sally-Anne Perks, and save the Harry Potter universe while trying to find her way back home.

    I know y'all might be put off by the 'original Female Character' tag, but I promise she's not a y/n kind of girl.

    Updates are inconsistent. I'm going to try to do once every two weeks.

    Also, shout-out to my beta discerningthepolarity who made this not read like word vomit from a small child :) they're really good at cleaning up my word vomit into something legible lol.

  3. TagsSummary

    Growing up the way he did, it was no wonder Harry turned out the way he did. Killing your relatives at the tender age of six years old changes a person, and yet Harry never regretted it for a single moment.

    Harry Potter is very different than they were expecting.

    They never could've seen it coming.

  4. TagsSummary

    In which, We follow the Heir of the Hunt into the Summer and meeting a family that he never knew he had. sequel to "Under the Hunters Moon"

    • Part 2 of Heir to the Hunt
  5. TagsSummary

    When Voldemort’s curse rebounded, a part of him was brought to life as a thirty-year-old Tom Riddle. Realising that all-out war might not be the best way to achieve his goals, he starts with securing a position as the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts under the name of Thomas Gaunt.
    Aster Potter is the Girl-Who-Lived. Stuck with abusive relatives and struggling to hide her ‘freak’ abilities, she spends her days locked in a cupboard, tracing the words on her left wrist. ‘Fate showed her cruelty by destining you to bring my demise.’. This is the first thing about her freakish abilities that she doesn’t fully despise- she has a soulmate! Tracing them over and over keeps her sane, fantasizing about her saviour finally arriving to take her away from the Dursleys.
    Her rescue comes in the shape of a letter, and Hogwarts enchants Aster to the point of completely forgetting about soulmates. She becomes friends with a group of unlikely people, and together with them tries to navigate the treacherous waters of Hogwarts, avoid the vengeful spirit of Lord Voldemort, try to uncover the plots of Albus Dumbledore, and figure out what in the world is up with Thomas Gaunt.

    Language:EnglishWords:186,316 Chapters:33/?Collections:2Kudos:1016Bookmarks:271Hits:30960
  6. TagsSummary

    With Voldemort back, Harry returned to the Dursley house, and Sirius imprisoned ‘living’ at Grimmauld Place, Sirius decides to go check on his godson.

    And when he doesn’t like what he finds at Number Four Privet Drive, Sirius decides to do something else- tell Harry a fifteen year old secret and send him off the the United States to meet his biological father.

  7. TagsSummary

    Alastair (the sorting hat) has decided, in the golden trio's 4th year, to resort Harry Potter. He thinks it's time for Harry to be himself and learn the truth, as well as open up about his horrifying, abusive past. He sorts Harry...into SLYTHERIN. Harry learns of his 'friends' betrayals, the many lies that he has been told, and...his true identity? He learned where his loyalties should lie, who his true family is, and who his true fronds are. But will he ever tell them about the abuse he has suffered? Will he ever open up? What happens when he falls in love with a man who hates his guts?

  8. TagsSummary

    When Harry Potter does not show up for his first year Hogwarts Wizarding Britain’s world turns to shambles as they uncover exactly what happened to the boy since he vanquished the dark lord. And now the boy has disappeared and they have no idea if he is even alive.

    Years later Hadrian Potter-Peverell is found defending a small store from a death eater attack. No one is prepared for the strong, confident, incredibly powerful boy that is seeped in darkness and has an array of dangerous secrets.

    Around the same time the notorious international assassin group First Blood shows up in Britain…

    And Voldemort? He’s incredibly intrigued both by the dark, uncaring, powerful, sadistic assassin Azrael, and the flirty, sweet, confident and extremely powerful Hadrian Potter-Peverell that shows up out of nowhere.

    Language:EnglishWords:149,394 Chapters:35/?Collections:8Kudos:3661Bookmarks:1110Hits:121777
  9. TagsSummary

    Harry comes into a surprised creature inheritance on the night of his 16th birthday. With it comes hope, love, and more family than he ever expected. His creature status changes everything, and secrets start to be revealed. His view on who he is and who he can trust is altered, and his eyes are opened to the true meaning of the war.

    But along with that Harry learns the true meaning of love.

    • Part 1 of Home Verse
  10. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter killed the Dursleys in a violent bout of accidental magic. Abused and broken, Severus Snape is forced to adopt him. What will happen when the two grow an obsession for each other?


  11. TagsSummary

    Shoulda, coulda, woulda- having an opportunity and not taking it, thus regretting it later. -Urban Dictionary.

    He should walk away. Go to the Leaky Cauldron, rent a room, and get some sleep owl his friends

    Harry holds the handwritten one in his hands. The paper is softer and feels less generic. Word ‘To: Harry’ is written on the top.

    He could feel it in his soul. This was it. This would change his whole world. He should have walked away, should have gone to the leaky cauldron, rented a room, slept, and owled his friends.

  12. Tags Summary

    Harry has been trying to figure out what makes him different.


    This is basically my idea of what it would look like if JK actually dealt with the fact that Harry was abused and if we pretended there were some actually competent adults in the wizarding world.

    I’m trying things out, and I’m not entirely sure where this is going or if I’ll keep writing it. Feedback is appreciated!

    No title because I haven’t picked one yet and I don’t want to confuse anyone with working titles.

    Language:EnglishWords:17,792Chapters:4/?Kudos:28Bookmarks:11Hits: 283
  13. TagsSummary

    When harry goes through a surprise inheritance and learns that not everything is as it seems and thing start to change rather fast faster than he can keep up some times.

  14. TagsSummary

    It's Halloween, and Harry and his friends are waiting for the champions to be chosen, but instead Lady Magic and Lady Hogwarts decide it's time for Dumbledore's game to end.

    • Part 1 of Harry Potter's Luck
    Language:EnglishWords:8,521Chapters:4/?Kudos:307Bookmarks: 105Hits:10539
  15. TagsSummary

    “... The public is warned that Black is armed and extremely dangerous. A special hot line has been set up, and any sighting of Black should be reported immediately.” (pg. 17 Prisoner of Azkaban)

    A crash came from the kitchen as a small boy on the cusp of being a teenager dropped the plate he’d been drying. Wide, green eyes rested on the small television his uncle and cousin were glued to, the picture of the gaunt man hauntingly familiar.

    Even as his uncle and aunt rounded on him to scream about the plate, the boy only uttered a soft whisper.


    • Part 7 of Ripple of Change
    Language:English Words:95,464Chapters:36/?Collections:7Kudos:2132Bookmarks:346Hits:71583
  16. TagsSummary

    When Sirius Black breaks out of prison, seeing his godson hanging around that rat, he does the most logical think that occured to him.

    He was going to break into Hogwarts and rip that stupid rat into a million pieces. He couldn't imagine a single thing that could go wrong.

    I can think of a hundred. Predictably, Sirius was quickly found out and brought to the headmaster but with things already far of track, Dumbledore sees a way to get things back to the way they should be.

    Little did Sirius know, a lot more had changed on the Halloween night that he had ever realised.

    Sequel to Till Death do us Part- please read that first or else this won't make any sense.

    • Part 2 of Till Death do us Part
  17. TagsSummary

    When James Potter jr. is pronounced the Boy Who Lived, Harry is sent to live with the Dursleys. Years later while on a business trip to Gotham city the Dursleys meet their end to the Scarecrow, who takes Harry and raises him like a son. How will the wizarding world fare when they are confronted with the Son of the Scarecrow?!

  18. TagsSummary

    When Harry Potter suddenly apparates into Malfoy Manor, Narcissa Malfoy takes one look at this poor scared child and decides the world will burn before she allows anymore harm to come to him. Featuring a very curious and slightly possessive Draco and a Lucius Malfoy who tries to play it cool but is really a big ol' softie.... Pretty much the family Harry should have had because he is a small bean that needs to be protected and loved until he can come into his phenomenal cosmic powers.

  19. TagsSummary

    Es el tercer día de Harry en Hogwarts. Con los ojos llenos de asombro y maravilla, se adentra por primera vez en el misterioso mundo de los magos tratando de olvidar las humillaciones y abusos de su vida anterior.

    Language:EspañolWords:17,352 Chapters:7/7Kudos:8Hits:106
  20. TagsSummary

    Harry Potter truly didn’t think that he could have a worse birthday after the Dobby incident last year, but it seemed that fate was yet again determined to prove him wrong. After he accidentally blew up his aunt, he wasn’t able to escape from the Dursleys and things just took a turn for the worse. When he collapses after class in the first week of school, the extent of the abuse he has faced is uncovered and Harry is at a loss for what he can do next.


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