How do i get dog pee smell out of carpet

If your four-legged friend had an accident on your carpet, it is essential to get the urine smell out completely. Dogs tend to urinate where they can smell old urine. Here’s what you need to know about how to get the pee smell out of carpeting. 

The best way to get pet urine stains out of your carpet is a two-step process to remove and neutralize odors. It is vital to follow each step to eliminate stains and prevent dogs from urinating in the area again.

hash-markHow To Get Urine Smell Out Of Carpet

1. Remove the Urine

If the stain is fresh, use puppy pads or paper towels to remove as much urine as possible. Many people find that puppy pads are ideal for this purpose, especially on carpet, since they absorb very thoroughly and form a gel layer to prevent the urine from dripping or getting on your hands. 

You can stand on the pad to soak up even the deepest liquid. It is very easy to see if there is any moisture left by looking at the plastic backing.

2. Try Using Baking Soda and Vinegar

If you don’t have an enzymatic cleaner on hand or you’re looking for a cheap way to remove the dog urine smell from large areas of carpet, baking soda and vinegar may be a good option for you. As mentioned previously, using strong smells like vinegar to cover up the urine may cause dogs to urinate on an area more. 

However, if this isn’t a concern for you, vinegar can be an affordable option. If you are concerned about your dog urinating on the spot again, try just using baking soda.

Baking Soda Method

Blot the area thoroughly with puppy pads until it is completely dry. Standing on the pad helps to reach deep and get all of the moisture out. Rinse the area thoroughly with cool water and blot it up. 

Once the area is thoroughly soaked and blotted with cool water, and there is no trace of urine that you can detect, spread a thin and even layer of baking soda across the stain. 

Allow the baking soda to sit at least overnight, and then vacuum it up thoroughly. You may need to vacuum several times to get it all up. If you think there may still be some odor, lay another layer of baking soda, let it sit, and vacuum. The baking soda will help to eliminate the odor that may be left in the carpet.

Baking Soda and Vinegar Method

This is an affordable way to make your own urine eliminator spray. It will leave a strong smell that may cause some dogs to want to urinate over it. However, when it is completely dried, it should not have any scent at all.

Mix a cup of distilled white vinegar, a cup of water, and two teaspoons of baking soda in a spray bottle. Mix the ingredients by shaking. Spray on the stain. Wait for about 10 minutes, and then blot up the stain. 

You may want to repeat this step several times. It can also be useful to rinse the area with cool water between steps. Be sure not to let your dog in the area until the vinegar has thoroughly dried. This is a great tool to keep on hand if there are frequent accidents on your carpet. 

3. Use a Carpet Cleaner

If you cannot remove all of the dog pee in this way or the stain has had time to settle in, it may be wise to rent a carpet cleaner from your local grocery or hardware store. A carpet cleaner is very different than a steam cleaner. 

Instead of sealing the urine in with heat, it thoroughly shampoos the carpet, removing all traces of urine. You will find it even more effective if you use an enzyme-based shampoo designed to be used in carpet cleaners. This formula removes the urine on the enzyme level, eliminating the scent.

4. Neutralize the Uring Smell

Once the carpet is as clean as possible, you must neutralize every last bit of scent. This is even true if you’ve used a carpet cleaner. Since the urine has had an opportunity to soak into the carpet, it may not come out entirely even with carpet shampooing. 

To be sure, use an enzyme-based odor eliminator. Enzymatic bacteria are essential to truly eliminate the odor. They are activated when they make contact with stains and odors. They feed on urine crystals, so they remove the urine and the odor that goes with it.

hash-markWhat to Avoid

As you are trying to decide on the best way to clean up urine on the carpet, you may come across a lot of advice. However, some of the most common suggestions may actually do harm. Here are some things to avoid when you are cleaning urine stains from carpet:

  • Steam cleaners: Using heat from steam cleaners before all of the urine has been completely removed bonds the protein into the fibers of the carpet, setting the stain permanently.
  • Strong chemical odors: Some people suggest cleaners like vinegar or ammonia because the strong smell is aversive to dogs. In fact, dogs may be more likely to want to mark in this area to cover the strong smell. 

*If your dog is having accidents because they can’t control their bladder, training your dog not to urinate inside won’t be that easy, so vinegar may be an affordable option.

hash-markDoes Dog Pee Ruin Carpet?

If you have used the above steps and your carpet still smells like dog pee, it may be ruined. When urine soaks into the pad underneath the carpet, it may go too deep for carpet cleaners or enzymatic cleaners to reach. 

In this case, you will need to remove that section of carpet and padding. In cases where dog pee has been allowed to chronically soak into the carpet, the floorboards beneath may also need to be treated or replaced.

However, in the vast majority of cases, you will be able to treat stains on carpet effectively. The faster you get to the stain, the more effectively you will be able to remove it.

hash-markHow To Get Old Dog Urine Smell Out Of Carpet

The best way to deal with an older dog urine stain and smell is to use the baking soda and vinegar method as vinegar is very effective against older smells. It will be important to soak all of the urine stain in the solution, so you might need to use a blacklight if it's very old and hard to spot on your carpet. 

hash-markGetting Dog Urine Smell Out of Carpet Bottom Line

If you are patient and persistent, you will find that you can eliminate stains and prevent problem urination. Some puppies take longer than others to learn, but with regimented potty training and plenty of positive reinforcement, you’ll be able to convince your pup to go potty where you want them to. Carpet can be especially attractive for puppies, so prevent access to carpet if possible during potty training.

Suppose your older dog or your dog who is becoming sexually mature is having accidents. In that case, tools to control urine like belly wraps can be a great option when training is not sufficient to control excessive urination.

With training, management, and the right cleanup tools, you can have a urine-free carpet for good. 

How do you get rid of dog urine smell permanently?

Baking soda naturally neutralizes odors. Sprinkle it liberally on the damp area or even an old urine stain, and work the powder gently into the fibers of any fabric, rug or carpet. Let the baking soda sit overnight for maximum odor absorption, then vacuum it up to remove the smell completely.

How do you get urine smell out of a whole carpet?

How to Get Pee Smell Out of Carpet?.
Step 1: Dry the Carpet Thoroughly..
Step 2: Apply a Vinegar Solution to it..
Step 3: Apply Baking Soda..
Step 4: Add Hydrogen Peroxide and Dish detergent..
Step 5: Vacuum the Area with Cleaner..

Why does my carpet still smell like dog pee after shampooing?

So, why does my carpet smell like urine after shampooing? The urine spreads out and the ammonia and bacteria present reactivate once the carpet is cleaned with water. That's how you get a smelly carpet after cleaning.

How long does dog urine smell stay in carpet?

Left untreated, urine takes up to five years to off-gas on it's own. The longer dog pee or cat urine sits in a carpet the worse the problem becomes. Bacteria builds up, and the urine is soaked not only into the carpeting but also into the pad below and, in some instances, the wood floors and its sub-floor.