How do i get my tax return 2022

Check the status of your income tax refund for 2021, 2020 and 2019. If you e-file, allow 36 hours for your information to appear and 3 weeks to get your refund. If you mail your return, it will take longer.


Check Your Refund

Information is updated once a day, overnight.

What You Need

  • Your Social Security or taxpayer ID number
  • Your filing status
  • The exact refund amount on your return

Check Your Refund

Using a Mobile Device?

Check your refund on the IRS2Go app

Don't File a Second Tax Return

Filing the same tax return again won't speed up your refund.

When to Call Us

Call us about your refund status only if:

  • It's been 21 days or more since you e-filed
  • It’s been over 6 months since you filed by mail
  • Where's My Refund directs you to contact us

IRS phone numbers and tax help options

If Your Refund Is Delayed

Your refund may be delayed if your return needs corrections or extra review. If we need more information to process your return, we'll contact you by mail.

This article was written in collaboration with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. All views expressed are the independent opinion of It was updated on 18 March 2022 to reflect the YA2022 information.

While the deadline for personal income tax submission in 2022 is 18 April, you can (and should) file your taxes earlier if you can. In fact, individuals can start to file their personal income tax via e-Filing from 1 March onwards.

Before getting started on your income tax filing, it’s important to understand which group you fall under, based on the classification from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS).

Group 1: You receive a notification from IRAS saying you do not need to file your income tax return (No-Filing Service scheme)

How do i get my tax return 2022

For self-employed persons filing Form B, you may receive a different SMS containing the following text:

SMS for SEPs newly selected for No-Filing ServiceSMS for SEPs already under No-Filing Service<SXXXX567A>: We have implemented No-Filing Service (NFS) for selected self-employed taxpayers for 2022. You do not need to file a 2022 tax return under NFS, unless you are in receipt of commission income exceeding $50,000 in 2021 and wish to claim for actual business expenses. From 1 Mar to 18 Apr, you can verify your income and relief claims at IRAS myTax Portal.


<SXXXX567A>: You are under the No-Filing Service (NFS) for selected self-employed taxpayers for 2022. You do not need to file a 2022 tax return under NFS, unless you are in receipt of commission income exceeding $50,000 in 2021 and wish to claim for actual business expenses. From 1 Mar to 18 Apr, you can verify your income and relief claims at IRAS myTax Portal.

If you are not required by IRAS to file your income tax, you will receive a notice via letter or SMS informing you that you do not need to file income tax for the year. If you have additional income to declare other than your auto-included employment income, or wish to make any adjustments to your relief claims due to changes in your personal circumstances, you’ll need to file your income tax via myTax Portal and make the relevant changes.

Check out the IRAS website for more details on No-Filing Service. For selected self-employed persons under the Pre-filling of Income scheme, please refer to the No-Filing Service (NFS) for Self-Employed Persons (SEPs) under the Pre-filling of Income scheme for more information.

Otherwise, your Notice of Assessment (NOA) or tax bill (in digital or paper format) will be sent to you from late April onwards showing your income tax payable, if any.

Your tax bill is computed based on your auto-included income and previous year’s relief claims, which may be adjusted if you do not meet the eligibility criteria. You will need to check that your income details and relief claims are accurate in your tax bill. If you have any other income that is not shown in your tax bill or if your relief claims are incorrect, inform IRAS of any discrepancy through the “Object to Assessment” e-Service in myTax Portal.

Group 2: You receive a notification from IRAS informing you to file your income tax

This means you are required to file your income tax return, which you can do so via myTax Portal from 1 March to 18 April 2022.

If your employer participates in the Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) for Employment Income, information regarding your salary will be pre-filled. However, you will still need to complete the remainder of the tax return form (additional income outside your employment, relief claims, etc.) and submit it.

Check if your employer is participating in the AIS here.

Group 3: You did not receive any form of notification from IRAS

If you didn’t receive any notification saying whether or not you need to file your income tax, this means you do not need to do so unless your

1) total personal income (including salaries and rental income) from 1 January to 31 December 2021 is more than $22,000, or

2) if your net business income for the business accounting year ended in 2021 is more than $6,000.

This year, selected taxpayers on the No-Filing Service will receive a Direct Notice of Assessment (D-NOA), meaning they will not receive a notification from IRAS during tax filing season but will instead receive their tax bill directly from mid-March onwards. The D-NOA initiative will be extended to more taxpayers progressively over the next few years.

How To File Your Income Tax In 2022

There are three main components to personal income tax filing that you need to know about. The 1) income you earn; 2) deductions that you qualify for; and 3) reliefs you are eligible for.

# 1 Income that you earn

For this segment, it’s essential to know what type of income is taxable and what is not.

Types of taxable income include employment income, business income (including income from online activities), property income (e.g. rental).

Types of non-taxable income include interest income, dividend income, capital gains from properties, shares or financial instruments, annuity income.

Do note the listed items above are not an exhaustive list. You can find out more about what’s taxable and what’s not from the IRAS website. It’s important to understand this because you do not want to pay taxes on non-taxable income, or commit an offence by not paying taxes on taxable income.

# 2 Deductions that you qualify for

Deductions refer to any allowable expenses you incurred or approved donations you made during the year.

Types of deductions include deductions for employees if they incur expenses because of the nature of their work. For example, if they use their own money to pay for business expenses.

If you were working from home in 2021, you can claim expenses incurred for work purposes, such as electricity charges and telecommunication charges, that were not reimbursed by your employer. There are also deductions for rental expenses and donations to approved Institutions of a Public Character.

Read Also: How Employees Can Claim Working-From-Home (WFH) Expenses In Their Income Tax Returns This Year

# 3 Reliefs that you qualify for

To encourage certain social and economic objectives, tax reliefs are offered to certain groups of taxpayers in Singapore.

Types of reliefs include course fees relief, CPF Cash Top Up Relief, CPF Relief, Earned Income Relief, Handicapped Brother/Sister Relief, Life Insurance Relief, NSman (Self) Relief, Parent/Handicapped Parent Relief, Supplementary Retirement Scheme Relief.

You can find the full list of reliefs on the IRAS website. It’s important to understand all the different types of reliefs because you want to make sure you do not miss out on any reliefs that you qualify for.

Make Your Declaration And Save A Copy Of The Acknowledgement

Once you declare that all the information you provided in the tax return form is correct, you’re done. You should see an Acknowledgement Page, which you can save or print for your own records. You may also retrieve a copy of the Acknowledgement Page from the “Notices/Letters” e-Service at myTax Portal.

If you would like to check if IRAS has received your tax returns, you can click on the Individuals tab again and then View Filing Status.

Wait For Your Tax Bill, And Pay Promptly!

Once you have filed your taxes for YA2022, you will receive your tax bill, from late April onwards.

As soon as you receive your tax bill, check it carefully. Do note that it is your responsibility to ensure that your NOA is accurate, even if you were not required to file income tax in the first place.

Read Also: 6 Ways You Can (Legally) Reduce Your Income Tax

If you see any mistakes or discrepancies, please make your amendments within 30 days through the “Object to Assessment” e-Service in myTax Portal. This has happened to us before because silly mistakes (on our part) do happen and IRAS will revise the assessment accordingly.

Do pay your tax bill on time to avoid unnecessary fines. sign up for GIRO payment, and enjoy up to 12 interest-free monthly instalments. If you experience difficulties in paying your taxes, you can arrange for a longer payment plan with GIRO.

When should I get my refund 2022?

Most filers who use this method should receive their refunds within 21 days of submitting their return online. If you mail your return, you can expect to receive your refund in about six to eight weeks from the date the IRS receives your return.

How do I view my tax return?

Use the Where's My Refund tool or the IRS2Go mobile app to check your refund online. This is the fastest and easiest way to track your refund. The systems are updated once every 24 hours. You can call the IRS to check on the status of your refund.

When should I expect my tax refund?

(updated July 7, 2022) We issue most refunds in less than 21 calendar days. However, if you filed on paper and are expecting a refund, it could take six months or more to process your return.

How do I download my income tax return?

Step 1: Go to the income tax India website at and log in. Step 2: Select the 'e-File'>'Income Tax Returns'>'View Filed Returns' option to see e-filed tax returns. Step 3: To download ITR-V click on the 'Download Form' button of the relevant assessment year. The ITR-V will be downloaded.