How do males get tested for herpes

Once you become aware that you might be experiencing Herpes symptoms, all sorts of worry can set it. You might worry about your health, your future, or your relationship. The worry you are feeling likely stems from things you’ve heard about Herpes, much of which is probably not fact. To help you discover the reality of the symptoms of Herpes, we’ve put together some helpful information for your convenience.

Increase your knowledge of the symptoms of Herpes and what steps to take to enjoy a successful recovery.

What is Herpes?

Herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is caused by either the Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 (HSV1) or the Herpes Simplex Virus Type-2 (HSV2). HSV1 is often referred to as oral herpes because it can cause fever blisters and cold sores to form around the mouth, whereas HSV2 is generally referred to genital herpes. Both Herpes viruses can cause the same symptoms, but each Herpes virus typically infects either the mouth or genitals though they can both cause oral or genital herpes.

The Center for Disease Control has reported that 1 out of 6 people in the United States aged 14 through 49 has genital herpes. Oral herpes is even more rampant. Many people are unaware they are infected until the occurrence of an outbreak because Herpes symptoms are often mild or don’t exist.

How do males get tested for herpes

How do males get tested for herpes

A More Detailed Look at Herpes Symptoms

Outbreaks don’t always stick around for very long, making it possible for individuals with Herpes to display little to no outward symptoms of the virus. Years can pass before an outbreak! Some people may describe Herpes as devious or callous. The best way to ensure you aren’t caught with the virus is to get tested regularly.

Painful and itchy sores and blisters in and around the mouth and genitals are some of the first Herpes symptoms individuals notice. Blisters can pop and turn into unpleasant sores. Common places blisters grow are the vagina, penis, cervix, anus, buttocks, and inner thigh.

The most common symptom for men and women is showing no symptoms at all. But when symptoms of Herpes are present, men and women often show them differently.

Many individuals aren’t aware of the symptoms of Gonorrhea. For your convenience, we’ve listed common symptoms below as they pertain to men and women.

Symptoms of Herpes in Women

  • Sores, ulcers, or blisters on the anus, thighs, or buttocks
  • Blisters and sores on or around the vagina, vulva, or cervix
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Itchiness in the vaginal area
  • Painful urination
  • Meningitis
  • Headache
  • Body ache
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Eczema herpetiform
  • Eye infection
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Encephalitis

Only a physician can provide you with an accurate diagnosis of your HSV status. Other infections, such as syphilis, can share similar symptoms, making it essential to get tested as soon as possible.

How do males get tested for herpes

How do males get tested for herpes

Symptoms of Herpes in Men

  • Sores, ulcers, or blisters on the anus, thighs, or buttocks
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Blisters or sores on the penis
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Body ache
  • Meningitis
  • Eye infection
  • Eczema herpetiform
  • Encephalitis

Only a physician can provide you with an accurate diagnosis of your HSV status. Other infections, such as syphilis, can share similar symptoms, making it essential to get tested as soon as possible.

Herpes Prevention

Like most STDs, knowing how they are spread is the best way to prevent them from being transmitted. A simple kiss is all that is necessary to contract HSV1. This means it is quite easy for parents to infect their children with HSV1. Of the two Herpes viruses, HSV1 is the most common to contract. The virus is often spread without the carrier every realizing it, usually because no symptoms are seen, but HSV1 is the most infectious during an outbreak when sores are open and wet.

HSV2 can be transmitted in much the same way as HSV1, but it is most commonly spread through sexual contact, whether vaginally, anally, or orally. Intercourse isn’t a requirement when Herpes is contracted, though intercourse does put you at greater risk.

Fortunately, the Herpes virus doesn’t exist for long when outside the body. This means you cannot contract Herpes from coughing, sneezing, holding hands, or hugging.

How do males get tested for herpes

How do males get tested for herpes

Testing for Herpes

Many emotions can surface with just the thought of testing, but keeping sight of the benefits that can come from testing can help to relieve some of those feelings. Testing for HSV1 and HSV2 is done using a test called the Herpes IgM test and requires a simple blood sample. Your blood is analyzed and if HSV antibodies are detected, your results will come back positive. Testing is quite accurate but it must be taken at least ten days after exposure for the antibodies to be present. Testing before the recommended ten days can result in a false negative.

Treatment for Herpes

Currently there is no cure for HSV, but that doesn’t mean infected individuals can’t live a normal and happy life. Antiviral drugs can be prescribed by a medical doctor to help prevent and decrease the length of outbreaks as well as slow the progress of the symptoms individuals with Herpes may experience.

How do males get tested for herpes

How do males get tested for herpes

Herpes and Other STDs

It is common for individuals infected with Herpes to wonder if they can contract other STDs. There is no direct evidence of developing other STDs while experiencing symptoms of Herpes; however, open sores on or around genitals can put you at greater risk of developing Hepatitis B and HIV. You can also be more susceptible to contracting other diseases carried by the blood. On the flip-side, keep in mind that when you experience outbreaks, you increase the risk of transmitting Herpes to others. Be sure to practice safe sex and strive to live a healthy lifestyle to best protect you and your loved ones.

Overcoming the Mental and Emotional Effects of Herpes

It has been previous stated that Herpes is a common virus, but even the most common things can cause a great deal of emotional and mental stress. Support groups and mental health professionals can help to alleviate the unpleasant feelings that often present themselves when Herpes symptoms are present, and when confirmed through testing. Trying your best to maintain a positive outlook and working towards a healthier lifestyle can drastically help reduce the levels of stress you might be feeling.

How do males get tested for herpes

How do males get tested for herpes

Discussing Herpes with Your Partner

Like many others, you might be worried about how a Herpes infection can affect the relationship you share with your partner(s). It can be quite troublesome to think about spreading the virus to those you love and care about. The good news is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Millions of individuals understand what feelings you are experiencing, because they are experiencing them too.

Many individuals infected with Herpes live happy and active love lives.
Talking to your partner(s) about the symptoms you have can be difficult, but in the end, it is the best thing you can do for those you care about. Discuss your Herpes infection with partners past and present so they can be informed and get tested as necessary. Be sure to share information with them that you would have wanted to know. This will help them to better understand Herpes, the accompanying symptoms, available treatments, and how you might be feeling. Chances are, they aren’t aware of the real facts about Herpes.

Be patient. It might take time for your partners(s) to take in the news. Let them know of the steps you are taking to treat Herpes and to keep from spreading it. As sensitively as possible, encourage them to get tested, even if they aren’t showing any signs or symptoms of Herpes. Testing can decrease anxious feelings for both you and your partner(s).

Monogamous Relationships

It is never easy to find out you have developed symptoms of Herpes when in a monogamous relationship. Keep in mind that experiencing these symptoms doesn’t mean either partner has cheated. It can take years for HSV to present itself, meaning you could have been infected with Herpes long before your current relationship ever started.

How do males get tested for herpes

How do males get tested for herpes

Pregnancy and Herpes

It is important to know the risks of being pregnant while infected with Herpes. A baby can be infected with genital Herpes as they pass through the birth canal. Infection in babies can cause serious eye infections or brain damage. Oral Herpes is not dangerous to the baby during the birthing process or while in the womb. It is possible for mothers who have had genital Herpes and are experiencing a current outbreak to pass it on to the baby, but the chances of doing so are minimal. If you are one of these mothers, a C-section might be recommended by your doctor to increase the safety of your baby.

The best way to protect you and your baby is to discuss your symptoms with your doctor and get tested as soon as possible. The risks can be considerable, and a simple test for Herpes can make a drastic difference in the health of all involved.

Can a man be tested for herpes without symptoms?

If you have the herpes virus and your body has produced antibodies, it can be detected on a blood test, even if you have no symptoms. The only time the virus might not be detected on a test (after you've contracted it) is if you've been tested too early.

Do they test for herpes in STD tests?

If you didn't know before now, herpes is generally not included in a standard STD panel. That means all those screens that you so diligently obtained since becoming sexually active and the one you may have asked your partner to get as well, probably did not include herpes.