How do you refriend someone on facebook

Facebook is useful for connecting with friends and staying in touch with business contacts. The social media website provides several options for controlling your friends list, including the ability to delete friends from the list and limit or hide the updates from friends that appear on your news feed. If you delete someone or hide a friend’s updates and later change your mind, reinstate your friend so that her posts appear on your news feed again.

Reinstate Deleted Friends

  1. 1.

    Type a deleted friend's name in the search box at the top of your Facebook screen labeled "Search for people, places and things." As you enter the name, a list of people with the same or a similar name appears below the search box.

  2. 2.

    Locate the name of your friend if it appears in the list or click the "See More Results" link at the bottom of the list to find the name.

  3. 3.

    Click on the name of the deleted friend to go to her public Timeline.

  4. 4.

    Click the "Add Friend" box next near the top of the person's Facebook Timeline to send her a friend request. The person is reinstated as a friend if she accepts your friend request.

Reinstate Hidden Posts From Friends

  1. 1.

    Go to your Facebook friends list and click on the name of a friend whose posts you previously hid.

  2. 2.

    Hover the mouse pointer over the "Friends" box near the top of the friend's Timeline to open a pop-up menu.

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to get a friend to forgive you will vary depending on the situation and relationship between you and your friend. However, some tips on how to get a friend to forgive you include being honest and genuine in your apology, taking responsibility for your actions, and showing that you are genuinely sorry.

    Before writing about how to refriend someone on Facebook, I will illustrate this one. How many Facebook friends do you have? Is your friend annoying you? If any of your Facebook friends are annoying, you can block him. If you don’t know how to block someone on Facebook, you can read my other article. After blocking Facebook’s friend, you can unblock him. If you don’t know how to unblock people on facebook, read my other article too.

    The illustration is like this:

    1. First-time friend request. Accepted.
    2. Someone annoying you. Block your friend.
    3. Your friend apologizes to you. Unblock your friend.
    4. And now you want to be his friend again. This article will be explained how to refriend someone on Facebook.

    Step to Refriend Someone on Facebook

    The step to refriend someone on Facebook is the same as the first time you ask for friendship. See the illustration above.

    • Open your browser and go to
    • Search. Type the name or email of someone that you want to refriend and press Enter on your keyboard.

    How do you refriend someone on facebook
    Step to Refriend Your Friend on Facebook

    • Scroll and find your friend’s Facebook account that appears on your screen. Usually will appear many accounts that similar names. Find the true one. After you found the account, click that account and click Add Friend button. For detail please see the picture below:

    How do you refriend someone on facebook
    Click Add Friend Button

    • After you clicked the Add Friend button, a notification message will appear on your friend’s Facebook account. Once your friend opens their Facebook account and accepts your refriend request, you will be connected as a friend on Facebook.
    • To speed up the friendship process, you can tell your friends via WhatsApp or others app that you have sent a friend request.

    That’s all the tutorial about refriend someone on Facebook. You can do this cycle as many as you want. See the cycle as the illustration above.

    Can you reverse unfriending someone on Facebook?

    It is impossible to undo an unfriending. The only way to reconnect with someone on Facebook is to send them a friend request as you did when you first became Facebook friends. Because they must approve your friend request manually, they will realize that you unfriended them.

    When you unfriend someone can you friend them again?

    You can be Facebook friends with that person again if you want, but you will need to send them another friend request. Key takeaway: Facebook users are not notified if they are unfriended.

    When you unblock someone on Facebook do you have to Refriend them?

    It's important to note that when you block someone on Facebook, you will also automatically unfriend them. Unblocking them will not automatically add them as a friend again -- you will need to send them a separate friend request after you unblock them if you wish to be their friend again.

    Is it better to block or unfriend someone on Facebook?

    However, the general rule of thumb is to unfriend people you don't want to see/engage on your feed, leaving open the door of future communication. On the other hand, block people when you need them in a position where they can never make future contact with you on Facebook (except they do so with another account).