How do you say does anyone speak spanish in spanish


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Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese Ukrainian

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

hay alguien aquí que hable inglés

Again, does anyone here speak English?

Again, does anyone here speak English?

Excuse me. Well, does anyone here speak English?

Understand? - Does anyone here speak English?

Can anyone help us? - Does anyone here speak English?

Does anyone here speak English?

Does anyone here speak English? English?

Does anyone here speak English?

Does anyone here speak English?

Does anyone here speak English?

Does anyone here speak English?

Doesn't anyone here speak English?

Does anyone speak English around here?

Does anyone here speak...? engleski English

Does anyone here speak...? ki-anglais English

Other results

Does anyone here speak English?

Does anyone here speak English?

Does anyone here speak English?

Does anyone here speak English?

Berga itself was a bit strange for us as German tourists, because hardly anyone speaks English or French, and the city is not really nice.

Berga sí era un poco extraño para nosotros como turistas alemanes, porque casi nadie habla Inglés o francés, y la ciudad no es muy agradable.

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Does anyone speak Spanish?

translations Does anyone speak Spanish?

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  • ¿Alguien habla español?

Does anyone else on this ship speak Spanish?”

—¿Acaso hay alguien más en esta nave que hable español?

Does anyone speak Spanish?

Does anyone here speak Spanish?

¿Hay alguien aquí que hable español?

Does anyone here speak Spanish?"

¿Hay alguien allí que hable español?"

Does anyone know how to speak Spanish?

¿Cualquier persona sabe hablar español?

Does anyone in the office speak Spanish?

Hay alguien que hable español en la oficina?

Thread: Does anyone know how to speak Spanish?

¿Cualquier persona sabe hablar español?

DELE exams can be taken by anyone who does not speak Spanish as their first language and who wants to have an official qualification that accredits his/her knowledge of the language.

A los exámenes del DELE se pueden presentar todas aquellas personas que no tengan el español como primera lengua y que deseen contar con un título oficial que acredite sus conocimientos del idioma.

Rodríguez said that the police did not provide Topolenau with a translator during his first two days in custody, even though Mexico City law requires that a translator be provided to anyone who does not speak Spanish.

Rodríguez afirmó que la policía no facilitó un traductor para asistir a Topolenau durante sus primeros dos días de detención, a pesar de que la ley de la Ciudad de México requiere que un traductor sea proporcionado a cualquier persona que no habla español.

Speaking of this, does anyone know where they sell DVDs in Spanish with Spanish subtitles?

Hablando de esto, ¿alguien sabe dónde venden DVDs de idioma Español con subtitulos Español?

What is does anyone speak Spanish here in Spanish?

¿Alguien habla español?

What is PA LLA in Spanish?

feminine noun (Andes) (History) Inca princess.