How i knew i was pregnant before missed period reddit

I understand that this may be an interesting question and not sure what I can gather after Googling my symptoms (LOL). Thought I'd pose this here to get an idea, nonetheless.

Does anyone remember how you felt before your missed period?

My husband and I haven't been TTC, but we're not abstaining either. We currently have a 3-year-old daughter, and I stopped birth control exactly a year ago this month. My daughter was conceived on April 3rd, and I felt sick (thought it was food poisoning) about a week or two later; missed my period; and had severe morning (all-day) sickness on Cinco de Mayo. Then, found out I was pregnant on Mothers Day.

Time for the TMI - - -

This past weekend, my husband's man glove broke. This happened the day before my fertile window opened (I use the Pink Pad app which helped predict and track my daughter's birth). It's only been three days so I'm not trying to get excited about being pregnant (although I would be ecstatic, if so). But I've noticed that my daughter's behavior towards me has changed...she prefers my husband now and has been running away from me frantically and screaming as if she's in a horror film (I'm usually the favorite parent lol). I've also been extremely tired and can't finish my meals now.

I'm due for a period in a few weeks so, yes, I know that time will tell. Everyone online has said that it's impossible to know when an egg has been fertilized, but I'm wondering has anyone noticed a difference or felt different prior to a missed period --- especially for those who were trying to conceive.


Ha, I did something similar! Hubby and I are total beer nerds and we frequently have various types of craft beer with dinner.

Last December I'd been suffering through what I thought was the flu. I was finally feeling better though, so I decided to make the "fancy" dinner I'd been putting off.

While cooking I poured myself one of my favorite chocolate stouts. At first I thought it tasted strange, but decided my taste buds were probably off because I'd been sick.

About 15 minutes I suddenly got super light headed, broke out into a cold sweat, and ran into the bathroom sure I was about to vomit. I ran out of the kitchen so suddenly that Hubby came in after me to see what was wrong. I told him I didn't know, I just felt REALLY strange and thought I was going to puke. He brought me a damp cloth and a bottle of water and I just sat on the floor, hugged the toilet, and waited for the inevitable.

Hubby finished cooking and put everything in the oven on warm and waited for me. I never did puke. I told him I felt dizzy like I was SUPER drunk which was odd because I'd barely touched my beer. Finally I decided I wasn't going to vomit after all, but I was still dizzy as fuck and I couldn't keep my eyes open. I literally crawled from the bathroom to the bed. Hubby had to help me get into bed, then he got me a bucket (just in case). He ate the fancy dinner by himself and I slept for nearly 12 hours.

The following day I felt completely fine. No nausea, no headache, nothing. Hubby and I were convinced that the beer must have been infected (which can happen) and I poured the rest of my expensive, fancy, chocolate stout bomber down the sink.

That evening, Hubby was drinking a hefeweisen, I took one sip and almost immediately got nauseated. After sitting on the floor in the bathroom for half an hour, I come back out and tell Hubby, "Maybe I haven't had the flu..." Took a pregnancy test the following day! :)

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I knew! My body went completely wacko. Neon yellow pee, horribly, painfully hungry at impossible timings (I’m really never hungry because I did not eat breakfast in the past), sore nipples (they are NEVER sore).

I felt like there was a pretty high chance that I was preg but I also felt that I could just be believing google and thinking I’m pregnant. I believed the weird pee though.

now whenever I feel like I’m suffering with heartburn, heart palpitations and gas, I google it and get “congratulations pregnant person, what you are experiencing is perfectly normal and you can’t get it to stop!”

Also I always thought I would never be able to tell if I were pregnant. Now I know that some people definitely get all kinds of weird signals.

What does early pregnancy feel like before missed period?

A note from Cleveland Clinic Things like missing your period, sore or tender breasts, feeling more tired and nausea (morning sickness) are common symptoms of early pregnancy. Some people have symptoms of pregnancy before they miss their period. Take an at-home pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant.

Can you tell if you are pregnant before you miss your period?

When do pregnancy symptoms start? Very early pregnancy symptoms (like sensitivity to smell and tender breasts) may show up before you miss your period, as soon as a few days after conception, while other early signs of pregnancy (like spotting) might appear around one week after sperm meets egg.