How long do dogs usually stay in heat

How Long Are Dogs in Heat?

Here’s what you should know about the dog heat cycle—and what to expect if your pup isn't spayed.

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If your sweet little girl isn't spayed, don't be caught off guard if she gets her period. This is the beginning of her estrus cycle, commonly called "heat." During heat, a female dog is open to mating and can become pregnant. And while bleeding is one of the most obvious signs a dog is entering heat, her estrus cycle actually lasts much longer than this initial stage. 

So, how long are dogs in heat, exactly? And how do you know when your dog is ready to mate? Daily Paws spoke with a veterinarian to find answers.

When Do Dogs Go Into Heat?

This time of fertility and breeding can be a fact of life for your dog at a surprisingly young age. Lonna J. Nielsen, DVM, of Winterset Veterinary Center in Winterset, Iowa, says, "The timing of the first heat varies by the size of the dog. It can be as soon as 6 months of age for small dogs or 1.5 years for giant breeds. Having an intact [non-neutered] male in the house will bring heat in faster for a female. It can be as young as 4 months [old] for small dogs!"

The Female Dog Heat Cycle

how long are dogs in heat infographic showing the four stages

Just how long are dogs in heat? You might be surprised to find out that your dog's heat cycle can last weeks, and "it is a full 30 days that the female should be confined and not outside alone," Nielsen says.

Stage 1: Signs a Dog Is in Heat

The first signs your dog is in heat are the swelling of her vulva and bright red bloody discharge. This stage is called proestrus. "There will be lots of licking," Nielsen says. A dog in heat can bleed for around seven to 10 days. During this first stage of the reproductive cycle, the female will not accept a male.

Stage 2: When Your Dog Can Become Pregnant

Once the bleeding stops, the second stage of the dog heat cycle, called the estrus stage, has begun. Many people make the mistake of thinking their dog's estrus is done at this point, but this second stage is actually when your dog can become pregnant. "This stage, when the blood is done, is when she will accept a male," Nielsen says. "This lasts an additional seven to 10 days." During this stage, the vulva will become soft and enlarged.

If your dog is in heat and you do not want her to get pregnant, you should be very careful to keep her away from intact males during this time. "Heat, for both males and females, is very intense and instinctive," Nielsen says. "They will breed through fences and kennels, and have been known to break out windows and chew or dig through doors to get together. It is a strong impulse." 

Stage 3: The End of a Dog's Heat Cycle

The last stage of the heat cycle, called diestrus, lasts about two months. It includes reswelling of the vulva and pink discharge, and she will not accept a male. As this final stage ends, the vulva returns to normal and the discharge tapers off. This is the time of pregnancy if your dog mated with a male, though diestrus lasts 60 days whether or not she's carrying puppies.

Stage 4: The Downtime

Anestrus is when your dog isn't in heat. This period of time lasts several months (between three and six months on average, though it varies from dog to dog) before she reenters proestrus.

How Often Do Dogs Go Into Heat?

A dog's heat cycle begins roughly every six months for unspayed female dogs until 8 to 10 years of age. 

Nielsen says in her experience, "They seem to show a preference for spring and fall—when the days lengthen and then when it starts getting cooler.

"The first heat cycle, Nielsen explains, will be light and owners may be thinking This is easy! No big deal. "But when the second cycle comes, it's 'Holy crap!'" she says.

Spaying Your Dog

Having your female dog spayed means she will not experience the estrus cycle or pregnancy at all. If your pup goes into heat before you have her spayed, consult with your veterinarian about the best timing for the surgery. In general, it is best to spay before the dog's first heat ever happens (as early as 8 weeks of age), but the procedure can be done once the first heat has finished.

Spaying has benefits outside of preventing pregnancy, including decreased risks of mammary cancer and pyometra (uterine infection).

Dogs in heat/coming into season


  • A heat/season is the fertile period of a dog’s cycle when they can get pregnant.
  • Dogs usually have their first heat at around 6 months old, and then every 6-7 months afterwards.
  • Each heat tends to last approximately 16-18 days.
  • Signs of a heat include a swollen vulva (private parts), bleeding, and changes in behaviour.
  • To prevent an unwanted pregnancy, it’s important to keep your dog away from uncastrated males while she’s in season.
  • Once a female dog is speyed, she will stop having seasons and won’t be able to get pregnant.

General information

A heat (or season) is when a female dog is fertile and can become pregnant. During a heat, it’s likely that your dog will behave differently, bleed from her vulva, and become very interested in male dogs.

Most dogs have their first heat when then are about 6 months old, but this varies a lot and can be as late as 2.5 years old. From then on, most dogs have a heat every 6-7 months (approximately twice a year). Most dogs have bigger gaps between their seasons as they get older, but unlike humans (who at some point go through the menopause), dogs continue to come into heat throughout their whole lives unless they are speyed.  Once a dog has been speyed, her seasons stop and she can no longer become pregnant. Being on heat isn’t painful, but can make a dog feel uncomfortable, unsettled and ‘under the weather’. Although some people think that a dog’s bleeding during their season is a dog’s period, it’s actually a sign that they are at their most fertile.​

A dog in season, bleeding from her vulva

Signs/symptoms and behaviour

Dogs in heat tend to show the following signs:

  • A large, red, swollen vulva
  • Bleeding from the vulva (or a yellow/red/brown discharge)
  • Licking the back end more than usual
  • Weeing more than usual
  • Behaviour changes such as:
    • being over friendly to other dogs
    • roaming to find male dogs
    • mounting and humping
    • standing/moving the tail to one side when touched,
    • becoming anxious and nesting

A female dog in season humping another


What age do dogs have their first heat?

Most dogs have their first heat at around 6 months old, but timings vary a lot between dogs and breeds. Small dogs tend to have their first season earlier than large dogs (some can be as late as 2.5 years old).

How often are dogs in heat?

After their first season, most dogs have a heat every 6-7 months (twice a year). Some dogs have slightly longer or shorter cycles, but they should be regular. Speak to your vet if your dog has irregular seasons. Most dogs have longer gaps between their seasons as they get older (but can still get pregnant).

How long does a dog’s heat/season last for?

Each heat will last for approximately 2-4 weeks, but your dog won’t bleed for the whole time.

How long does a dog in heat bleed?

Dogs in heat tend to bleed for approximately a week to 10 days. Some dogs bleed very heavily and others so lightly that it’s barely noticeable.

Care tips


Your dog will be feeling hormonal, out of sorts and probably a bit confused during her season, so it’s important to keep her happy and distracted. Keep her entertained by playing games and giving her things to do in the house (such as a treat-filled toy), and take her on walks (away from other dogs) to keep her calm.

Preventing pregnancy

During your dog’s heat, she will be very attracted to males and want to mate. To avoid an unwanted pregnancy, you will need to supervise her the whole time she is in season, keep her on a lead and away from other dogs on walks, avoid leaving her alone in the garden, and keep her completely separate from any uncastrated males (including any that live in your household).

Preventing bleeding in the house

Some dogs bleed heavily during their season, and others are much lighter. To keep your house clean you may want to limit your dog’s access to carpeted areas, sofas and bedding, use towels, or consider using a ‘dog nappy’/’dog pants’ to catch the blood.


Does my dog need to have a season before she is speyed?

No, the vast majority of dogs do not need to have a season before they are speyed. However, each dog is different and it’s always a good idea to speak to your vet about the right timing for your dog. 

How much blood is normal for a dog in heat?

As a general rule, big dogs tend to bleed more than small dogs, but it varies a lot, some dogs bleed heavily, some hardly bleed at all, and some are so light that you won’t even notice it. Lots of dogs are also very clean, so you may not see much blood around the house if your dog is grooming themselves a lot. Always contact your vet if you are worried about the amount your dog is bleeding.

Can a dog get pregnant when not in heat?

No, a dog has to be in heat to get pregnant, but it’s important to be aware that not every heat is obvious. If you suspect your dog could be in heat, or it’s roughly the time that she should be, take precautions to stop her getting pregnant or consider neutering her to prevent an unexpected or unwanted litter.

How swollen is too swollen for a dog in heat?

The amount your dog’s vulva swells during their season will be individual to them, but if your dog’s vulva is so swollen that it’s causing them pain or discomfort, contact your vet for advice.

Is a white discharge from female dog in heat normal?

No, a white discharge could be a sign of infection (such as a pyometra) and should always be checked by a vet.

Published: October 2020

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Written by vets and vet nurses. This advice is for UK pets only. Illustrations by Samantha Elmhurst.

What are the 4 stages of a dog in heat?

The canine estrous (reproductive) cycle is made up of 4 different stages. These are proestrus, estrus, diestrus, and anestrus. Each stage has differing signs related to behavior, physical or clinical changes, hormonal changes, physiologic changes, and cytologic (vaginal smear) changes.

How long does a dog in heat bleed?

Your dog will only bleed for around half of the total cycle, usually 7 to 10 days. Generally, bigger dogs bleed more than smaller dogs, but it varies between dogs. Some dogs bleed very little.

How do I know when my dog is out of heat?

Heat usually lasts between 2-4 weeks. Early in the cycle, a female dog may not be receptive to male dogs, although some are receptive through the entire cycle. It can be shorter or longer and you'll know the cycle is over when all her vulva returns to its normal size and there's no more bleeding or discharge.

How can I get my dog out of heat faster?

Medicine to stop a dog's heat cycle You can stop the heat cycle of a dog with a medicine megestrol acetate (commercial name: Ovaban). Above all, you must use any medication under veterinarian supervision only. In most countries, the use of megestrol acetate requires a veterinary prescription.


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