How long does it take for paper towels to dissolve in toilet

Did your toilet clog? Do you suspect that toilet paper is the culprit? Today we’ll show you some measures on how to dissolve toilet paper in a sewer line. Not only that, but we’ll also give you a couple of tips on how to avoid clogging your toilet.

How Common Are Toilet Paper Clogs ?

How long does it take for paper towels to dissolve in toilet

While toilet paper clogs might seem common, there are other underlying issues that might arise from them.

Just like with kitchen sink clogs, frequent clogging of your toilet can often mean that you might experience a faulty plumbing system. Other times, it can mean that you tried to flush items that aren’t meant to be flushed.

These are the most common reasons why clogging might happen:

  • Putting excess toilet paper
  • Clogging on the toilet trap
  • Blocked toilet vent
  • Sewer line clogs due to a collapsed system.
  • Having an older toilet model

Moreover, homeowners must ensure that they get rid of clogs as soon as possible as they can lead to bacteria growth. As a result, it can bring musky odors out of the drain, along with multiple diseases. One of the most common ailments clogs bring is Legionnaires’ Disease, which leads to shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, and other gastrointestinal problems.

Lastly, toilet clogs can lead to an overall negative experience when using your bathroom.

5 Methods on How to Dissolve Toilet Paper in a Sewer Line

As you can see, getting rid of toilet clogs must be your utmost priority if you wish to avoid negative consequences in the future.

Sadly, this process isn’t as simple as just pouring bleach down the drain. In fact, if you pour this solution onto your toilet bowl or tank, you might end up releasing toxic fumes and worsening the situation.

For this reason, we’ll show you some foolproof solutions for this kind of issue.

Follow these measures on how to dissolve toilet paper in a sewer line:

  • Use a toilet plunger.
  • Pour hot water and dish soap into the bowl.
  • Toilet snakes can help clear clogged toilets.
  • Use chemical products that are safe for septic systems.
  • Use vinegar, baking soda, and hot water.

Use a Toilet Plunger

Plungers are the go-to option when dealing with toilet clogs.

If you decide to use a plunger, be sure to seat it tightly against the hole and use it forcefully to create enough pressure that’ll break down the clog.

You can confirm that you dissolved the toilet paper clog by noticing the water level of your toilet bowl. If it drops, then you’ve successfully got rid of the clog, and you can proceed with removing the plunger. Usually, you’ll also notice toilet paper floating after using the plunger method.

Pour Hot Water and Dish Soap into the Bowl

In case the plunger method didn’t work out for you, or you don’t have this tool at hand, you can also pour a mixture of hot water and dish soap into the toilet bowl.

Start by pouring the first half a bottle of dish soap. Then, proceed by pouring a half-gallon of boiling hot water. After pouring both solutions, allow the mixture to sit for half an hour to flush your toilet.

You’ll notice how your toilet works efficiently.

Toilet Snakes Can Help Clear Clogged Toilets

Plumbing snakes, also known as water closet augers, work great when trying to remove stubborn clogs.

While you can buy them online, it’s best to have a professional plumber handle this method. Believe it or not, opting for an expert can often end up being cost-effective as you don’t run the risk of ruining your plumbing system or the snake.

Use Chemical Products that Are Safe for Septic Systems

Many homeowners tend to dislike chemical products as many of them can disrupt the ecosystem found in the septic tank. Nevertheless, no problems should arise as long as you’re using products with a safe label for the septic system.

Be sure to follow the instructions that are on the package when using chemical products. Some of these products require you to pour them into the toilet tank while others directly into the bowl.

These drain cleaners can also do a great job getting rid of tree roots that have made their way into your plumbing system.

Use Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Hot Water

Lastly, if you wish to use a natural solution on your toilet, you can always rely on vinegar, baking soda, and hot water.

Just like with clogged kitchen sinks, these three products can work wonders when dealing with clogged toilets. All you need to do is pour a cup of baking soda, 4 cups of boiling water, and a cup of vinegar into the toilet. When mixing these ingredients, they will react, and your toilet will start having fizzy water.

Next, just like with the hot water and dish soap mentioned above, you’ll need to wait between 15 to 20 minutes for the solution to do its job.

Finally, you can proceed with flushing the toilet as you would typically do.

Can Toilet Paper Break Down Eventually?

In most scenarios, water dissolves paper over time. After all, it’s designed to break down in the water. In other words, if you tried to flush the toilet and didn’t succeed, you can always wait around 15 minutes to try flushing again.

How to Avoid Toilet Paper Clogs in the Future

How long does it take for paper towels to dissolve in toilet

Although toilet paper can dissolve in toilet water over time, you must know that some instances might not end up like this. If it always did, then toilet paper clogs wouldn’t happen.

To prevent this issue from arising in the future, you must abstain from attempting to flush too much toilet paper at once.

Moreover, you’ll want only to flush human waste and toilet paper. Avoid materials such as wipes, tampons, pads, Q-Tips, diapers, and others. Clogs that come from these products won’t disintegrate.

Homeowners must know the proper methods on how to dissolve toilet paper in a sewer line. Remember that if you require professional plumbing assistance, you can always count on us!

Will paper towels dissolve in the toilet?

Paper towels are designed to be absorbent and strong, and don't dissolve quickly - which will result clogging of pipes. They are not intended to be flushed down the toilet. Throw used paper towels in the trash – or switch to cloth, which can be washed and reused.

How do you unclog a toilet that has paper towels stuck?

First, try using a toilet auger (or "closet auger") to pull out or break apart any flushed material that's close to the bowl. A toilet auger is a hand-held snake, typically with 3 to 6 feet of cleaning cable, and a curved, plastic elbow sleeve to help you avoid scratching the visible ceramic surface inside the bowl.

What will dissolve paper towels in pipes?

Use Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Hot Water Just like with clogged kitchen sinks, these three products can work wonders when dealing with clogged toilets. All you need to do is pour a cup of baking soda, 4 cups of boiling water, and a cup of vinegar into the toilet.

What happens if you flush a paper towel once?

North Port Utilities wants to remind users that paper towels, as well as both “flushable” and “non-flushable” wipes will block the sewer system, leading to lift station and pump failures, not to mention sewage spills. If you have a septic system, you'll run into the same problem. These items don't break down!