How to become a cte teacher in california

This program is no longer offered at CSULB. If you were issued a Preliminary CTE credential through CSULB, please contact Orange County Department of Education for Clear CTE credential information.

This credential is for those candidates seeking employment with a Regional Occupational Program (ROP), Public or Charter School or Correctional Institution. It also beneficial for persons teaching in a community college, private secondary or post-secondary environment.


24 Units

Admission to the Program

Preliminary designated subjects credential requirements or program coordinator's permission. Complete orientation requirement prior to or within the first month of teaching or document 1 year teaching experience under a California Teaching Credential.

Credential Requirements (15 units)

Appropriate work experience and a high school diploma (or the equivalent) are required for admission to the Designated Subjects Career and Technical (CTE) Teaching Credential Program. Applicants should have at least three years of verifiable work experience directly related to each industry sector named on the credential. One year must equal a minimum of 1000 clock hours. The experience may be full-time or part-time, paid or unpaid. One year of work experience must be within the last five years or two years of work experience must be within the last ten years in the area listed on the credential. Contact the Jim and Judy Watson College of Education Student Services Office for additional information on credential processing requirements.

Clear Credential Requirements

  1. ECTS 5010 or ECTS 6010: Principles and Methods for Teaching Designated Subjects
  2. ECTS 5020 or ECTS 6020: Instructional Support for Teaching Designated Subjects 
  3. ETCS 5040 or ECTS 6040: Principles of Career and Technical Education 
  4. ECTS 5180 or ECTS 6180: Field Work in Designated Subjects 
  5. ECTS 5190 or ECTS 6190: Instructional Technology for Career and Technical Educators

Additional Requirements

Students must also complete:

  1. The United States Constitution requirement (or successful completion of an examination administered through the College of Extended Learning) Current options:
    • HIST 1460: History of the United States: Pre-Colonization to Present
    • HIST 2000: United States History to 1877
    • HIST 5400: Constitutional History of the United States 
    • PSCI 2030: Government of the United States
    • PSCI 4100: American Constitutional Law 
    • PSCI 4110: The Bill of Right 
  2. Fulfill the health education requirement; current option HSCI 5240.
  3. Valid CPR (Adult, Child, Infant).
  4. Two (2) years of teaching experience.

The Preliminary Credential is used on the basis of documented work experience and the Clear Credential issued after the applicant has completed the indicated course work, met the health education requirement, and taught a minimum of two years under the Preliminary Credential.

Applicants having questions about Designated Subjects Credentials, the Bachelor of Arts in Career and Technical Studies, or the Bachelor of Science in Career and Technical Studies should contact the Program Coordinator of the specific program.

Teachers College of San Joaquin (TCSJ) offers a California Teaching Credential approved Career & Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Preparation Program (formally known as vocational education).

The Preliminary Designated Subjects CTE Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach in the subject or subjects named on the credential in grades twelve and below and in classes organized primarily for adults, in career technical, trade or vocational courses.

The Clear Designated Subjects CTE Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach in the subject or subjects named on the credential in grades twelve and below and in classes organized primarily for adults, including services to English learners in Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE) in career technical, trade or vocational courses.

Requirements for Three-Year Preliminary CTE Teaching Credential:

  1. 1) Three years of full-time successful and recent experience in the subject(s) to be named on the credential;
  2. 2) Possession of a high school diploma or passage of an equivalency examination;
  3. 3) Certificate of Clearance;
  4. 4) Recommendation from a CTE program sponsor; and
  5. 5) Teaching position requiring a CTE Credential.

(Recency Requirement) At least one year of the required work experience must be within the last five years, or two years within the last ten years, immediately preceding the issuance of the preliminary credential.

Initial Teacher Preparation Program:

This program is for people who do not already hold a valid teaching credential. Coursework for the credential typically takes fifteen to eighteen months to complete.

Accelerated Teacher Preparation Program:

Holders of a valid clear Single, Multiple Subject or Education Specialist teaching credential may apply for a CTE credential by providing work experience verification. Program completion in one semester.

How do I become a CTE teacher in California?

Adult Education (AE) and Career Technical Education (CTE) teachers must be certified by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing in order to be employed in a California public school. Qualified individuals may apply through LACOE for a 3 year preliminary teaching credential in either AE or CTE.

What experience do you need to begin a CTE credential?

First-Time Credential Applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements for the Preliminary Designated Subjects (DS) Career Technical Education (CTE) Credential: Three years of work experience directly related to each industry sector to be named on the credential (see attached list of industry sectors).

What is CTE in California education?

A program of study that involves a multiyear sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to postsecondary education and careers.

How do I become a certified teacher in California?

To earn a preliminary teaching credential a teacher must have:.
A bachelor's degree..
Completed an accredited teacher preparation program..
Completed 600 hours of student teaching..
Been fingerprinted and passed a background check..
Taken required tests or completed university-approved coursework..