How to do doordash with a bike

As bicycle and urban transportation fanatics, we recently got interested in how to make money with your bike, after watching a movie called “Quicksilver” staring Kevin Bacon from 1986. This enticed us to create a detailed article on “How To Deliver Postmates On Bike And Make Money!”. Which by the way was so popular that we decided to create another one, “How To Deliver Doordash On Bike”, that you are currently reading.

There are many mixed reviews online about Quicksilver, with many people either hating the movie, or loving it just like we do. But, no matter how you feel about the movie, it definitely has an interesting story line.

Check out this cool Quicksilver intro race clip:

Quicksilver is about an up-and-coming broker named Jack Casey. In the beginning of the movie, he offers money to a cab driver if he can beat a bike messenger in a race, which ends with the bike messenger winning by a long shot.

After exiting the cab, Jack Dorsey doesn’t think anymore about bicycle messengers until one day, he loses everything on the stock market. With all his money gone, including his parents retirement that was used to fund his entry in to stock trading, Jack Casey does the unthinkable. He purchases a bicycle and becomes a bicycle messenger in San Francisco.

Jack Casey loves riding his bicycle all over hilly San Francisco, until he is targeted by Gypsy, the street pusher who has the messengers run drugs for him.

We’re not going to disclose too much about how the movie ends, because we don’t want to ruin it for you, as we highly recommend you watch it. But, it does provide a great idea as to how to make money with your bike.

A lot has changed since then as we now have smart phones and a larger variety of bicycles to choose from.

How To Deliver Doordash on bike

While we don’t have any intentions to deliver Doordash on bike, as we are very busy providing information on this magazine for you, its a great way to earn extra money while riding your bicycle.

Delivering Doordash on bike allows you to earn extra money while getting some exercise, without paying a lot for gas or costly repairs.

When you are all set-up and ready to deliver Doordash on bike, you’ll be able to accept bike-friendly orders. When you make “Bicycle” your default vehicle type in the Dasher app, you’ll get bike-friendly deliveries from restaurants near you. You won’t be able to cater any large orders or items such as hot drinks, soups, or pizza. But that means less stress over spilling anything while transporting food to your customers.

Check out this video from a Doordasher:

Dashers from all over love dashing on their bikes, and we think you may love it too after reading the following reasons.

1. You’ll save a lot on costs

As a bike dasher you don’t have to worry about the high costs as you would if you delivered with a car. There’s no worrying about parking, insurance, gas, or outrageous maintenance. More money goes into your pocket!

How to do doordash with a bike
Hiro, Bike Dasher in Chicago

“The operating costs of running a bike are incredibly low, so that allows me to [keep] more earnings from dashing.”

Hiro, Bike Dasher in Chicago

2. No car? No problem! You can still deliver Doordash on bike

Don’t worry about not having a car. Delivering on your  bicycle eliminates traffic and parking problems, no matter if you are in the city or the suburbs.

How to do doordash with a bike
Khanin, Bike Dasher in Toronto

“You don’t have to worry about looking for a parking space. [That’s] one of the most frustrating parts of delivering via car, especially in the city.”

Khanin, Bike Dasher in Toronto

3. The faster you deliver, the more you earn

Making deliveries on a bicycle allows you to take faster routes and even shortcuts through areas that cars can’t go. As a result you’ll complete more deliveries and earn more money.

4. You get exercise while you earn

It doesn’t matter if you’re training for the Tour De France, or just like to ride regularly for the exercise. When you deliver Doordash on bike, you get a great workout without the need to join a gym.

5. Accept bike-friendly orders

When you make “Bicycle” your default vehicle type in the Dasher app, you’ll get bike-friendly deliveries from restaurants near you. That means no large catering orders or items like hot drinks, soups, or pizza.

Final word on deliver Doordash on bike

Making deliveries on your bicycle gives you a lot more flexibility than with a car. All while being a whole lot cheaper. Not only will you get a great workout, you can work when, where and as much as you want. Because you’re the boss of your own schedule.