How to get rid of a scalp pimple

A pimple on the scalp can be trickier to manage than one on the face as they can be quite painful, itchy and difficult to treat. Although they may not be visible to others and you are less conscious of it in public, they still can make your daily life difficult and turn even a simple task like combing your hair an arduous one.

Acne or pimples near hairline or scalp is known as scalp folliculitis, a condition where the hair follicles on the scalp become inflamed due to either a bacterial or a fungal infection. They could also be caused by yeasts or mites.

If you have clusters of small bumps with a tiny whitehead, pus filled sores that drain, pain or cause tenderness, burning or itching, you are dealing with this problem.

ALSO READ: Fed up of body acne? Watch out for these causes, check out its health treatments

"Scalp folliculitis begin as small bumps, but if not treated in time, can become difficult to treat, non healing, crusty sores," says Dr Manasi Shirolikar, Consultant Dermatologist, MBBS, DDVL.

What causes acne on your scalp

The most common causes for scalp folliculitis is damage to the hair follicles, which leaves your scalp more prone to bacterial, yeast or fungal infection, or to a mites infestation.

You may be inadvertently damaging your hair follicles by pulling or excessively tugging at your hair, scratching your head constantly, wearing tight ponytails, wearing hats on a daily basis for long periods, shaving your head, wearing helmets that are not cleaned well and become breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi, not cleaning your scalp properly while washing your hair, thus allowing product build up to remain in your scalp, says Dr Shirolikar.

"You can also be prone to scalp folliculitis if you are already have dermatitis or acne, take medicines for acne like steroids or antibiotics, have a weak immune system, or have coarse and curly hair," says the expert.

How to care for your scalp while dealing with this problem as per Dr Shirolikar:

* Warm compress: A warm compress, used at least 4-5 times a day on the affected area will help you soothe the scalp and drain the pus, if any.

* Anti dandruff shampoo: Shampoos containing ketoconazole, ciclopirox or tea tree oil, all of which are anti-fungal agents, can help you treat your scalp folliculitis.

* Anti bacterial soap: Anti bacterial soap can help treat the bacterial infections on the site. Wash the hairline and the affected areas with the soap twice a day to treat it.

The expert however warns that one may need to consult the dermatologist if none of the above-mentioned remedies work and your symptoms continue to worsen and you develop fever of over 100 degree.

"If you are developing a fever of over 100°F, or if the sores are getting more painful, tender and redder, it would be advisable to visit a dermatologist as soon as possible, so that they can prescribe you the following that will treat the scalp folliculitis like topical antibiotics, mild topical steroid creams, oral antibiotics, oral isotretinoin and oral antihistamines.

The dermatologist says that the above medication should be taken strictly as per doctor’s guidance.

How to prevent scalp acne

Prevention is always better than cure, even in the case of scalp folliculitis.

"If you follow healthy scalp habits, you can completely prevent scalp folliculitis. And if it does occur, do not hesitate to visit a dermatologist, to get a personalised treatment, that will always be more effective than a DIY or a home remedy," concludes Dr Shirolikar.

Have you ever tried out a new hair shampoo, gel, or serum only to be left with a head full of pimples?

While your scalp is an awkward place to get acne, it’s not unheard of. But there are many reasons beyond product irritation that have led to the development of bumps.

The scalp can be harder to treat topically because the hair gets in the way. The good news is that scalp acne is often much less noticeable because the hair covers its appearance.

Many people just let them be. While lesions on the scalp can tend to be tender and sore, they usually clear on their own within a week or so.

Here are a few remedies to get rid of Scalp Acne!

1. Nutmeg – Grind some nutmeg and mix it with 4-5 tablespoons of milk. Leave it on for 30-45 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo.

2. Garlic – While it may leave your hair not smelling so good, they are very effective. Just grind some garlic cloves and apply on the affected areas. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash it off with a mild shampoo.

3. Tea tree oil – Tea tree oil has great anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Mix some tea tree oil with olive oil and massage it on your scalp. Wash off with a mild shampoo.

4. Neem – The best tree with the maximum anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Wash some neem leaves properly. Boil them for 30 minutes. Then strain the water in a bowl and use the leaves to make a paste. Apply this paste to your scalp. Wash off with water or a mild shampoo.

5. Lemon – Applying lemon juice is one of the best home remedies for treating scalp pimple. Lemon juice cleans the scalp, treats acne and pimple breakouts.

6. Papaya – Grind a slice of papaya with its seeds and skin. You could also mash ripe papaya to make a thick paste of it. Apply it on the scalp pimple to get instant relief from it.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult a specialist & get answers to your questions!

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What causes pimples on your scalp?

Your scalp is full of hair follicles and oil glands. If the follicle or pore becomes clogged with dirt and oil, this can lead to acne. You can still get scalp acne even if you have good hygiene, but sweat, oil, and dirt buildup from improper or incomplete washing can lead to clogged pores.

How long does scalp pimple last?

How long will it take for a scalp breakout to clear up? As with most skin treatments, clearing up your head acne probably won't happen overnight, so patience is key. “You should notice fewer new pimples and the old ones starting to clear in about six to eight weeks,” says Dr. Clay-Ramsey.

How do you get rid of pimples on your scalp naturally?

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