How to get rid of bv without antibiotics hydrogen peroxide

April 13, 2018 | 61 Comments | Life

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EDIT JUNE 11, 2018

After posting this and communicating with ladies online, it seems I am not the only—or even first—person to arrive to this conclusion. Once you know what search terms to look for (namely “hydrogen peroxide” and “bv”) a whole slew of pages come up, mostly from other ladies who have tried and successfully utilized H2O2 to fix their junk. But a few stand-out results had me stewing, like this study from 2003, published in Minerva ginecologica in which 30ml of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide was used to douche with every evening for 1 week, resulting in ONE HUDRED PERCENT restoration of normal vaginal bacterial flora. Official conclusion? “Hydrogen peroxide represents a valid alternative to conventional treatments for recurrent bacterial vaginosis, and associates the absence of collateral effects with low costs, excellent tolerability and real therapeutic efficacy.”

The study is cited numerous times in multiple papers, however the CDC still has an embarrassingly antiquated guideline for treatment of what they call an STD (spoiler alert: NOT AN STD!!). But here’s what made me laugh: they correctly identify it as “polymicrobial clinical syndrome resulting from replacement of the normal hydrogen peroxide producing Lactobacillus sp. in the vagina with high concentrations of anaerobic bacteria (e.g., Prevotella sp. and Mobiluncus sp.), G. vaginalis, Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, and numerous fastidious or uncultivated anaerobes.” And we know Lactobacillus is a form of bacteria. That produces hydrogen peroxide. Yet their treatment is to use crazy amounts of antibiotics. That kills bacteria. We also know that antibiotics do not have any affect on many bacterial-esqe microbes such as… say… Mycoplasma. The very microbes the CDC themselves identify as being too high in number comparative to Lactobacillus. Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me? The very intelligent people over at the CDC are suggesting that we fix a problem by compounding the problem. And we wonder why this thing ends up being chronic once we have it. Well there’s your answer. I came to this conclusion before finding this stuff. Common sense in the medical “industry” could have saved us all a whole lot of heartache, money and health by coming clean with this decades ago (the first discovery of this was long before 2003 and includes a number of Nobel Prize nominations as it turns out).

The cynic in me says there is no way… NO WAY this was gross oversight on something so plainly obvious and well documented to have a very simple, zero side-effect at-home treatment. If you are a lady with chronic BV and/or yeast infections, just how many rounds of antibiotics did you wolf down before finally giving up on them altogether? Not saying… just saying.

Mad? Anger is a useless emotion. Don’t get mad. Get vocal. But I get ahead of myself… you haven’t read the article yet. Come back to this once you have 🙂

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and am merely sharing the information I have learned as well as my own personal experience. This is not intended to give medical advice but to share information, which I highly recommend you in turn share with your doctors. They need to be informed!

The Answer

I hate when the answer is buried way deep in a post, so in solidarity here’s the answer up-front. I know why you’re here, so I’ll give the answer now if you’ll share this solidarity and read the rest of the post (at least ‘Why It Works’) mmkay? Douche with 1/3 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2/3 unchlorinated water, once per day, for one week. 

Why am I not selling this? What’s the catch?

For women like me, this simple treatment will give them their lives back. I’ve told a number of people about this face-to-face and the response is always the same: “You’re gonna be rich!” To this I merely shake my head and say “No, I’m going to give out the knowledge for free.” Again, the response is always the same: “…why??”

So why, you ask? Simple: You teach what you know, but you reproduce what you are. To that end, I am being the change I wish to see. I believe that health is a basic human right. I believe that money is an unnatural mechanism of control and that the human race is capable of living peacefully without it. If everyone did what they do just because they like doing it, the exchange of currency would be a thing of the past and we would no longer be ruled by the need to collect it. This is a gross oversimplification of the idea of course, but the ideal is the main reason I am not driven by monetary gain. I am driven by the belief that the human race can be better. Do better.

That said, if this post helps you, the best way to thank me is by subscribing to my posts. I don’t post often, but am working on a new project to help people, so it would be nice to have help spreading the word when it’s ready to launch!

…I am also happy with a humble “Thank You” in the comments below 🙂

My Experience

I don’t know how long I’d had BV, but first noticed something was unusual around 10 years old, when my mother was collecting dirty laundry and saw yellow gunk in my underwear. “Honey, did you pee your pants?” I hadn’t. She took me in to see the doctor, who told me there was nothing wrong. I was “just one of those lucky women who have a lot of natural lubrication,” she said. It didn’t itch, didn’t hurt and at that point didn’t have an odor (that changed gradually as I aged) and they never took a swab under a microscope. From that time on I just lived with having daily, continual discharge and went through an ocean of pantyliners.

I started getting yeast infections annually. Sometimes 2 or 3 per year and they seemed to come on arbitrarily. The BV was constant, however, and over time started to smell more and more strongly. It wasn’t a bad odor per se, but wasn’t an odor that seemed to belong. It was embarrassing and I tried just about everything from washes to sprays, diet and even acupuncture to try and rid myself of it. This was after the myriad of antibiotics I was prescribed by various doctors of course, none of which had any long-term results. I am 37 now, and treated myself with H2O2 a year and a half ago. From age 10 to 35, the only time I was not coping with BV were the 1 to 2 months following an antibiotic regiment, on which I gave up completely at some point in my 20s. One week of douching with hydrogen peroxide cleared up all yeast and bacterial vaginosis problems. I have not had a recurrence of either yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis for a year and a half. I also have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and my menstrual cycle has been more regular. I do not know at this point if the two things are related, but it’s something that should be looked at more closely.

How I Discovered This

I had sought a cure for this ailment for… well… my entire life really. I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I would be stuck with it forever. I had researched cause, treatments and vaginal ecology to death and found nothing. Then, one day while researching a treatment for a friend afflicted by Morgellons Disease*, I ran across something in a research paper regarding fungal microbes. The sentence was superfluous; thrown in as a side-note, in passing, almost as if it was nearly removed for succinctness. Giant thanks to the editor who left it because for me it was a game-changer: “…like vaginal bacteria producing hydrogen peroxide…”  I stopped dead in my tracks. For the next few hours I researched only one thing: hydrogen peroxide-producing bacterial microbes in the human body.

Why It Works

Turns out, the good bacteria in the vaginal cavity actually produce H2O2. It’s this cycle that keeps balance within the vaginal ecosystem and maintains the ideal pH. Too little of this bacteria allows opportunistic bacterial and fungal (yeast is a fungus) microbes to overpopulate which topples the natural order and allows the vagina to become too alkaline. I already knew the optimum pH was 3.8-4.5 but didn’t know how to control the pH balance. Turns out, we don’t have to. Microbes do that for us. Antibiotics only make these problems worse, because they kill off the [natural] bacteria guarding the place from [natural?] fungus.

Naturally, I thought “what would happen if I just flood the place with hydrogen peroxide?” So I researched what amount of H2O2 would be safe to subject my body to, then tested on myself. I started by halving what the internet said (because the internet lies). The first day I douched with 1/4 hydrogen peroxide using one of those disposable douche containers. When that seemed to not kill me or eat away at my vaginal lining, I upped it to 1/3 and stayed there once a day for one week. I noticed results immediately, but wanted to give the bacterial population enough time to amply restore their community. I would douche in the morning, then in the afternoon check the pH using strips purchased on amazon. Gradually the pH started to drop and when after a week the pH was maintained around 4 I stopped douching. That was a year and a half ago and I have been discharge, yeast infection and odor free the entire time.

BV isn’t a bacterial infection at all, it’s a fungal overgrowth. Don’t kill your bacterial guardians! They keep us healthy!!


Food grade H2O2 is best [edit: if the bottle says it can be used to gargle and/or has no preservatives listed anywhere, it’s safe to use internally], but I did mine with the heavy metal-containing over-the-counter stuff sold at drug stores [edit: no I didn’t, I double checked the bottle and it was the Walgreen’s gargle-safe variety].

Chlorine and H2O2 are reactive which means a few things:

  1. the reaction will reduce the amount of H2O2 that makes it into your body, seeing as the reaction will consume some of the H2O2 molecules
  2. you probably don’t want that reaction happening in your body
    note: I did not use filtered water or bother to remove the chlorine from my treatment water. I live in Seattle in a 107-year-old house with 107-year-old pipes and took my water straight from the tap. 

Tap water is chlorinated, but offgasses pretty quickly if your city uses free chlorine. If you don’t have access to distilled or filtered water, simply put some tap water in a glass and let it sit in direct sunlight for 6-12 hours. If your city uses chloramine, there are ways to remove it but for your health, money and time spent it’s best to get some water you’re sure is clean.

If you are unsure, talk to your doctor. This worked for me and based on the months and months of research I’ve poured over I am certain other women will benefit from the same treatment. But like I said, I am not a medical professional and have not conducted any studies with other women to confirm this. If this works for you, please let me know with a comment below.

* The affliction called Morgellons has a lot of stigma and doubt within the medical community. While I have seen the youtube videos of black goo, bioengineered nano-machines and all sorts of other freakish, possibly alien, possibly hoax, possibly whatever stuff, I can’t comment on it’s legitimacy. I can comment on what I have seen with my own eyes, however, and what I have experienced. In my friend’s case—and likely the case of most others afflicted—this is not nano-bot parasitosis but a fungal infection/overgrowth by an opportunistic and pathogenic microbe. We treated my friend with daily oral drops of Potassium Iodide SSKI (saturated solution of potassium iodide) in increasing dosages alongside a topical cream I whipped up to contain antifungal, hydrating, pain-killing, anti-inflamatory, anti-itching and ionic binding elements. He had been living with this condition from 5 years of age. At 28, he got is life back <3

How long does it take for hydrogen peroxide to cure BV?

Hydrogen peroxide (3%) used as a single vaginal wash was as effective as any other agent in current use in clearing the vaginal malodour of bacterial vaginosis at 3 weeks after treatment.

Can hydrogen peroxide make BV worse?

Douching with hydrogen peroxide can cause vaginal irritation, and douching in general while you have BV can spread the infection further up your urinary tract. If you think you have BV, make an appointment so you can get started on antibiotics.

What kills the bacteria in BV?

Q: How is bacterial vaginosis treated? A: There are two antibiotics that are recommended for the treatment of BV: Metronidazole (such as Flagyl®, Metrogel®) Clindamycin (Cleocin®, Clindesse®)

How can I fix BV on my own?

Probiotics, live bacteria found in some foods and supplements, might help restore balance to your vaginal bacteria. Studies show that eating yogurt or probiotic supplements may treat bacterial vaginosis, and is quite safe. Another promising remedy is boric acid, a white powder with antifungal and antiviral properties.


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