How to get rid of dandelions in yard

Difficult to completely eliminate, the plant (root and all) needs to be removed or they can grow right back.

Kill Dandelions in the Lawn

Even the best cared for lawns will have an occasional dandelion. They are difficult to completely eliminate, and the entire plant (root and all) of the dandelion needs to be removed or they can grow right back. 

How to get rid of dandelions in yard
How to get rid of dandelions

Dandelions may be a favorite of kids making wishes, but gardeners generally aren’t fans of the fluffy seedheads nor the yellow blooms that precede them.

There are different ways to get rid of dandelions, and we’ll give you the lowdown on the options here. Bear in mind, however, that they provide nectar and pollen for insects, so if there are areas of the yard where you can put up with their presence, you’ll be helping to support insect populations. Dandelions can also be used as herbal remedies and for culinary purposes.

How to get rid of dandelions by hand

If there are a few dandelions growing in the lawn getting rid of them by hand can be the best strategy. Dig them out, but make sure to get as much of the lengthy tap root as you can otherwise they can regrow. 

This is a job to do before the dandelions flower if possible, and certainly before the seedheads develop. Look out for the characteristic rosette of leaves, which may be pink near the base.

‘It’s worth doing this job after it’s rained – or try watering the lawn first,’ recommends Lucy Searle, global editor in chief of Homes & Gardens. ‘It will be easier to remove the whole plant, including the tap root.’

While you can use a garden trowel to get rid of dandelions, you may want to invest in a special tool to help. We like Grampa’s Weeder (opens in new tab) from Amazon, which has a metal claw to grab hold of these plants, which can then be levered out of the ground. It avoids the need to bend over while working, too, saving your back.

How to get rid of dandelions in a lawn with weed killer

If working by hand won’t solve this weed problem, you might want to know how to get rid of dandelions from a lawn with weed killer. If this is the route you take, be aware that herbicides can be harmful to other plants and be mindful of the implications for humans and wildlife.

A weed killer containing 2,4-D or dicamba, for example, can kill dandelions in lawns with one or two applications necessary. Always make sure the weed killer you select is suitable for the type of grass in your lawn, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

How to get rid of dandelions in borders

Where removal by hand isn’t possible in borders and beds, a spot treatment could be the answer, allowing the weed killer to be applied to individual plants. We like RoundUp Precision Gel Weed & Grass Killer (opens in new tab) from Amazon. The gel is applied to the leaves, so other plants aren’t affected, and it promises to kill the roots of dandelions so they don’t come back.

How to get rid of dandelions in hard surfaces

When dandelions are growing between patio pavers or in driveways, opt for either a spot treatment, as above, or use a patio weed killer. Follow manufacturer’s instructions to ensure safe application.

How do I permanently get rid of dandelions?

To permanently get rid of dandelions, the tap root needs to be removed completely if you’re doing the job by hand, or killed with herbicide. Otherwise, this broadleaf perennial will keep coming back. 

‘If you prefer not to use weed killer, be mindful that it may take repeated efforts to fully remove the root of a plant,’ says Lucy Searle, global editor in chief of Homes & Gardens.

Once you have removed dandelions, it’s important to keep the grass healthy by feeding and fertilizing a lawn, which will reduce the opportunity for them to flourish.

While children may make wishes on the fuzzy heads of dandelions, gardeners and lawn enthusiasts tend to curse the cheery yellow flowers of dandelions when they appear. And for good reason. Dandelions will push out grass and other plants, as well as sapping water and nutrients away from surrounding plants. Dandelion control also tends to be difficult due to their fluffy and far floating seeds. But the answer to the question of how to get rid of dandelions is simply a matter of thoroughness and patience.

How to Get Rid of Dandelions

There are several methods for dandelion control. All methods for dandelion removal must be performed every year. Due to the fact that dandelion seeds can travel several miles on the wind, it is difficult, if not impossible, to have permanent removal of this weed from a garden or lawn.

How to Kill Dandelions with Herbicide

There are two basic types of herbicide that can be used on dandelions. The first is a selective broadleaf herbicide. A broadleaf herbicide will only kill broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions. A broadleaf herbicide is good for killing dandelions in lawns, as the herbicide will kill the dandelions and not the grass.

The other kind of effective dandelion herbicide is a non-selective herbicide. Non-selective means that the herbicide will kill any plant that it comes in contact with. Non-selective herbicide is effective for spot dandelion removal, such as killing dandelions in flower beds and in walkways.

When using any herbicide for dandelion control, it will work best to apply the herbicide before the dandelion has developed flowers. Once dandelion flowers have emerged, the dandelion is far more resistant to herbicides and the herbicide, broadleaf or non-selective, will not be as effective.

Hand Digging for Dandelion Removal

The most effective, but also the most time consuming, method for dandelion control is hand digging them. Hand digging should be done in the spring, right when the first dandelion seedlings appear. Special “dandelion pullers” or similar tools can be bought to help with hand digging.

When hand digging as a way of how to kill dandelions, it is important to remember that you must remove the entire taproot of the dandelion. Dandelion taproots can run deep.

Because dandelion taproots grow deep, it is unlikely that you will kill every dandelion in your yard during the first round of hand digging. Every few weeks, hand dig any dandelions that re-emerge from their taproots.

Using a Pre-Emergent for Dandelion Control

A pre-emergent is a chemical that can be applied your lawn or flower bed to prevent seeds from germinating. When using a pre-emergent for dandelion control, it must be applied in late winter in order to be effective. The pre-emergent will prevent the dandelion seeds from germinating and is only effective if used before the dandelion seeds have had a chance to germinate.

With all of the types of ways for controlling dandelions, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to prevent the dandelions from going to seed. Once the fluffy seed heads appear, the number of dandelions in your yard (and your neighbor’s) will multiply.

But now that you know how to get rid of dandelions, you can be confident that with some time and effort, you can have a dandelion free yard.

Note: Chemical control should only be used as a last resort, as organic approaches are more environmentally friendly.

What will kill dandelions but not the grass?

Triclopyr (brush killer) is effective against dandelions, and does not kill grasses. Be sure and carefully read the instructions on the herbicide container for proper dilution, safety and application rates. Household vinegar is not strong enough to kill dandelions. Household vinegar is only 5% acetic acid.

How do I permanently get rid of dandelions?

Weedkiller applied in fall moves directly to roots, which helps get rid of dandelions permanently. Avoid using lawn weed and feed products in fall to kill dandelions, though, because if your lawn goes dormant for winter, it won't absorb the fertilizer.

What is the fastest way to get rid of dandelions?

Hand-pulling dandelions after digging them up is, by far, one of the most effective ways of getting rid of them. To try this method, use a watering can to dampen the soil surrounding the dandelion, then wait a few minutes for the moisture to sink in. Moist soil makes it easier to pull any plant from the ground.

What is the best dandelion killer without killing grass?

The Best Dandelion Killer for 2022 (That Won't Kill Your Grass).
TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide..
Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf..
Tenacity Herbicide..
Drive XLR8 Herbicide..
Ortho Weed B Gon (RTU).