How to get rid of sore throat pain quick

When your throat hurts it’s because it has been irritated, which can happen for many reasons. Among the most common are post-nasal drip, chronic allergies, pollution or cold/flu. The discomfort is usually mild and self-limited; however, sometimes a sore throat gets so bad that you need more than a Popsicle!

My focus today is just to relieve the symptom of a non-serious sore throat. See your doctor if yours is accompanied by other symptoms because it is an early symptom of the omicron variant.

Here are five incredibly fast-acting ways to soothe your sore throat:

Salt-water gargle: Gargling with saltwater is a well-known remedy to help with throat pain. Saltwater helps by reducing inflammation and pain in the area. It can drive out some pathogens in the tissue simply by making your throat less hospitable to them! Here’s a recipe that’s even better than salt water:

8 oz. cool water

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon sea salt (or real salt if you have it)

Combine about 5 drops of essential oils into the salt water using any of these: Eucalyptus, peppermint, thyme, On Guard, Thieves or even lemon.

Stir together and gargle with this every three to four hours. 

Lozenges: The lozenge you choose is entirely up to you, but most of them contain menthol, benzocaine, dyclonine, honey or eucalyptus, and more. Each ingredient does something slightly different, but they’re all similar in that they act to anesthetize your throat for a few minutes so you swallow better and find more comfort. Lozenges are not generally curative; they’re mainly for symptomatic relief, although eucalyptus does have some “kill” action.

A big spoon of honey: For adults, a spoonful of honey is soothing to a scratchy, sore throat especially if it is accompanied by a cough. Raw honey contains natural antibacterial agents such as bee pollen and bee propolis. Do not give honey to babies younger than 1 or 2 years old.

Sip herbal teas: You can have it iced or warm. The temperature of the tea is completely your preference. Even when my throat is sore, I still prefer warm herbal tea over iced tea. There are commercial tea bags made specifically for sore throats, or make your own spearmint and slippery elm bark tea. Add some dried orange peel for vitamin C.

Ibuprofen or acetaminophen: These analgesics listed here are great antipyretics, which is why they’re useful for both fever and pain. These reduce swelling, which affords you temporary relief so you can take in nourishment and food.

In closing, if you develop a high fever, chills or see a buildup of pus near your tonsils, or any other symptoms that are indicative of infection, please see your practitioner and get proper antiviral or antibiotic treatment.

If you would like to read a longer version of this article, please sign up for my newsletter at and I’ll email it to you. 

Woke up with a sore throat? Here are some home remedies to help you get rid of a sore throat FAST(!!!) and get back to your normal self in no time. Hint: it’s more than just sleep! Though that’s important too…

If you’re anything like me, the minute your throat starts to hurt, you try everything under the sun to alleviate that pain. As a kid I would just suck on throat lozenges like they were candy but now that I know they basically are candy, I’ve found a few other home remedies that work just as well… if not better.

How to get rid of sore throat pain quick

What causes a sore throat?

There are two main causes of a sore throat: a virus or bacteria. A viral infection (i.e. a cold or the flu) will resolve on its own while a bacterial infection is commonly known as strep throat and needs antibiotics to prevent further complications. How do you know what type you have? Typically viral infections are paired with more symptoms like runny nose, body aches, etc. If you have a bacterial infection, the discomfort is likely centralized in your throat and you will have a fever (though fever can accompany a viral infection as well).

Have a cold or the flu? Check out this post!

When should I go to the doctor?

If your sore throat comes on out of nowhere and is severe, head to the doctor! If it lasts longer than five days, it’s also recommended that you head to the doctor. Untreated strep throat can cause major complications so better to be safe than sorry. Of course, if you’re unsure always go get checked out at the doctor, but if you suspect it’s viral you’re likely walking out of the office with little direction other than to “sleep it off” which is probably why you’re reading this post.

How to get rid of sore throat pain quick

What is the Number 1 Thing You Can do to Relieve a Sore Throat Fast?

The most important thing you can do when you feel any kind of throat pain coming on to gargle with salt water! This tip is easy enough! Make sure you are gargling with warm salt water to relieve a scratchy, sore throat. Dissolve 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, gargle, making sure to get it all the way to the back of your throat and then spit it out! Repeat until you’ve used up all of the water. The science behind a salt water gargle is pretty fascinating. Highly recommend you check this article out!

Besides gargling with salt water, here are a few other at-home remedies to help you get rid of a sore throat FAST!

1. Sleep – Yes, your doctor will also tell you this, but I’m a firm believer that sleep can heal more than we realize. Whenever I feel even the slightest bit of sickness coming on, I make sure I’m prioritizing sleep. Because sleep can actually help your immune system fight your cold or flu on it’s own. Getting enough sleep gives your body time to rest, recover and fight off whatever is causing your sore throat.

2. Propolis Throat Spray – I may or may not have a bottle of this throat spray on me at all times… it’s a game changer! It’s packed with immune boosting vitamins and minerals and has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Of all the throat sprays out there, this is my go to! I use this spray daily during cold and flu season but ramp up my use when I feel a sore throat coming on.

3. Herbal tea & honey – You can learn more about the benefits of herbal tea here, but many types of herbal tea can help your body fight infection on its own. Honey is also super antiviral and antibacterial so be sure to start and end your day with a warm cup of tea and honey. For an added dose of vitamin c you can squeeze a little fresh lemon juice into your tea. Peppermint tea often feels nice because the menthol can help cool your sore throat.

4. Stay hydrated! – This goes hand in hand with the last one… make sure you’re getting a lot of fluids and liquids in general. Sip on water all day and add in tea and honey in between. Fun fact: “When you’re dehydrated, your body can’t produce enough saliva and mucus to keep your throat naturally lubricated. This will make the swelling and inflammation worse.” (Source)

5. Use a humidifier – If you don’t have a humidifier, steam showers work wonders as well! Besides feeling amazing, the steam actually does reduce inflammation in your throat and can help you sweat out toxins. I like to drop a few drops of essential oils on the floor of my shower for a spa-like experience while getting the benefits of essential oils as well!

6. Get your vitamins – Yes vitamins actually DO help you health and specific ones (like vitamin C and zinc) can actually help boost your immune system and shorten the length of your symptoms. I like to take these supplements in pill form but there are gummies, powders, etc. if you don’t like swallowing pills.

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