How to lie about income for apartment reddit

I tried this before at multiple places and people got sketched out assuming I was a drug dealer or something. I even got asked, "Why don't you just buy a house?" assuming if I had a years worth of rent I can afford a house and should be buying one. Seriously?

What has worked better for me is to tell them my credit score, offer to give them my previous land lords contact information (It helps I've been there for like 10 years now. The farther back you can give history, the better.) and then frankly I just lie. I tell them I make what I made when I was working a 9 to 5 and if they ask what I do I tell them my previous job title. Not once have they checked my bank balance after hearing that I make plenty, have a good credit score, and a strong rapport. I'm not afraid to tell them my previous land lord is awesome and I help out so he seems to really like me. If they did ask I'd probably just show them my investment account, because when I was working my paychecks went directly into it, so they can see a huge lump of cash and get distracted by that. lol

I know this sucks, but I've never had a problem with doing it that way. Every other method I've tried has put me in a disadvantaged situation. If there is one other person who is looking at the property they'll get priority instead of someone who is seen to potentially not have a stable income. I imagine once I'm in my 50s I can get away with the, "I'm retired." line.

I currently do not have a job but I do have 20k in savings. I want to get my own studio with a one year lease, but no landlords like unemployed tenants, and the chances of me getting a job are very low. I was thinking about using to pretend I have a job and fake my work experience and salary. They provide employment verification so I could easily claim I make 75k, and faking the pay stubs shouldn't be too hard either. If the apartment management finds out I did this, what would be the worst that could happen?

TL;DR -- have enough savings to rent an apartment for one year but no job. Thinking about faking a job to get a new place to live.

(PREFACE: I know I shouldn’t have lied! I fucked up! I know I could get in a lot of legal trouble for this. Please help me figure out what to do next.)

My bf and I are currently college students. Our lease is ending soon and we are good tenants, but the place is seedy and I don’t want to live there anymore. We always pay rent on time, never any issues, yadda yadda…

Anyways: we found a lovely place close by. It is VERY hard to find apartments where we live. I have several thousands of dollars saved up and just recently got a new job that is paying very handsomely. I will ABSOLUTELY be able to pay rent on time, every time. However, when I applied to the apartment, I lied and quadrupled my income because it is extremely low at my current job. Managed to pass a background check and my credit score is good. The screening agency kept reporting problems with my application and flagged me for low income. My leasing agent (let’s call him Max) had no idea why.

I sent in my bank statements which have not been doctored in any way. But they will clearly show I don’t make enough. I also sent him an offer letter from my new job. It’s only a temp job, so I doctored out the dates for it. He is sending this info (including my failed screening) to his head honcho and I should hear back soon.

I feel like such a shitty, shitty liar. I know I shouldn’t have done this and there is no excuse. Places here are very hard to rent and they expect me to make 3x the rent which is just… unattainable. How do I come clean? Should I come clean? We need a place to live. Please don’t judge me.

EDIT: I got the place! The manager looked at my savings and job offer and said it all looked good. I am NEVER lying that hard again!

Hi. First off I don’t feel like I lied about my income on my recent application. At 23 dollars and at 40 hours I make around 900 a week, but recently my hours have been around 830ish USD. When I wrote this down I honestly didn’t feel we had a chance. Stupid I know. I realize when the manager looks at my stubs it will be off a certain amount. I want to be upfront with her about it since she has already approved us over the phone and only needs a deposit.

I’m hoping we are not some how denied now because of my “oversight”. Any Land lords or managers willing to chime in about this? My wife has been waiting for this place for years and our current apartment is destroying her mentally and emotionally.

Location is Minnesota.

How to lie about income for apartment reddit

i know i’m so stupid for this and i regret doing it but i need advice. my roommate and i found a really nice place, and we realllllly wanted it. the issue is i don’t have a job currently but have had several interviews so i know i will have a job soon. but wanting the best chance of getting the apartment, i lied and said i worked for a small business that my friend helps her grandparents run. we got approved for the apartment, but the landlord said that when we come to sign the lease he wants to see paystubs. i obviously don’t want to make fake ones bc it’s fully illegal, but i have no idea what to do besides just not going to the signing and forgetting about it. i could say it’s under the table cash payment but i still think he’s already suspicious. i’m so stupid i know

How can I make an apartment check stub?

How to get pay stubs for a new apartment.
Create Your Pay Stub..
W-2 forms are reliable documents as they provide the applicant's income from the previous year. However, many landlords prefer W-2 forms as supplemental to pay stubs..
Create Your W-2 Form..
Create Your Employment Agreement..
Create Your Pay Stubs with FormPros..

Can you lie about having a job to get an apartment?

You can lie, but normally they will ask for proof of income whether your W2 from the previous year or X weeks/months of pay stubs. In general, if you have to lie you simply cannot truly afford to live there.

How do I know if my apartment is too good to be true?

Here are 7 things to look out for..
They won't show you the home. ... .
The home's address isn't provided. ... .
The rental price seems too good to be true. ... .
They want you to send money without seeing the home. ... .
They want to move forward without checking your income and references. ... .
They're always out of town or out of the country..