How to make a collaborative playlist on spotify web player

With names like "COVID-19 Quarantine Bangers" and "Corona Virus Playlist for the End of the World," those of us "Flattening the Curve" have finally discovered what individuals on house arrest have known all along — when you're stuck indoors, you're probably going to make a Spotify playlist.

Hulu / Via

But you're not a DJ. Hell, you might not even have good taste in music. How are you possibly going to make a playlist anyone else is going to want to listen to?

Easy. You get your friends to make a "Collaborative Playlist" with you.

Here's how to do not only that with Spotify but also some fun tips and tricks for how to go about making those sure-to-be amazing playlists.

Spotify Desktop Instructions

How to make a collaborative playlist on spotify web player

John Mihaly / BuzzFeed

If you're on the desktop version of Spotify, look to the panel on the left. You'll see "New Playlist" for, yup, new playlists. If you're looking for existing playlists, scroll below "Your Library."

Right-click on the playlist and select "Collaborative Playlist." A circle icon will appear to indicate that it is indeed collaborative.

Then look for those three horizontal dots to share your playlists via any social or messaging app listed. Or you can share via a link (which is your only option if you're using the web player version of Spotify).

Spotify Mobile and Tablet Instructions


For mobile and tablets version of Spotify, tap "Your Library" then under the Music heading tap Playlists (usually the default landing spot).

Scroll through your existing playlists or tap "Create playlist" (you will be asked to name it so be prepared with a good one).

Tap the three horizontal dots (for iOS) or the three vertical dots (for Android) near the top of the playlist and then select "Make Collaborative" (with the musical note icon).

Tap the three horizontal dots again to share your playlists via any social or messaging app listed. Or you can share via a link (which is your only option if you're using the web player version of Spotify).

Or watch this video! Now on to those tips!

Music, Music Everywhere!

Netlfix / Via

OK, now that you know how to make a collaborative playlist, here comes the hard part: figuring out what that playlist should be about. You're going to need a theme.

A playlist theme can be anything, you make the rules (like one artist per song, seriously). Themes can be as simple as love, death, or how "tonight is the night and we only have tonight." A theme can follow a story arc like that of a relationship that starts out great and ends in disaster. Or it can just be "Metal Songs For Throwing Steel at The Gym."

But most importantly, a collaborative playlist theme should really feel more like a game with room to be creative (more of that later on).

1. Think of An Interesting Title (Before, During, After)

Disney / Via

Along with your playlist theme, you're going to need a title. It's going to have to be a good one and "Jock Jams 2020" just ain't' gonna cut it. But you've got time. Maybe a good title comes to you right away or in the middle of putting the playlist together. You can always change the title at the end if you've come up with a better one. For a collaborative playlist, you can always put the title to a vote. But remember, a good title ties into the theme and should be fun (if not funny).

2. Pick Your Playlist Songs Like A Fantasy Draft

Warner Bros. Television / Via

Once you've locked down that playlist theme (let's call this one "Big Willie Weekend") throw all of the playlist collaborators into a randomizer. This will determine the order of a "snake draft," which means that the person picking last gets the first pick of the second round. The song selection then "snakes" its way back to the person who drafted first. Repeat this process for however many rounds/songs you want to include. The fun part is waiting to see what song pops up and if your next pick just got stolen.

3. Make It Like a Mixtape

Fox / Via

For those of us who grew up in the '80s and '90s, making a mixtape was equal parts art and math (plus penmanship). Depending on the blank cassette, you either had 30 or 45 minutes for your A-side and your B-side, songs could not be cut off, and you dare not waste any tape. At least recording from CD to cassette allowed you to know how long a song was but you still had to run the numbers. Was "November Rain" worth 8 minutes and 56 seconds of tape? (Editor's note: In retrospect, no but at the time, yes).

So pick your playlist theme, then choose 30 or 45 minutes for your A-side and B-side, and try to cram as many tunes into that time as possible. Whoever leaves the least amount of space on each side wins.

4. Build a List From "Ahh" to "Zigga-zig-ah"

Spice Girls / Via

Here's another fun game you and your friends can play with a collaborative playlist: Can you name a band or artist you've seen live for every letter of the alphabet? Extra points if you can name one that starts with a number. Be warned though, the last letter of the alphabet is a real tricky one.

5. Prep That Playlist For The Holidays

Columbia Pictures

Who knows when we'll be out of this pandemic, but for argument's sake, let's say it's Halloween. You'll have all this time to think about your COVID-19-related costume, but don't forget about making a spook-tacular playlist too. Here's a tip: horror movie soundtracks are a great resource for deeper cuts.

6. Take Your Time (But Not Too Much)

Lions Gate Films

Since we've got some time on our hands, there's no need to rush a playlist. In fact, some of the better song selections will come as the list begins to grow and the music marinates. But when collaborating, set a timer or give a (flexible) deadline for everyone to get their tracks in to keep the game, well, on track. And don't take too long because someone else is bound to pick the same tunes you were thinking of.

7. Finally: Listen Up!

Disney–ABC Domestic Television

That's it. You've done it. You've gone and made a collaborative playlist on Spotify! Now don't forget to make those playlists public so we can all listen to them (and judge your taste in music). In fact, leave your playlist names and links in the comments below.

How do I make a collaborative playlist on Spotify on my browser?

Here create a new playlist or enter an existing one and tap on the 'Add User' button. Choose to make the playlist collaborative and share it with your friends. On Desktop, you can open Spotify and right click on a playlist in the left panel. Choose the Collaborative Playlist option and share it with your friends.

How do I make a collaborative playlist on web player?

Make your Spotify playlist collaborative: Just right click on your playlist in the left sidebar and select Collaborative Playlist.

Why can't I make a playlist collaborative on Spotify?

Keep in mind that the collaborative functions aren't supported on the Web Player, and only work on our desktop and mobile apps. Joining should still be triggered, but once you join a playlist, you need to go to the apps to modify them.