How to make a youtube channel without a google account

Are you staying away from participating on the YouTube platform because you don’t have a Google account?

Or it could be that you have a Gmail account but don’t want to associate it with YouTube?

Many are under the impression that they need a Google account to sign in to Youtube.

That’s not true. You can participate in the YouTube platform without a Google account.

Truth is, you can use your existing non-Gmail address to create a YouTube account without much difficulty.

Here are the steps on how to go about it.

Make sure you’re signed out of any Google account first. Visit this Sign up without Gmail page.

When you click on the link, you’ll be brought to the signup page where you’ll fill in your personal details. together with your non-Gmail email.

In our case here, we’ve entered a yahoo email.

After filling in the detail , Google will send a code to your email address.

Check you email for the verification code.

Key in the code to verify your email address,

The next stage is phone number verification. So, have your telephone nearby to proceed with creating a Google account.

After you enter the code Google sent to your phone, proceed to fill in the other details.

You account is created after you agree to Google’s Terms.

You may then proceed to sign in to your Google account.

When you do that, you’re signed in to your YouTube account. If you’re not, then you may use the same login to sign into YouTube.

You can now proceed to comment and do any activity related to YouTube just like you’ve logged in with a Gmail account.

That is how you sign into YouTube without a Google account. Now that, you know how to create a Youtube account without Gmail, go ahead and give it a try.

Check out the tutorial video below to refresh what you’ve learned.

Can you create a YouTube channel without a Google Account?

No, you'll need to have a Google account to be able to sign into YouTube. However, you don't need to have a Gmail account to have a Google account, unless you want one. Another thing you can do if you don't want people finding your YouTube account is to keep it private.

Why do I need a Google Account for YouTube?

To sign in to YouTube, you'll need to create a Google Account. A Google Account lets you use many YouTube features including Like, Subscribe, Watch Later, and Watch History.


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