How to see hidden phone number on facebook marketplace

Facebook is one of the most famous social networks currently on the market, which has endless options for entertaining yourself in different ways, like looking at posts, talking with your friends wherever they are and playing games. Currently this app has Marketplace.

This section of Facebook is very useful for all businesses and for those who need to sell their products. For this reason, we will give you the Required information So that you know how to use this Facebook tool, we will also help you to see the hidden information.

Why is the hidden information report showing up on Facebook Marketplace?

Marketplace, is the Facebook site that gives users the ability to start a business , promote their product or sell personal items, it has great functions that will help you grow and get more customers. You can use it from your PC or phone, it you just need to activate it.

The declaration of hidden information appears in product publications, it serves as a security measure, protecting the personal information of the seller, as it hides phone numbers, identification, email, address or other important information.

For this mentioned reason, this is the reason why this declaration sort , the bad thing about it is that it can cause some problems with the customers because they will want to know more about the buyers, check whether it is reliable or not, which can be annoying. for some users who use this app. 

Be insured that this is not a problem, but rather a security method that Facebook adopts to protect your information, if you prefer not to provide this data.

The main thing that is recommended when viewing this ad is to write directly to the buyer , to ask it for all the necessary information you want to know. On the other hand, the seller will have to answer these questions, what he can do is to create automatic replies , which will allow the buyer to receive a quick response.

To see the information that the hidden information is hiding, you need to enter the Facebook application, find the product post where this statement appears, then press "Share", select "Copy link", then we go to "Google Chrome", once here We paste our link, you wait for the page to load and you will see the hidden information declaration no longer exists, now the information you need will appear.

This happens because the Facebook app is the one that gives the security of hide your personal information, when entering through your browser, this statement is deleted, allowing you to observe all of the seller's information.

If you as a seller when you post an item you see this message, what you need to do is change description quickly, this way the message will not appear to your buyers.

Recommendations to prevent the appearance of hidden information

This statement is solely responsible for the hiding information, if this error occurs, it will be due to the influence of the seller and data that this audience. In order for the statement not to appear, you should follow the following recommendations:

Do not post phone number, to add number, do not specify words (WhatsApp and phone), another way is to put special character in the number as a dot; You can also put the number in several parts. 

You must not publish your e - mails or you can add them in part, try not to post addresses, the best thing to do is to give this information to your customers in private, ie by Messenger.

Other recommendations that you can implement are: At the time of your publication you can write that your data will be provided to customers interested in the product who write to you on Messenger, this will avoid this declaration, it will also avoid inconvenience between your buyers, you can also make an image, where you drop all this information.

You can also consult other publications in Marketplace and guide you through it, in order to create your own posts without error, the best thing to do is to update Facebook to its latest version , so you will see everything new this app has to offer and the progress of the messages you are making.

Why are phone numbers hidden on Facebook marketplace?

On the PC version or the web version of the Marketplace hidden information occurs because this version does not allow the users to make calls. While using the mobile version, you can straight up to see the mobile number without the 'hidden information' button.

How do I open hidden information on the marketplace?

To see hidden info on Facebook Marketplace, you must access the platform from the mobile app instead of using a desktop. You can also access the Facebook mobile interface via desktop to see the seller's contact information. There are different advantages to accessing the marketplace via mobile and web.


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