How to see what blocked number called

You live a busy life. The last thing you need is sales calls, or even worse, calls from scammers. But they can happen from time to time.

That’s why the Block feature on your phone is a great help. It filters out unwanted calls without you having to pause your life to deal with them time and again. But what happens if you’ve blocked a number accidentally or you want to unblock a number? You’ll undoubtedly need to know where to look on your phone to review the blocked contact list.

This article will show you how to find and unblock phone numbers on your Android phone.

Viewing Blocked Numbers from the Phone/Contacts App

There are a few ways to check out your Blocked Numbers list on an Android phone. Each phone UI may have a slightly different version of these instructions. But generally, one of the simplest ways to view your blocked list is to follow the instructions below:

  1. First, go to your phone’s Home screen and open your Phone app. It’s usually a telephone receiver icon unless you personalized it to something else.
    Note: Some Android phones don’t have a separate Phone app. Tapping on this icon may automatically bring up the Contacts list with a keypad for dialing out in the corner. That’s fine for these purposes.
  2. Tap on the three vertical dots in the upper right-hand corner. Of course, you can also go to the device Settings too.
  3. When you tap the three lines or dots, you’ll see another menu appear. This is the Settings menu for your phone. Scroll down until you get to the Blocked Numbers option and select it.
  4. Some Android phones call this same feature Call Blocking or something similar. Tap on the listing that contains the word Block or some variation of it. These are the blocked numbers on your phone.

As you can see, you can also add numbers to the list manually by tapping on the Add option. You won’t receive calls or texts from any number appearing on this list. But if you see a number that was accidentally added, there’s an easy fix for it.

If you’d like to remove a phone number from the blocked list, tap on the “X” to the right of the phone number to remove them from the Blocked numbers list or press and hold the number, then select Remove at the bottom. Your phone may ask you to confirm the block removal first. Confirm the removal, and you’ll start receiving calls and texts from that number again.

Viewing Blocked Numbers from the Text App

Another way to view your Blocked Numbers is through your Text app. Here’s what to do:

  1. Tap on the Settings menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. It’s usually represented as three lines or three vertical dots.
  2. When you open the new Settings menu, you’ll see a list of options. Tap Blocked.
    Note: If your phone has Spam Protection, you may see an option to view Spam & Blocked. Click that to see potential spam messages and the phone numbers associated with them.
  3. You can dive further into your Blocked Numbers from this list by tapping on the Settings icon again and selecting Blocked Contacts.
  4. If you don’t have the Spam Protection feature, your phone may simply have the Blocked Contacts option. Tapping on it brings you back to the same page that you see when viewing via your Phone app.

Frequently Asked Questions

The ability to block phone numbers is an excellent feature. If you have more questions about it, keep reading.

Can I block an area code from calling my Android phone?

It may be easier to block the entire area code if you’re receiving calls (especially spam calls) from a specific area code. Unfortunately, there isn’t a native option to block area codes on Android. However, you can download a third-party app from the Google Play Store.

How do I add new numbers to my blocked list?

If you want to add more numbers to your blocked list, there are a few ways. Also, depending on which phone model you’re using or which version of Android you’re running, the instructions may vary slightly.

First, you can add a number directly from the calling app. Tap on the number you’d like to block and tap on the i icon. From here, you’ll see the option to block the number.

Another option is to block the number from the blocklist itself. As mentioned briefly above, you can add numbers to the blocklist from the Settings. Tap on the + icon, or tap Add, then input the phone number.

Lastly, you can block numbers from the texting app. Often times you’ll receive text messages from numbers that aren’t phone numbers. Fortunately, blocking numbers from the texting app is quite simple. Open the message and tap on the three vertical dots in the upper right-hand corner. Then, tap on Block Contact.

Can I remove a phone number from the blocklist?

Absolutely! You can easily remove a phone number from the blocklist by using the instructions above to locate the phone number. Then, tap on the sign next to it.

With Great Power…

One last word about putting numbers on your Block List:

That contact can’t call or text you, but it works both ways.

You can’t call or text them either.

Before you decide to banish someone to that Blocked Numbers list, think carefully. Are you certain the number belongs on that list?

Banishing someone may be an easy solution for the moment. But you might miss out on potentially important calls in the future.

Have you ever had to block a number on Android? Did you use the methods outlined above? Let us know in the comment section below.

Disclaimer: Some pages on this site may include an affiliate link. This does not effect our editorial in any way.

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Missing Device

Can you find out who called from a blocked number?

With TrapCall, you can unmask these blocked numbers and find out exactly who's calling you from No Caller ID. That means their phone number, name, and even their address. Plus, with TrapCall you can even blacklist the unmasked phone number to prevent them from continuing to harass you.

How do I see blocked call logs?

Blocked calls will have a small red lightning bolt to the left of the phone number. Firewalled calls are either Blocked or Screened calls. Screened calls that are not known robocallers but are also not in your whitelist are sent to voicemail. These calls will show a grey lightning bolt next to the number in Recents.

Can you see if a blocked number has tried to contact you?

The blocked caller goes to voicemail. And you can see a list of blocked calls by tapping the Voicemail option in the Phone app.

How do you see missed calls from blocked numbers on iPhone?

Go to Settings > Phone and tap Blocked Contacts to see the list.


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