How to see what posts someone likes on instagram

How can I see what pictures My boyfriend likes on Instagram?

Simply click on the search bar at the top of the web page or app and type 'photos liked by' followed by your partner's name. This will then bring up a selection of photos liked by the person. The search option can bring up photos in any order so you might see older pictures first.

How can you see someone else's likes on Instagram?

In general, you can find a post's likes below it on Instagram. To see how many likes a post of a video has, first tap the view count below the video. From there, you can see the number of likes a video has and who's liked it.

How can I see what posts My girlfriend likes on Instagram?

How to Check Someone Else's Instagram Likes.
Click on this person's Instagram profile..
Select “Following” to see all of the profiles they're following..
Click a profile they're following..
View that profile post's likes to see if the person liked any of them..


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