How to unhide post on facebook app

Facebook has so many features that improve its flexibility — in terms of user satisfaction. Now, do you have content that was once on your timeline that you’d love to unhide?

If your answer is “yes” to that question, then you accessed the right page. Follow us as we disclose the guide on how to unhide posts from timeline on Facebook app.

Let’s proceed.

After you check the steps to get this done, you must be sure that it’s something you really want to do. As for somebody who’s intentional about his/her reputation — you may want to ask yourself, “does this post I want to unhide fit my personality?”

It’s imperative that you take your time and run a complete analysis on that content before you decide to unhide. Sometimes, unhiding a post can attract adverse implications. Having said that, and before we move to outline the steps you must follow to unhide, let’s look at a few reasons to unhide a post.

Reasons To Unhide A Post(s)

Facebook users can’t have the same reason they want to hide a post. You may have hidden the post(s) in the past because of how much it mars your reputation, and for others, it could be because of sensitive data the post contained. Those reasons are very valid to hide a post.

Maybe, after some time, you may find a need to reconsider the decision you took in the past to hide your data — and unhide it because:

  • • You did not deliberately carry out the process of hiding your post. We can use something as an example: let’s say a Facebook user mistakenly gets rid of a video or photo. What does that mean? It simply means that you should have no business trying to get it back.
  • • You now think the data you once thought was “sensitive” is not sensitive anymore. If that particular post contains offensive, controversial, or awkward written by another user — it’s best you avoid unhiding the video or photo to protect your online reputation.
  • • There’s that one thing that happened in the past that you want your audience to see again. Maybe, there was a time in the past when your emotions got the better of you, and you thought it was best to hide a couple of memories from your timeline.

As those emotions lost their grip on you, you decided that it was time to put up those memories again. What have we been trying to say? You must be hundred-percent certain that bringing back your data on your timeline is something you want to do.

Remember, it’s the reputation you have built over the years that you should always put into consideration whenever you decide to unhide a post.

If the post is an educational one — and you removed it before because you want people to pay for the information — you can unhide it, too.

How To Unhide A Post On Facebook Timeline On Mobile App

If you have made up your mind that you need those posts showing up on your timeline again, but you can’t figure out how — this section covers a guide for mobile app users.

Let’s proceed:

Step 1: Launch The App & Locate Activity Log

While it can be easy to access the app, not everyone knows how to find the “Activity Log” section. You can locate the Activity Log in two different ways.

  1. 1. Through your profile: tap the three dots located close to the “Add to Story” and beneath your name. What this means is that you’ll have to open the Profile Settings to be able to find the “Activity Log.”
  2. 2. Through your settings: At the bottom, you’ll find F. Tap that letter to open the menu where you will see the Settings option. Next, click on Settings, and after that, scroll down until you see “Your Information.”

Under that, choose Activity Log. The incredible thing about the Settings section is that you can use the “search” feature to locate stuff quickly.

Step 2: Find The Hidden Content. Unhide It.

This is where you’ll see how to unhide that content you’ve hidden in the past.

  • • Patiently scroll down in search of the section that reads “Logged actions and other activity.” After that, select the “Hidden from timeline” option.
  • • Go through the list that contains hidden contents.
  • • Look for that specific post you want to unhide, and when you see it, click on the three dots positioned right next to the post. Then, select the image you wish to unhide.

How To Unhide A Facebook Post Using A PC

You may already be asking, “since I’m a PC user, how do I unhide a Facebook post?” That’s the crux of what we have below. It’s similar to the steps we touched on above (when you’re doing it on mobile).

Step 1: Go To & Find Activity Log

The first thing to do would be to log on to the website, After entering the URL, use your login credentials to gain access to your Facebook account.

There are just two fast and easy-to-follow ways to find the Activity Log.

  1. 1. You will see a menu in the righthand corner of your screen (the menu can be identified by its shape, a triangle). Click on that menu, and when it drops, select “Settings and Privacy.” Then, you should be able to see the Activity Log.
  2. 2. The second way you can find your Activity Log is by going to your profile page and clicking on the three dots. Those three dots are located on the right, below your name, and when it drops as a menu, hit Activity Log.

Step 2: Find Those Hidden Posts & Manage Them

You’d have to scroll down until you find “Logged actions and other activity.” Under that, you’ll see “Hidden from Profile.” Click on “Hidden from Profile,” and you will find a complete list of the content not showing on your timeline.

Locate the video, photo, or text you’ve always wanted to unhide. When you locate them, tap the three dots sitting close to it. Then, give your friends another chance to see those posts you have hidden for a long time.

How To Unhide A Tagged Photo On Facebook

It’s not just about the posts you made; how about the ones you were tagged into? Let’s say someone uploaded an image and thought you should be tagged on it — but when you saw it, you just didn’t like the picture. So, you settled for taking it off your timeline [hiding it].

Have you changed your mind about hiding that post you were tagged to, and you want to bring it back? We have shared how to get that done:

1. Go to your Facebook account and hit the button with your name and picture, and it’s at the top-right corner of the page.

2. Until you find “Recent Activity,” don’t stop scrolling down.

3. Now, you must unlock the Hidden Activity option — and before you can do that, you’d have to look at the top-right corner to locate the pencil-shaped icon. Found the icon? Click on it.

You will see the “recent hidden” activities at that place.

4. Do you want to ensure that a photo becomes visible again? Go around the tagged photo, and you’ll see the “x” positioned next to it. Click that “x.”

Don’t forget to save the changes you make.

How Do You Unhide Comments On Facebook

So, you have hidden a Facebook comment before — and you have always thought there’s no way you can retrieve [unhide] the comment. In addition to the main topic of this article, which is “How To Unhide Posts From Timeline On Facebook App,” we want to, as a bonus, cover how you can unhide comments on Facebook.

Let’s assume that you have a pressing need to showcase a comment that’s been hidden for a while; here’s how you can go about it:

  • • The first step would be to locate those pages you manage. How do you locate them? Check at the top-right corner of your screen, and you’ll see a triangle there. The pages will show after the menu drops down; they’ll show at the top.
  • • Tap the page.
  • • Try to locate the comments that are hidden or greyed out.
  • • Select the three dots in order to open the menu. After you have opened the menu, select “Unhide A Comment.”

This way, it’s easy to bring back discussion topics or positive reviews.

How To Unhide Posts From Timeline On Facebook App – Conclusion

It’s really a plus to know how to unhide posts from timeline on Facebook app and others. Why? You’ll be able to let people into your memories and stand a chance to get even more engagements.

You know, many people may not have seen a childhood photo of you. Imagine unhiding one you posted some time ago. We hope you had a nice time going through this article.

Thanks for reading.