How to write a 2 week notice letter to employer

If you’re leaving your current position, or plan to in the near future, you want to walk away with your professional relationships intact. One important step is to write a solid resignation letter or two weeks’ notice letter.

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Whether you’re a full-time employee, part-time employee, temporary worker, volunteer, or independent contractor, it’s wise to craft a resignation notice to present to your employer. Below we discuss the importance of a resignation letter and what you should include when writing one, with some templates to guide you.

Why Submit a Resignation Letter?

Regardless of the type and size of the organization you’re working for, submitting a two weeks’ notice letter is standard practice—it’s the professional thing to do. Providing a notice will help you avoid burning bridges by remaining in the good graces of your manager and the organization. A resignation letter also provides your employer with time to develop a plan to support your transition out and find your successor.

Before you provide your notice in writing, communicate your intent to leave verbally with your supervisor first. Then, follow up with your resignation letter per the organization’s policy and guidelines. It’s also a good gesture to let your colleagues know of your intent to leave once you’ve shared it with your manager verbally and in writing.

Should You Address Your Reason for Leaving?

In short, it’s up to you if you want to share the reason you’re leaving the company. When employees do choose to share why they’re leaving, some reasons they cite include:

  • Job or career change
  • Retirement
  • Career advancement
  • Continuing education
  • Spousal relocation
  • Personal reasons, such as family or medical caregiving

When Is the Best Time to Give Notice?

Businesses typically request two weeks’ notice once employees decide to leave. To remain professional and in the good graces of management and the organization, employees typically make an effort to provide such notice.

You might be in a situation where you can only give a brief or last-minute notice. Or, you might be able to provide a longer notice. Whatever your timing is, it’s important to communicate your resignation both verbally and in writing.

When considering when to give notice, your personal circumstances also come into play. For example, what if you are concerned that your employer will march you directly out the door as soon as you communicate your decision to leave? In that case, you might wait to give notice closer to your last day, especially if you need the income before you begin your next position.

How to Write a Two Weeks’ Notice Letter—the Basics

Like any business correspondence, resignation letters include some basic foundational information:

  • Announcement of intent to leave and official last day
  • Thank you
  • Snapshot of your time with the organization (optional)
  • Handoff and transition discussion
  • Well wishes
  • Closing and personal contact information

Announcement of Intent to Leave

The key section of your two weeks’ notice letter is the announcement of your intent to leave. It should be at the start of the letter and include the name of the company, your title, and your last day of employment. Be direct and concise.

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Please accept this letter of resignation from my position as [Title] at [Company Name]. My last day with the organization will be [last day of employment].

Thank You

Following your announcement of intent to leave, it’s good to include a “thank you” section that highlights your appreciation.

Thank you for the privilege to work with [name of company].

Snapshot of Your Time With the Organization (optional)

Further, you might also choose to include how the time with the organization helped your career or how much you enjoyed working with your teammates. You can opt to go into more specifics about your time with the organization, including how your experience will support your future career aspirations, as well.

I have greatly appreciated the opportunities granted to me over the past [number of years] years.

While working with the team, we have completed several projects to be proud of, including [a few examples of projects and accomplishments]. These experiences will prove invaluable as I move forward in my career.

Handoff and Transition

To remain professional, you want to offer to support the transition and handoff of duties and responsibilities before your last day.

During my final days with the organization, please let me know how I can best support the transition, including handing off duties and responsibilities and training to a successor.

Closing and Personal Contact Information

Lastly, provide your closing sentiment and personal contact information.

It would be great to remain in touch. My personal cell phone number and email address are [your phone number and email address].

I wish you, the team, and the organization continued success.


[Your Name]

Resignation and Two Weeks’ Notice Templates

Resignation letters are typically submitted by email either as an attachment or within the body of the email. Refer to your organization’s policies and procedures when it comes to submitting your notice. If no policy exists or no guidance is provided, use your discretion as to the best way to send it.

Below are a couple of resignation and two weeks’ notice letter examples that can be used as templates to fit your specific circumstances.

Two Weeks’ Notice Template #1—Hard Copy Letter or Email Attachment

When providing a hard copy or a two weeks’ notice letter or attaching it to an email, include your contact information, the date, company name, and address at the top, as you would with any formal business letter.

Ms. Kelly Smith
123 Audra Drive
Morgantown, WV 26505

March 1, 2022

Attention: Marion Driver
ABC Company
555 Belington Road
Morgantown, WV 26501

Dear Marion,

This letter serves as my official two weeks’ notice for my resignation from my position as Senior Engineer here at ABC Company. My final day of work will be March 15, 2022.

I appreciate the opportunity to advance my career with the company over the past six years. Thank you for fostering a work environment and team where I was able to grow and thrive.

I am available to support the transition for the continuation of my duties and responsibilities. Of course, I will also train my permanent or interim successor and hand off processes and procedures for business continuity.

My contact information is provided above if you have any questions.

I wish you and the company all the best.

Respectfully Yours,


Kelly Smith


Two Weeks’ Notice Template #2—Email Letter

If you send your notice by email, remove your contact information, the date, and company information from the top of the version described above. Begin your letter with the greeting and include a clear subject line, instead. Also include your contact information with your signature at the bottom of the email.

Email Subject: Resignation – Jim Adams

Dear Frank,

The purpose of this letter is to provide my resignation notice from my position here at Work for Truth. My final day will be two weeks from today, on March 30, 2022.

Thank you for the business opportunities provided to me over the past 10 years. I have enjoyed working with an amazing group of coworkers. In my time with Work for Truth, we have completed [examples of projects, systems, and processes implemented] to support the organization’s continued growth. I will carry my experiences and learnings forward throughout my career.

Please let me know what I can do to successfully support the transition, including training my successor and transitioning duties and responsibilities.

I would love to remain in touch. My contact information is below.

I wish you and the company here at Work for Truth all the best.


Jim Adams

Remain Professional

Be gracious and professional from the time you give notice until the time you exit to avoid leaving a bad taste in anyone’s mouth. Though you might be super-excited about your next job opportunity, don’t overdo it by expressing it constantly to those around you, including your manager. Instead, share your appreciation and walk out the door with a professional and positive demeanor on your last day. Best of luck!

How do I write a 2 weeks notice letter?

Please accept this as my formal notice of resignation from XYZ Company. My last day will be September 14, 2022, two weeks from today. I appreciate your support during my tenure here, and I take with me the valuable experiences I have gained over the last six years. It has been a pleasure working with you and the team.

What to say when you give your 2 weeks notice?

Many people are uncertain exactly what to say when giving two weeks' notice, but something simple and to the point is best. Keep your tone complimentary and professional and say something like: “I've so enjoyed working with you here, but another opportunity has presented itself and I've made a decision to move on.”