How to write an email asking for letter of recommendation

Email Template for Asking for a Letter of Recommendation:

Email Subject Line: Reference for [Your Name]

Dear Mr./Ms./Prof. [Reference's Last Name] (If you are writing to a colleague, you can use "Hi [Name]")

I am reaching out to you because I am applying for a new position as [type of role] with [company name]. Part of the application process is to provide letters of recommendation and I would greatly appreciate it if you could write a letter of recommendation for me.

I enjoyed our time working together at [company name] and I learned a lot from you when we collaborated on [project]. With this in mind, I think you would be a great person to vouch for my skills in [key skill area]. I'm currently working as [type of role] and this new job is closely related but will require the [key skills] I developed while working with you.

I will attach my current resume and the job ad to this email for you to review and if you have any other questions, I will be happy to answer them. The deadline for submitting the letter is [date]. I know you are busy, so if this is too soon, I completely understand. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are comfortable writing a letter like this for me.


[Your name].

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation:

1. Carefully choose your references.

Choose your references based on those who know you best. It may seem impressive to have a letter of recommendation from someone who's high up on the corporate ladder, but if they don't know you, it will show. You will want to choose someone who can confidently write about your career and talents in a convincing way. Getting a generic letter of recommendation could ultimately hurt your chances of getting the job.

2. Ask early.

It is generally best to send your request for a recommendation at least 2 weeks before you will need it. This way, your reference will have enough time to properly prepare and write a great recommendation letter.

3. Use a little flattery.

As the saying goes, a little flattery goes a long way. Start off your request by letting your reference know how much you enjoyed working with them, how you value their opinion, or what you've learned from them. However, don't go overboard or you'll come across as insincere.

4. Ask nicely.

Ask for a recommendation in a straightforward way, mentioning the purpose of the letter and the deadline. Be sure to phrase your request politely, as your references are under no obligation to give you a recommendation letter.

5. Provide all the necessary details.

Make it easier for your reference to offer a great recommendation letter by providing the necessary details about the job you are applying for. Also, refresh their memory on your skills and qualifications and make it clear what you are looking for in your recommendation.

To give your reference context, you can include the following information in your request:

  • An updated resume.
  • What you are doing now.
  • What the recommendation is for.
  • Why you're qualified for the position.
  • Any relevant work habits, successes, or skills.
  • The due date for the recommendation letter.

6. Give your reference a way out.

Remember, former colleagues, supervisors, or professors are not obligated to give you a letter of recommendation. You also don't want to force anyone into feeling obligated to give you a recommendation, as that can lead to a half-hearted or outright bad reference. Be sure to give your reference an easy way to decline your request.

Whether you are completing undergraduate or graduate studies, or have earned your degree recently, you will likely want to ask a professor or an academic advisor for a recommendation letter as you begin to apply for jobs. 

College professors, particularly those who have taught you in multiple classes, can provide powerful recommendations for employment and graduate school. After all, they have observed you analyze, write, articulate your views, and present to groups.


Professors can attest to the overall caliber and quality of your work.

Many professors have an abundance of contacts in the professional world, including ex-students and consulting clients, and they usually have a high degree of credibility with these contacts.

Review advice on who to ask for a reference, how to ask, what to include in your request, and examples of reference request letters and emails.

Who to Ask for an Academic Reference

People familiar with your academic work and performance are excellent choices to ask for recommendations as you begin your career. You may not have a lot of related work experience in your chosen field, and your professors can speak about the knowledge and skills you have demonstrated that will help you succeed in the industry you are targeting.

If possible, request a reference letter from a professor or advisor who knows you well and respects your work and character.


Don't request a reference from a professor if you were frequently tardy or absent from the class or did not receive a good grade.

Ideally, choose someone who you've spoken to outside of the classroom—during office hours, for instance, or at departmental activities. 

Also, respect people's schedules—if possible, request a reference letter several weeks in advance of when the semester ends or when you'll need it.  

Even if you already have a positive relationship with your professor, it's important to be tactful when asking for a recommendation. You need to keep in mind that professors teach a great number of students.

Although they may have a very positive general impression of you, the most convincing references will require them to give a fair amount of detail to support their positive assertions. You can help them to accomplish this by supplying some of this detail when you make your request. 

Prepare a Summary Document

Prepare a summary document that lists each course you took with the professor and references any papers or projects that you successfully completed. Include the grade for individual projects as well as the overall grade for the course.


If you have saved a couple of papers that were well-received—those with glowing comments—supply copies of those documents.

Provide Your Resume

Share your resume to give the professor a summary of your extracurricular achievements and your work experience. Describe in writing the types of jobs you're looking for, and the qualifications that you are focusing on. A copy of the job posting will make it easier for your professor to tailor their reference to the position.

Include a Cover Letter

Including a cover letter can help with this process. If possible, point to specific classes or projects where you may have showcased some of the core skills you would like the recommendation to emphasize.

Request a Meeting If Possible

If you're still in school or living near campus, try to arrange a face-to-face meeting with the professor. Ask if the faculty member would be comfortable endorsing you as a candidate for the types of jobs you're applying to, and then ask if you can stop in during office hours or chat over a cup of coffee to discuss the matter further. Then, follow up with an email or letter to your prospective faculty reference with the attached documents.

If that's not possible, a video conversation, phone call, or email exchange works well too.

Be Clear About What You Want

Make sure you state precisely what you are asking them to do, such as to write a general letter of recommendation for your credential file, to write a recommendation for a specific job, or seek their permission to list them as a reference. 

Give as Much Notice as You Can

Give your faculty members as much advance notice as possible. Toward the end of the semester, they may be busy grading papers and exams, as well as writing recommendations for many other students.

What to Include in an Email Request

When sending the email message, include your name in the subject line. (For example: "Joe Smith - Recommendation Request.") 


If you don't know the professor or advisor well, make your connection clear in the email.

For instance, you can say, "I enjoyed your class on XYZ, which I attended in fall 2021" It can also be helpful to include a summary of related coursework and school activities, along with your resume and cover letter. 

The more detailed the information you provide, the easier it will be for the reference writer to endorse you. 

Request for a Recommendation Example

Here's a sample letter asking a professor to provide a recommendation for employment. Download the letter of recommendation template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Recommendation Request Template

Kara Jones
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345

March 19, 2021

Willow Lee
Acme University
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Professor Lee,

I have greatly enjoyed and benefited from the four classes that I took with you over the past three years. I was hoping that you might know me well enough and have a high enough regard for my abilities to write a general recommendation for my credentials file.  

As you can see from the attached cover letter, I am targeting positions in the publishing industry which will draw upon my writing and editing skills, as well as my organizational ability.  

I have included a summary sheet to refresh your memory about some of my key papers, including my senior thesis. I have also attached my resume which will bring you up to date about some of my accomplishments outside the classroom.  

Please let me know if you are comfortable endorsing my candidacy for jobs in the publishing industry. I would be happy to answer any questions and provide further information which will help you to write your recommendation. Can we meet during your office hours to discuss this further?

Thanks so much for all you have done for me and for taking the time to review this request.


Kara Jones (signature hard copy letter)

Kara Jones

Recommendation Request Email Example

Subject: Jessica Angel Recommendation Request

Dear Ms. Jones,

I am writing to you to request that you provide a reference for me as I begin my job search. As you know, I will be completing my graduate studies this spring, and have found several exciting opportunities that I am exploring.

As my undergraduate thesis advisor and mentor, I believe that a reference from you would provide a potential employer with information to recommend me as a school counselor.

If you need any additional information, please contact me via email or phone.

Thank you very much for your consideration and support.


Jessica Angel

Remember to Say Thank You 

Once your professor writes the reference, make sure to send a thank-you note to your reference provider, acknowledging the favor. You can either send a handwritten note or an email. 

Provide Updates on Your Job Search Progress

Keep your faculty members up to date on your job search as it progresses. Make sure to let them know if an employer seems to be ready to conduct a reference check. You should also provide the professor with a job description and copy of your cover letter so they will be prepared should they receive a call.

When you get hired, update your recommender again. They will be thrilled to hear the news, and will be more likely to provide a reference again in the future if they know their reference assisted with a positive outcome.

Key Takeaways

  • College professors can provide strong recommendations for employment and graduate school.
  • Provide faculty members with as much advance notice as possible when asking for a reference.
  • Be sure to send a thank-you note and status updates to your reference provider.

How do you politely ask for a letter of recommendation?

How to request a letter of recommendation.
Choose who you want to write your letters. ... .
Prepare a resume or brag sheet. ... .
Ask in person first. ... .
Send a formal letter of recommendation request. ... .
Follow up before the due date. ... .
Say a final thank you. ... .
Ask early to give ample time. ... .
If you sense hesitation, ask someone else..

How do you ask your boss for a letter of recommendation via email?

Dear [Recipient Name], I'm writing to request a letter of recommendation from you regarding the time I spent working with you at [Company Name]. Between [Date] to [Date], I worked under your supervision as a [Job Title] at the [Company Branch Name/Location]. I'm in the process of applying for a [Job Title] position.