How to write an email to professor for recommendation letter

Written by Coursera • Updated on Aug 10, 2022

A strong letter of recommendation can be the deciding factor in getting into your desired school or landing your dream job.

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When you apply for admission to a university, a job, or a scholarship, you may be asked to include letters of recommendation. These letters, typically written by teachers, counselors, or managers, are meant to vouch for your qualifications and character.

A strong recommendation allows the person reviewing your application to get to know you beyond your resume, giving a more complete picture of who you are and what motivates you.

Looking for a letter of recommendation request template? Find one here.

What are letters of recommendation for?

Letters of recommendation frequently appear as a requirement on college applications. You’ll usually need one to three of these reference letters when you’re applying for an undergraduate program or, sometimes, graduate school.

Job applications more commonly require a list of references, rather than a reference letter, but you may see this requirement show up from time to time. Even if a job application doesn’t require a recommendation letter, attaching one to your cover letter or application could give you a competitive edge over other applicants. 

Watch this to learn more about what a letter of recommendation is, and what makes a letter effective.

Schools want to hear from you, so they require an essay. But they also want to hear from what other people have to say about you, so they require letters of recommendation.

How to request a letter of recommendation

It’s totally normal to feel nervous about asking for a letter of recommendation. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, it’s a normal part of the application process. With a bit of preparation, you can maximize your chances of getting stellar recommendations.

1. Choose who you want to write your letters.

The most effective recommendation will come from someone who knows you well and can speak to your character on a personal level. Make a list of several people who you could ask. You’ll probably only need three, but it’s always a good idea to have backups in case something falls through.

If you’re applying to college, consider asking a teacher and your high school guidance counselor. Choose teachers of classes where you performed well (and who you had good rapport with). Teachers you had during your junior or senior year will have the freshest memories of you (and are likely more accustomed to writing such letters). 

Many college applications require at least one letter from your guidance counselor. If you don’t know this person well, don’t be afraid to make an appointment so they can learn more about you. 

If you’re working on a grad school application, your letters will likely come from one or more of your professors. Ideally, ask professors who are in the same field as the program you’re applying to. If you’re a working professional currently applying to go back to school, your options include bosses and mentors, colleagues, or former professors with whom you had a good relationship. 

When you’re applying for a job, your former managers or supervisors often make the best letter writers. The closer the former job aligns with the role you’re applying for, the better.  If you decide to ask a current or former coworker, try to choose someone with more years of professional experience than you. They’ll be able to endorse you with greater authority.

2. Prepare a resume or brag sheet.

One of the best ways to get a strong recommendation is to make it easy for the person doing the writing to highlight your accomplishments and personal strengths. One easy way to do this is by providing a copy of your academic transcripts and resume to the person writing your letter. 

If you’re still in school and don’t yet have a resume, you can make what’s called a brag sheet instead. This is a concise list that highlights your qualifications and best characteristics. Make sure to include:

  • The courses you took with this teacher or professor and the grade you received

  • One or two of your top attributes with examples of how you’ve demonstrated them in class or at work

  • Your overall GPA, test scores, and top academic accomplishments

  • Extracurricular activities or volunteer work you’ve done

  • Work experience

  • A short blurb about your goals for the program or position you’re applying for

While it might feel a little awkward to brag about yourself, remember that this is the time to show off your hard work and celebrate your wins.

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3. Ask in person first.

Before you send a formal, written request for a letter of recommendation, speak with each individual in person. Preparing what you’ll say ahead of time can help you feel more calm and confident. Explain what it is you’re applying for and why you’re asking this person to recommend you. 

You’re asking for a favor, but the people who know you well probably want you to succeed and will gladly do what they can to help. Teachers and professors in particular are used to writing these letters—it’s sometimes even a part of their job description.

4. Send a formal letter of recommendation request.

After you’ve confirmed your request in person, email a formal written request to each individual who has agreed to write your recommendation. Feel free to use the template below to guide your writing. When you send your request, also include:

  • Information on the position or role you’re applying for

  • Details about how and when the letter should be submitted

  • An updated resume or brag sheet 

  • A pre-addressed, stamped envelope (for letters that need to be sent by mail)

  • A sample letter (if requested)

5. Follow up before the due date.

Follow up with a polite reminder a week or two before your letters are due. This is a good opportunity to thank them for writing the letter and offer to send any additional information they may need.

6. Say a final thank you.

It’s common courtesy to send a short thank you note to each individual who wrote a letter on your behalf. Express your appreciation for their support with a mailed handwritten note or email. And be sure to update your recommenders with the good news when you’re accepted to the role. 

Tips for getting the best letters of recommendation

Ask early to give ample time.

Teachers and faculty members sometimes get inundated with requests to write recommendation letters around the time when college application deadlines roll around. Asking well in advance will allow them to spend some time and attention on your letter. For professional recommenders, try to ask three weeks in advance.

Tip: Applying for college? Ask your teachers for a recommendation at the end of your junior year and you’ll be well ahead of schedule.

If you sense hesitation, ask someone else.

There are many reasons someone may not feel comfortable writing a letter of recommendation for you. And it may not have anything to do with you or your qualifications. This person might not feel like they know you well enough or cannot speak to the skills and qualifications of the role you’re applying for. 

You want letters of recommendation that vouch for you without hesitation. If someone hesitates or turns down your request, you’re better off asking someone else who can write you a strong recommendation.

When you leave a job, ask for a letter of recommendation.

This is especially if you had a positive working relationship with your manager. Get a letter now while the memories of the impact you’ve made are still fresh in your manager’s mind. You’ll have it ready to submit to potential employers.

Letter of recommendation request template

Use this template to get you started on your letter of recommendation request. You can download the template here.

Dear Ms./Mr. [Recommender Name],

I hope you’re well. I’m in the process of applying to [school or company name] and want to ask if you feel comfortable writing a strong letter of recommendation on my behalf.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time as [your relationship to the recommender]. As my [teacher/counselor/manager], I believe you could honestly and effectively vouch for my [list of skills or qualifications] I’ve demonstrated during our time together. 

I appreciate you considering my request. The deadline for submitting the letter is [date]. I’ve attached an updated version of my [resume/brag sheet], as well as the [job posting/admission requirements] and details on how to submit the letter. If you need any additional information, don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Thank you for your time and support.


[Your Name]

[Your phone number]

[Your email address]

Next steps

Applying for new jobs? Take advantage of Coursera’s job search resources to enhance your resume and build your interview skills, and position yourself for a new career.

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Written by Coursera • Updated on Aug 10, 2022

This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

How do you ask a professor for a letter of recommendation via email?

Dear Ms./Mr. [Recommender Name], I hope you're well. I'm in the process of applying to [school or company name] and want to ask if you feel comfortable writing a strong letter of recommendation on my behalf. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as [your relationship to the recommender].

How do I ask a professor for a letter of recommendation sample?

Sample #2 to Request Letter of Recommendation: I enjoyed your class this <semester/quarter/year> so I thought it made sense to ask you. I'm going to begin applying on <due date> so I'm hoping to have a letter ready before then if possible. Is this something you'd be comfortable doing? Thanks for your time!

How do you email a recommendation letter?

Dear [Recipient Name], I'm writing to request a letter of recommendation from you regarding the time I spent working with you at [Company Name]. Between [Date] to [Date], I worked under your supervision as a [Job Title] at the [Company Branch Name/Location]. I'm in the process of applying for a [Job Title] position.

How do you email a teacher for a letter of recommendation for college?

Dear [Teacher's Name], I hope all is well with you. I plan to submit my college applications [on date or in # of days/weeks], so I'm sending a reminder regarding your recommendation letter. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide.


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