I can do all things in christ jesus

What does it mean I can do all things through Christ?

“I can do all things through Christ” is commonly interpreted to mean that you can fulfill any desire you set your mind to. This famous verse is often distilled to simply a personal motivation to get through something tough.

What did Paul mean when he said I can do all things?

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. You can see there, that when the apostle says, I can do all things through Him who strengthens me, he is speaking about contentment. In any circumstance, he had learned to be content by depending on Christ who gave him the strength to persevere in any situation.

What does all things in Philippians 4 13 mean?

In context, "I can do all things" is the ministry that God has sent Paul to do. He can persevere, share the gospel, and be content in any situation. Not on his own, but through Christ who strengthens him.

What does Matthew 11 28 teach us?

If you're tired and struggling, He can give you rest. This also describes the path to God the Father, but it is not one of labor and hard work. Following Jesus frees us from carrying the burden of our own sin because He has already done that work. All we need to do is put our faith, hope, and trust in Jesus.