I just want to sleep all the time and do nothing reddit

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hey friend is 99 the number of your birth year? Stay strong friend. It's okay. Keep fighting. You're young, it's not the end at all. Don't feel like it is. I think, your getting smacked with life right now, but you gotta keep fighting. Make this just a bump in you're life not you're life. Find anything to do that's positive.

Tell me to fuck off if that helps. Use whatever emotion you got and flip it help yourself.

Read motivational quotes, everything. BELIEVE. Even if its for 5 seconds. Go for 10 tomorrow. Baby steps are still steps.

You can do it.

Keep going.

Today's today. Tomorrow's, Tomorrow, Yesterdays was yesterday.

Today is now

Tomorrow is Unkown

Yesterday is over and done.

Keep moving and stay in the now.

Getting out of your head might not fix everything but it can help.

If you keep doing it, the more stay in it.

Keep fighting. It's hard as fuck. But you can do it.

Be honest with yourself. If you need help get it.

Love ya bud.

Respect peace.

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Found the internet!


Posted by1 year ago


I'm on break and I spend my days in my room on my bed and I'm STILL tired. I'm just so tired of being alive and being here. I tried to find a temporary job but to no avail. I'm so tired of being me. I don't want to kill myself but I also don't want to live anymore. I want to live in another.... I don't know. Somewhere I'll feel happier. I feel so not at ease and sad all the time. I hate that I'm on Reddit venting but oh well.

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level 1

I feel exactly the same. I feel tired all the time, even though I sleep my 8 (sometimes even 9 hours) hours a day, I still feel like I just woke up at 5 am in the morning. And same, I don't want to kill myself, however, living has turned into something pointless. I have so many hobbies and so many things that I want to learn, but when I want to do it, BOOM, the thought of life being pointless hits me like a truck, and suddenly I feel like I shit again.

level 1

Well maybe nobody told you this yet but staying in bed all day won't make you less tired. You have to move more, get outside, have a walk, meet a friend or do some sports what ever makes your day. I even watched a youtube video about being always tired because I also feel tired often times. So he said, the more you move the more energy you get. Being active is not only important for your physical but also your mental health! Maybe try helping other people, it at least makes you feel useful and also you might make a new friend. You might feel alone in your situation buy there are bunch of people struggling with life as well and some are able to make it work. Try being grateful for what you have, even if it's not much and don't forget to laugh! You'll find your way, you just have to find your willpower to do better! You deserve it!

level 1

When I used to train most days I always found if I was working the days I trained I had more energy and strength when training as apposed to the days when I was off from work/slept more. Being more active itself gives you energy. Doing nothing makes your body go into survival mode where it'll conserve energy hence why people that are not active get fat. The more you do the more your body will use your food for energy. I very rarely have 8 hours sleep yes I'm always yawning but I still.have the energy

level 1

Our brains telling us we need change,I need to get out of the city,currently looking for farm work

level 1

Yes, I know how you feel. I'm like this all day, everyday. Some times I can't do shit, I just need to sleep. My doctor adjusted my meds because of this, I hope it helps.

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Why do I just wanna lay in bed all day?

Dysania, which isn't medically recognised, isn't just about feeling sleepier than usual – it is a chronic inability to leave bed. Self-proclaimed sufferers can stay in bed for days on end and often experience anxiety at the thought of getting up. They can also feel a "craving" to return to bed once they have left it.

What to do when all you want to do is lay in bed?

Tips for getting out of bed.
Find an accountability partner. Friends and family members can serve as support and a point of accountability. ... .
Rely on a furry friend. ... .
Take small steps. ... .
Focus on successful moments and days. ... .
Bribe yourself with good feelings. ... .
Turn on some tunes. ... .
Shed some light. ... .
Work in threes..

How can I stop staying in bed all day?

What to Do When You Can't Get Out of Bed.
Open the Curtains and Let Some Light in. ... .
Put Your Feet on the Floor, One Foot at a Time. ... .
Think of One Positive Thing. ... .
Play Some Music. ... .
Make a Plan. ... .
Put Your Alarm Clock Out of Arm's Reach. ... .
Ask a Friend or Family Member to Hold You Accountable..


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