Mom makes daughter eat her pussy

September 29, 2022

I would like to say "too much swearing" but it's very representative and takes more of a "know your audiance" approach as to when language is loosely swaring and voluger language is amunst teen peers.

There is language to be aware of and references to oral sex. The characters are representative of a good portion of current teenage society which makes them exceptionally relatable. The main character doesn't love school and has a low-energy personality. Another aspect that many teens can relate to. The value in the illustrations of friendship, creativity, support, understanding that we are not all afforded the same loving environment to grow up in, etc far outway any vulgar language. This book puts needed information into a relatable context.

This title has:

Educational value

Great messages

Great role models

April 15, 2022

Excellent book

This is an great book looking at the challenges of a young man simply growing up. The akwardness of navigation the teen years. Having a friend who needs some guidance and shelter of another family. The breif moments of bad language just help illustrate the background of the character.

This title has:

Educational value

Great messages

April 13, 2022

Fun, lively, easy to read with some good life lessons

I read this after seeing the movie, since the book is usually better, and it is. It's vulgar, sure, and funny and touching. Even the ending isn't totally predictable. The teens talk about sex but they're all virgins and stay that way. A character's older brother hid pot in his room before leaving home and there's a silly misadventure with that, but nothing that's going to make a kid who's never smoked suddenly decide to start. Being high doesn't make anyone look or feel cool and they end up never wanting to do it again. I especially like this book for teens because it shows the primary characters being creative and kind to each other, forming close, healthy friendships, and being supported by loving, involved parents with whom they share a tight bond. The narrator is kind of a downer, especially at first, but ultimately everything he and his friends go through, with the exception of leukemia, is a pretty normal, healthy part of growing up.

This title has:

Educational value

Great messages

October 7, 2021

Soooo inappropriate for children

Author writes about eating pussy!! So not appropriate for children!!!

April 28, 2021

This book is one of my favourites

I let my 10-year-old read this and he loved it but there was a lot of swearing and he promised not to say them and he never has (he's 13 now)

November 7, 2019

This is NOT a YOUNG adult book.

I was asked to read this book as part of my high school's media committee. First impression - the book started off so negative, I could hardly bring myself to continue reading. The main character believes that everything “sucks” and it’s full of harsh high school stereotypes that I *really* don’t want my own child to buy in to. Next impressions - the explicit language and crude comments were nothing short of shocking. I had to keep asking myself - is this really meant for young adults??? I don’t want to read this kind of language even in an “adult” book! Final impressions - after making my way through the entire book, I can say it was a creative, well-told story. The characters (especially Earl) were fun and interesting; in the end, we saw the main character (Greg) finally display some understanding of the significance of the death of the girl. With that said, I would be HORRIFIED for my son to read this book. The vulgar language and the casual references to sex, online pornography, eating pussy … the list goes … are off-the-charts unacceptable. I’m sure there are people who will say,”there’s nothing in this book that high school kids don’t already know.” My response - that still doesn’t make it okay. Really heartbreaking that this is considered "award winning, young-adult" literature. Even more heartbreaking - that another reviewer listed this as 5 stars and okay to read at 13 years old.

This title has:

Too much sex

Too much swearing

June 13, 2019


Found this on my local library’s shelf in the Young Adult section. My daughter picked it up because she had heard it was a good book. Glad I started looking through it out of curiosity. This book contains soft porn descriptions of oral sex and female genitalia. PROLIFIC language . I know this is written from the perspective of a teenage boy but the content I just referred to is completely unnecessary and takes away from the story line. Not every teenage boy thinks/talks this way. This book is very adult and it was highly concerning to me that my local library did not put a warning label to give parents the option of screening it before their pre-teen/teen checked it out. So parents, here is your warning label!

This title has:

Too much sex

Too much swearing

February 11, 2018


First, I can't believe we've set the bar so low that a story of a dying girl can be used to smother in literary porn. But that's exactly what this is. Sure, there will be those who say "but that's how teenager talk and think" without asking if this is how they want their teenager to talk and think. So can this book be redeemed simply because it has a story buried beneath a mountain of filth. I would say no, stay away from it. This book will not "open your child's mind" it will only fill it with sewage.

This title has:

Too much sex

Too much swearing

Too much drinking/drugs/smoking

November 1, 2015

Not for Middle Schoolers

I will admit I have not read the whole book, but I felt I needed to add a review to complement the previous review. I was alerted to this book when I saw a group of middle schoolers huddled around it. I looked at the page they were reading and the sexual reference on it was something I didn't know about until I was in college. I know kids grow up fast these days, but the book is written from the perspective of a boy who is a senior in high school, so includes thoughts and language of an older high school boy. While the book may be very well written, parents I would advise you to read the book yourself... especially if you plan to let your 13 year old read this.

December 13, 2014

Quality Read

This book, while it does contain some mature content, is a very worthwhile read. Students today deal with difficult issues on a daily basis, and as an educator I feel that it is important to share books with students that allow them to feel a connection to others dealing with similar things. To encourage students to develop a love of reading, they need to have exposure to books that challenge them or make them think about ideas in a different way. Despite some profanities, this book is unarguably a quality read that will grab students who don't typically gravitate towards reading.